Whenever I post a Q&A box on Instagram, I get bombarded with the same questions. One of the most frequently requested topics is clothing organization. “How often do you clean your closet?” How do you decide what to keep and what to throw away? What do you do with things you no longer need? ” I’ve briefly touched on some of these questions in my posts about Organizational Favorites and RealReal, but I haven’t focused much on closet cleaning solutions.
So today I’m going to share details about how I clean out my closet! We’ll explain how often to declutter, how to decide what to keep and what to throw away, a step-by-step process for decluttering everything, and how to effectively declutter your closet. I would also like to mention some of my favorite organizational items.
Whether you’re looking to start the new year with a fresh start or want to do a little mid-year decluttering, this guide has everything you need to complete a successful closet cleanout.
How often should you clean your closet?
How often you clean your closet depends on your lifestyle and shopping habits. As an avid shopper, I commit to cleaning this space at least six times a year. Ideally, you want to review all your clothes, shoes, and jewelry every two months. However, we realize that this may be a little too much for the average person.
No matter what your timeline is, you need to create a rhythm that works for you and stick to it. Be careful not to clean your closet too often or it will feel like a waste of time. However, if you wait too long, you may become overwhelmed by the scale of the project and never complete it. For me, 8 weeks is a good amount of time to strike a balance between not feeling overwhelmed and being productive.
What to throw away when cleaning your closet

Before you start cleaning out your closet, you should have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish. However, I would do not have We recommend aiming to get rid of a certain number of items. This can cause you to purge too little or too much. Instead, I want to follow some strict guidelines to determine what can remain and what should be removed. Let’s dig into what I think you should always throw!
Items that don’t fit
If the item does not fit, it will be automatically placed in the discard pile. The only exception is if you come across an item that can be tailored (an item that you will actually wear after it has been tailored). In this case, set a specific deadline for adjusting these works. Personally, I give myself 2 weeks. Items that don’t fit will be disposed of if you don’t take them to the seamstress by then. If you really love something, two weeks is enough time to take action.
Items that are damaged, dirty, or smelly
Unless the item is sentimental, any item that is damaged, dirty, or smelly must be disposed of. I have a lot of options in my closet. So if something is visibly dirty or broken, it worked for me and it’s time to move on. Again, the only exception here is if the work can be repaired. And the same rules apply. It must be fixed within two weeks or it will be permanently discarded.
Items that no longer fit your lifestyle
A major lifestyle change can affect many areas of your life, sometimes including the way you dress. For example, when I moved from New York to Florida, I did a major closet cleanout. Many of the cold weather items I owned are no longer needed. I haven’t gotten rid of all of them, but I have significantly narrowed down my collection of sweaters, coats, etc. Other lifestyle changes that can lead to closet organization include getting a new job or becoming a parent.
Clothes you haven’t worn in over a year
In most cases, it’s time to say goodbye to anything you haven’t worn in over a year. The only exception to this rule is what I call “archival works.” This is only half a joke. I don’t have a closet big enough to store an archive. But this is a name for a garment or accessory that’s really special to me. Some of these are luxury items or big-ticket items, but the majority are things that I feel are special from a style standpoint, or that are so unique that they’re hard to replace at any price point.
Sometimes we fall into the trap of buying the same styles over and over again. Hey, we love what we love, right? It’s common to buy different variations of your favorite styles. But at some point you have to ask yourself how much is too much? How many striped sweaters can one person own? Do they need 10 straight denims? When organizing your closet, collect similar pieces and decide on two variations that are rarely available. I like it. These are the ones to throw. So no matter what you hoard, think carefully about how you can downsize that part of your closet.
How to avoid excessive purging
For the most part, I fully support getting rid of as much stuff as possible when cleaning out your closet. However, the goal is to be aggressive without purging too much. It’s a very fine line to walk, and I’ve been guilty of getting a little carried away a few times. Here are two tips I’ve learned to help you avoid regrets when cleaning your closet.
Continue to use functional staple items
Sometimes I get carried away and get rid of a lot of things. The problem with this is that I find myself throwing out functional staples that I would need for layering, basic outfits, etc. In the current heat, these items seem boring and do not “inspire joy”, so the habit of letting them go. However, you often end up having to repurchase a similar style. This is clearly not good. So I try to tell myself to enjoy both. and Functional items for organizing your closet!
Please note the items that need to be replaced
We highly recommend keeping a list of “items to exchange” on a note on your phone (or on paper). I started doing this a few years ago and it really helps me keep track of things. For example, let’s say you found a black miniskirt that you always wear. But let’s say it’s looking tired and you’re ready to say goodbye. Don’t just toss the skirt right away, double check to make sure it doesn’t. only A black miniskirt in your closet. If so, add this style to your notes and keep it until you find a replacement. If you don’t, you might regret it.
Step-by-step instructions for cleaning your closet

Once you have a plan for what to keep and what to get rid of, it’s time to start cleaning. The way I see it, the goal of closet organization is to accomplish three things. These include removing the items listed above, physically cleaning the space, and strategically reorganizing items. Here are the steps I take to ensure I achieve these goals.
1. Prepare
There are two things I do to prepare for closet organization. First, make sure you plan enough time to fully complete the project. We know that this process tends to take longer than expected, so when in doubt, schedule more time than expected. Personally, I spend about 4 hours cleaning out my closet.
Next, get physically ready for the day. I always try to have clean, dry hair and no makeup. I’ve found that if I’m wearing makeup or have too many cosmetics in my hair, I don’t feel like trying them on right away. And the goal is to act as quickly as possible.
2. Take everything out
The best way to clean your closet is to get rid of everything. every. single. thing. In full disclosure, I cheat sometimes, but I don’t do this. But I always regret it because things go more smoothly that way. When you delete everything, everything becomes visible, including items hidden in the back. Vacuuming and wiping hard-to-reach areas of your closet will be easier. Plus, if you’re already making a huge mess sorting your clothes, you might as well do your best to sort them correctly.
3. Make 5 mountains
When you start, we recommend making 5 piles. It may seem like a lot, so let’s break it down.
- 1: “Maybe” items — items that I’m completely lost on.
- 2: Goodwill — Items that have gone too far to resell or gift to friends and family.
- 3: Friends and Family — Items you can give to people you think will appreciate it.
- 4: Big-ticket items — new items or items with tags that can be resold on The RealReal (guilty, but not bragging rights). (In this post, I talked about how I shop at The RealReal).
- 5: Local consignment store — Items not good enough for luxury resale.
If it’s a “maybe pile”, it’s a good idea to keep these pieces separate and re-evaluate them the next time you clean. I often find myself not thinking about 75% of these pieces in that two-month period. This will give you more confidence to let them go.
4. Clean your space
Be sure to give the space a good clean before putting everything back in the closet. Wipe all shelves, remove dust from hard-to-reach areas, and vacuum floors.
5. Undo everything
Once you’ve sifted through everything and decided what to keep, put all your clothes, shoes, and accessories back in their place. I like to categorize my closet by style. All skirts should be hung together, all blazers should be in the same section, etc. I find this to be the most efficient way to quickly put together an outfit later on.
Recommended organizing goods for organizing your closet
One of the keys to closet cleaning is having a plan and products to keep your space organized. Actually, I don’t have it. huge It won’t fit in a closet by the creator’s standards, so you need to make the most of the space and keep it incredibly clean. These are some of the tried-and-true organizational products that I’m confident in.
Having a good hanger makes all the difference. I personally love these Made of durable velvet. It may seem silly, but I’m so happy when I open my closet and see everything on my uniform hanger. Sometimes it’s the little things in life!
clothing storage bag
i use these storage tote bag For transporting and storing goods. It really should be called Mary Poppins’ magic bag. I’m always surprised by its size. The handle is long, so you can hang it over your shoulder like a backpack or carry it on your back like a backpack. When organizing your closet, I highly recommend having a few on hand, especially if you rotate your clothes seasonally.
organizer box for jewelry
I use this for costume jewelry organizer tray. It’s not flashy, but I couldn’t find a better one to hold big earrings, big bangles, etc. I also learned that using clear containers makes everything much easier to see.
sunglasses organizer
On a similar note, I use this sunglasses organizer To keep all my sunnies. Again, it’s nothing fancy. However, it is very practical, affordable and space-saving.
Closet cleaning 101
Phew, that’s right. a lot Information! But I really wanted to share the nitty gritty details about how I keep my clothes and accessories neat and organized. I hope this helps the next time you prepare for a deep closet cleanout. It might also be worth checking out The RealReal’s organizational favorites and shopping tips. Have fun organizing!
Source: Atlantic-Pacific – www.the-atlantic-pacific.com