Drinking is a very personal and often sensitive subject. The decision to accept drinking can be for many reasons for health, emotional healing, and often rooted in two mixtures. The reason is unique to individuals and is formed by their living experience. If someone chooses drinking, you can nurture emotions to others who may have difficulty in relation to alcohol.
All stories of drinking are valid. I share my thoughts from my journey and fully recognize that my path may not be like you. My experience does not define drinking as a whole, but does not reduce or disable your experience.
Data indicates American alcohol consumption change。 At the beginning of the year New health advisor It has been issued to link alcohol consumption to an increase in cancer risk. Culturally, our relationship with drinking is expanding. This is what my drinking looks like today.
Relationship with alcohol
I am 18 years old and at the first house party. It’s my high school year. My friend and I came up with it in a group of men in their third graders. I stand on the far -end of the beer pon table in the swamp and have a red cup. I was afraid, and I swallowed a beer lukewarm barrel. No one other than me monitor or judge.
I grew up with fear of drinking alcohol. My parents and my long -term boyfriend made it a devil. I rarely saw my parents drinking other than my father’s beer. So, drinking was synonymous with everything. As I traveled to Ireland as a prettyine in the 90’s, I looked at the age with Guinness with Guinness and sat in the bar with my parents.
There are memories of grandparents. Trump that sashes mirror light and butter Chardonnay and eats tortilla chips. Their laughter is synonymous with my happy childhood. This is a rarely, good and amazing sense of unity. Today, the smell of the salty chips is all returned home.
By the end of the summer of the 18th, the beer means another kind of unity. The beer in my hands was connected, security, and confident. It was the key inside the place where I had not yet accessed it, a gateway that is easy to relax, and once in a lifetime.
When I entered an adult, I couldn’t imagine the future without it.
The relationship with alcohol was ambiguous. At the age of 25, I frequently turned black in the month until my first marriage. But I always had a “off” switch. I wasn’t worried that I would forget it when it was enough.
In my thirties, there was a time when the lottery for drinks was attractive. We bought wine in a batch between pandemic and through our early child -rearing year. Wine was a daily ritual.
Many of my social life are developing mainly sake. Wine as an activity. Wine as a unified person. Joe and I fell in love with the drink and never thought about Martini on weekdays, so I had a friend who decided to go calmly. This created the feeling that we were worried about losing contact. Thankfully, drinking friendship has not been lost.
I heard the story of those who once found themselves outside of their intimate friendship due to the vulnerabilities of friendship built around the sake from those who were not given a seat on the dinner table. I was hurt. When I asked about life without alcohol, they were as rich and tasteful as all the high -tasteful feeling that my eyes were associated with both alcohol and my relationship. I turned my eyes.
The beer at hand was no longer an admission ticket. Drinking has provided a way to access deeper connections.
Why did you decide to stop drinking?
This is also ambiguous. There was a health reason to stop. After that, there was a more deep subconscious reason. When I stopped drinking in November, it was fraudulent, without notice, I was driven by something I didn’t really understand at the time. I felt like a vent because I had been drinking more than ever.
A few weeks later, I understood that my motivation came from my desire to take the necessity. I wanted to opt out what I didn’t know how to opt -out. Learn a little external thing that makes up my life in the backburner and learn to be with my part that I don’t like.
This was all to create a space to experience human emotions in every range without damper or distraction. When I mark a year on a new therapy journey, I am finally making a big leap, not by unleashing the past. I can look at my pattern and handle them clearly.
I want to change the best opportunities as possible.
A few weeks later, I understood that my motivation came from my desire to take the necessity. 。 。 。 This was all to create a space to experience human emotions in every range without damper or distraction.
How did you feel the drinking?
Many people have a complex relationship with drinking. Also, I had to face something I didn’t drink. I am compassionate. In a specific friendship, drinking was a major part of how we are socialized, and I was worried that I would not be invited to things. But I am calm and I still like being around alcohol. For me, it doesn’t have to be so black and white.
The ritual of drinking drinks is the one I miss and is filled with N/A beer and cocktails. The best part is to find a lot of wonderful non -alcohol options. I’m having fun Exercise brewing,, Gear,, Dry witand Heineken 0.0。
How the future looks like
When I stopped drinking, except that I wanted to get over a calm holiday, I didn’t keep the end date in mind.
After Christmas, I shared some drinks with a friend with a friend while I was in Mexico. When I stepped into this gray area, I felt too early. The next day, a drink raised a ham with a brain fog and a low irritable ham, which was more than I wanted to experience. It was clear that the exam was not functioning better than drinking a little bit.
And that’s why I just didn’t drink.
I am aware that this drinking period helps me to harmonize my relationship with avoidance. I don’t think I’ll refrain from drinking alcohol indefinitely, but when I chose not to drink, I have been strengthening my kind of self -esteem that I have been missed for a while.
Eventually, I may decide to drink wine again and not drink for a few weeks. I realize that I probably equally identify “sometimes” drinking. But I don’t think about the future. No matter what happens, I’m leading my body and intuition. You will see what is above.

Kate is the founder of Wit & Delight. She is currently learning how to play tennis and is forever Tested her creative muscle boundaries。 Follow her on Instagram @witandDelight_。
Source: – witanddelight.com