For theater participants looking to mark Valentine’s Day with live music, love and friendship, DMV offers some new spins on traditional themes.
Sarah Barilles’ hit musical Olney Theatre Center is ready to make his regional debut “Waitress” (February 13th and March 30th) may not look like a regular love story, but it is still a love story.
“It’s about learning to love and cherish yourself,” says Malinda, who plays Jenna, the show’s prestigious server/baker who wants to bake award-winning pie and change her life. “It’s also about sisterhood. From the start, the women involved in the show decided to be there for each other on stage, which shows. They have the love of a group of girls in their own lives. For people, this is a particularly good show to watch.
“Jenna hasn’t gotten much satisfaction from her main partnership. With self-love, she explores that antithesis: partner violence. Our supervision [Marcia Milgrom Dodge] He has brought lessons of community support and community love to his heart. ”
Before it came out as bisexual in 2022, Malinda saw herself as a more “quiet strange.” However, inspiration, derived from Irish music (“oppressed music”), was famous for singing in Tiktok, which she made to reveal to her.
She always didn’t believe her strangeness was special. “For me,” says Malinda. There wasn’t much to celebrate. But then I realized that my community lacked a voice. It felt like the right thing, and it was one of the great blessings of my life. ”
Six years ago, after her turn in “Once,” which won the Helen Hayes Award, Malinda took a break from the musical theatre. She needed time to age in the dream part, and one of those roles was Jenna. She said, “Bringing back to the theatre was prominently featured on my vision board, so when Marcia asked the ‘waitress’ to commit, I was happy to agree. ”
For her, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to reach out and communicate with friends, family and of course, romantic partners.
And she adds, “That’s exactly how I’m going to celebrate.”
The fun of DC Holly Twyford spends Valentine’s Day at Capitol Hill’s Folger. She takes the stage, her wife is in the audience. Depending on the length of the program, they will then go out for dinner.
In four performances, the actor who won the Multi Helen Hayes Award is the narrator of “The Bird of Love” (February 14-16) blends medieval music with world presidential composition with praised composer Juli So, and readings from Geoffrey Chaucer’s “Fowles of Fools of Fools.” A new Folger work.
Standing behind the podium, she reads Chaucer’s words (translated from Middle English and backed by slides predicted in the original language).
“The new music is a kind of dissonance with the sounds of birdcages and nature, and it depicts what is going on in Chaucer’s poem in a beautiful and funny way. Chaucer pleads with the female eagle’s hand The man is described as an Eagles. Chaucer almost unconsciously like a feminist when a female Eagle is asked to ask her Eagle suitor to give her to think about it. is.”
Galahispanic Theatre Presentations in Columbia Heights “Fuenteovejuna” (Until March 2nd) This is a timely production performed by outdirector Joselis Arereno. Written in 1613, this work is from the Golden Age of Spain and ranks among the playwright Rope de Vega’s most performed plays.
It’s about tyranny and love, Arerano explains. Among the timely tales of Rope de Vega’s cruel power is a fierce love story. In fact, at the top of the show, four characters, two men and two women play the game. love is? One player claims that love does not exist, while the others disagree. It’s an intriguing way to kick off the play.
Famous directors do not telegraph messages, preferring viewers to think for themselves. That said, he, of course, makes a strong manager choice. “If you have to choose between love and war, it’s more important to talk about love. For me, it’s a revolution.”
And the order of Valentine’s Day dates, the production of “Fuente Ovejuna” at Gala (played in English titles and Spanish) is infused with live music and poetry. As Arelano’s long-time partner.
The busy Spain-based couple celebrated Valentine’s Day in Seville and couldn’t be happier. Arerano describes Seville as the most romantic city in the world.
Source: Washington Blade: LGBTQ News, Politics, LGBTQ Rights, Gay News –