If you haven’t made a traditional lamb ball, you’ll like this recipe. This delicious recipe is made using der clams, pecan nuts, nirau haste cookies, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, salt and honey. It is a delicious texture with a slightly flavor of lamb sake.
Other dessert ideas: Red Velvet cake, cinnamon roll, cream pie

- Pecan nuts – Crush finely using a food processor.
- Nirau Aharas Cookie – Or you can use your favorite crispy cookies.
- Powdered sugar – For cookies recipes (can be used to roll cookies instead of cocoa powder).
- Cocoa powder – To roll the recipe and the completed ball.
- Coordinates – This material enhances other flavors.
- Spice d’ram – Or you can use the lamb sake you have.
- Honey – If you wish to have a vegan option, please choose local honey or Ryuzetzlan.

Way of making
First, put the vanillaehaas into the food processor and pulse until the bread crumbs. Place it aside and do the same with pecan nuts.

Add all dried ingredients (vanillaehaas bread crumbs, pecan nut powder, powdered sugar, cocoa, salt one knob) and mix well.

Next, add honey and lamb sake. Mix with a spoon until it is well mixed. If necessary, mix the ingredients uniformly with clean hands. Do this until all mixtures are slightly wet.

Next, press the mixture into the ball. I rolled it by hand and finally made 28 balls from these ingredients.

Finally, round the completed ball with cocoa powder (can also use powdered sugar).
Please keep it at room temperature until it is eaten.
Hints on how to make
- These balls can be stored in a container and saved for up to one week at room temperature. If you want to make it (or want to save a part of the batch), you can save up to three months.
- Some people prefer to provide the ball in an individual mini -cup cake liner (which looks like a chocolate box). This is a great option if you make it for a party.
- What is the alternative to Nirawaehaas? If you don’t have a leek wafer cookie, you can use a similar crispy cookie. You can try it with soft cookies, but the closest alternative is another crisp cookie.

See more lamb recipes

Does alcohol come out of the ram ball ball?
No, not. This recipe does not contain cooking, so these dessert balls contain lamb.
Do you get drunk with a ram sake ball?
No, it is almost impossible to get drunk from the ratio of ram and other ingredients. To get one ounce alcohol, you need to eat about 10 lamb sake.
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Let’s learn how to make traditional lamb balls using dark rums, pecan nuts, chicken wafer cookies, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, salt and honey.
First, put the vanillaehaas into the food processor and pulse until the bread crumbs. Place it aside and do the same with pecan nuts.
Add all dry ingredients (vanilla -ahas clams, pecan clums, powdered sulgur, cocoa, one salt) and mix until they are well mixed.
Next, add honey and lamb sake. Mix with a spoon until it is well mixed. If necessary, mix the ingredients uniformly with clean hands. Do this until all mixtures are slightly wet.
Next, press the mixture into the ball. I rolled it by hand and finally made 28 balls from these ingredients.
Finally, round the completed ball with cocoa powder (can also use powdered sugar).
Please keep it at room temperature until it is eaten.
- These balls can be stored in a container and saved for up to one week at room temperature. If you want to make it (or want to save a part of the batch), you can save up to 3 months.
- Some people prefer to provide the ball in an individual mini -cup cake liner (which looks like a chocolate box). This is a great option if you make it for a party.
- What is the alternative to Nirawaehaas? If you don’t have a leek wafer cookie, you can use a similar crispy cookie. You can try it with soft cookies, but the closest alternative is another crisp cookie.
Nutritional table
Traditional rumball
Each time
% Daily value*
* The percentage of daily intake is based on 2000 calories.
Note: The nutritional components are automatically calculated using Spoonacular, making it convenient. We recommend using your own nutritional calculation as needed.
Source: A Beautiful Mess – abeautifulmess.com