Get a heart -shaped crystal, manifest journal, and stargazer! The universe predictions on February 3-9 have landed, and the stars provide seriously painful energy. Venus is Sashay on a fierce Aries as he owns the place, but Jupiter has finally woke up from a nap that goes backwards with chat gemini. And trust me.
Look at you here, Leo: Your natural magnetism will be full volume this week, and those who think you all understand you are the best possible ways as possible. You may be aware of it. On the other hand, Aries, the energy of your protagonist passes through the roof, and the universe actually hands the microphone. So what is your big opening line? And if you are dating Capricorn? They are free from the regular script and are trying to shake their love life in a way that can blow off your shock wave to you.
Inside: This week’s personal love map of the universe will complete practical advice beyond “trust the universe” (although it is not a bad advice). situation. Are you ready to find out how these celestial movements are trying to change your love life? Let’s decode the love story of the universe …
Revolution of love
- Revolutionary of Love: The green light of your universe for the bold movement of love. On Tuesday, Venus in Aries is the best time to wipe out the hesitation and chase what you want (and who). That secret crash? They may be more interested than you think.
- Deep diving: As the intense, meaningful connections on Friday, the fly turns into a deeper one. A simple conversation can cause a deep bond. This is not only the charm of the surface, but also the real love.
- Perfect storm: Space power duo for clearness and commitment. Sunday sun and mercury meetings bring insights of relation, and Mars and Saturn are useful for building permanent things. The best day to define (or deepen) your love story.
Aries (March 21st -April 19)
Your sparks are trying to magic。 Venus in your sign is like getting a space megaphone. Suddenly, everyone can hear your desire in your heart. The universe is giving the main character’s energy this week, so what about your opening line? On Friday, the conversation can change into something delicious and unexpected. Professional hints: Feeling of the nervous butterfly? It’s a way to know that you are finally playing big enough.
Taishiza (April 20 -May 20)
Slow love is still love, but probably a little speed. Awakening Jupiter shakes a retrograde dust in your communication department, and suddenly the textured textbooks turn into a real conversation. The twist of the plot is that the person who zoned a friend may be worth the second appearance. By the end of the week, you will sometimes notice that the best love story starts with “I have never thought …”
Gemini (May 21st -June 20)
The two hearts are better than anything else, but three are parties. Your ruler Mercury will be comfortable with great ideas, and your heart will start to rotate with enthusiasm. By Wednesday, secret worshipers may no longer be so secret. The stars match the magnificent romance on the weekend. But the problem is as follows: Are you ready for your commitment? If Venus and Pluto cooperate on the 7th, expect DMS to be interesting and romance bloom in a place you do not expect, GEMINI!
Cancer (June 21st -July 22)
The house is a heart, but an adventure is a place to grow. Imagine this: You will get out of your comfortable zone, and your sign will harmonize with Saturn and create a perfect safety net. Do you still feel brave? Your mind may surprise you with a new love story or a romantic gesture from a partner if you are involved. Either way, this week has a lot of passion and intense emotions!
Leo (July 23 -August 22)
Your spotlight has taken the spotlight. Leos will notice that Leos is immersed in excess doses of charisma anywhere, as Venus amplifies natural shine. It is impossible to ignore your existence, whether you are in the room or just your real self. And there is a scoop here. “Just a friend” may start to see you in a completely new light that was attracted to your shine’s magnetic energy.
Virgo (August 23 -September 22)
Perfection is boring and the real thing is magnetic. The beloved virgo, this week, the stars have given you a cosmic permit, let go of unexpected things and accept them. Stops the excess analysis of the text. No dissertation is required. Trust the butterflies in your stomach -they know what they are doing. Someone will surprise you. They may exceed your cautious expectations. And yes, break your own rules (just a little) -It can be colored outside the line. Is there anything you think too much? Just do it. You have this.
Libra (September 23 -October 22)
When love is on the line, the balance is overrated. Your dominant planet Venus is playing well, telling you that you can enter the fierce Aries and sometimes start with a small confusion. Think more about “pursuing the impulses of the heart of the heart” without thinking too much about “carefully weight options”. Friday brings a true moment: Are you ready to choose passion rather than polite?
Scorpio (October 23 -November 21)
The deeper you dive, the more treasures you find. This week, Venus and PL Royal are stirring powerful energy in your love life, bringing mysterious charms to the forefront, deepening emotional connections. The secrets may be clear, and the unexpected truth may change your perspective, but you are more ready for this change than you think. The strength you feel is not unilateral, it is mutual, which is set for something deep.
Sagittarius (November 22 -December 21)
The adventure is calling, and this time it’s romantic。 The weather in the universe this week brings a clear sky on Monday and is ideal for honest and open conversation. By Wednesday, look forward to the possibility of a frivolous encounter that playful exchanges can stimulate something more. On Friday, we set a bold movement stage and encourage the leap of religion, but on weekends we promise that passion and excitement will fly as the air fills the air. Note: If you use Jupiter’s direct movement, you may feel the attractive impulses of booking two tickets.
Capricorn (December 22 -January 19)
The best foundation is built based on trust and timing。 This week, Capricorn, your mission is to change your love life without the need for a five -year plan created with great care. Alignment in harmony between Mars and Saturn provides the stability you want, but Venus and PL Royal are incorporated into their magic to bring you depth and strength. The clearness of Mercury helps to see things from a fresh perspective and can easily navigate your emotions. The key to success is to let go of your needs to control all details. Please trust the process. As a bonus challenge, please say Jesus for something voluntary this week. You may be surprised how much it is released.
Aquarius (January 20 -February 18)
Being strange is your superpower。 This week, Aquarius, your space romance program, has been loaded and has been greatly updated to your love life. The signs of the signing sun and mercury enhance 100 % attractiveness, but Venus in Aries promotes bold movements with a 75 % confidence upgrade. Jupiter’s direct movement increases good luck by 90 %, and MARS-SATURN TRINE adds 85 % stability to the connection. There is one message in the universe. It’s time to upgrade the life of love to version 2.0. Wrap the conversion.
Pisces (February 19 -March 20)
Dreams come true for those who dare to wake up. In the past (this week), Mars and Saturn created a perfect blend of romance and reality. The lesson of the story is not to find the attractive Prince/Princess. That is to notice that you have the magic all the time. Spoiler Alert: If Venus and PL Royal will cooperate on February 7, someone may see you exactly like you. And do you plot the twist? That is exactly what you were waiting for.
Lucky hour and power movements
- Super Bowl Party Power Color: Metallic Gold (for the energy of that winner!)
- West Coast Power Hour: Monday 11:57 pm PST (Venus claims to Aries!)
- This week’s power number: 4, 7, 11 (along with the major transit of this week)
Source: Sasstrology –