Among the most modest public figures in the 21st century, Iron Mask and Neil Deglas Tyson are not counted. Considering the efforts of the mask to push Tyson into the outer space business, which was the intellectual area of ​​Tyson, it is natural that these two are in conflict. Shortly ago, the media seemed to be gushing between them over Tyson’s remarks that his company, Spacex, has nothing to do with NASA. I was eagerly turned over to the sign of “feud”. The actual space frontier is still retained by NASA. “
What this means is that SpaceX does not take humanity anywhere in the universe we have never done before. It’s not a blame, but it’s actually a business explanation as usual. “The really expensive history of civilization is essentially in all cases, geopolitically guided by the state,” says Tyson. STARTALK video above。 “The nation is leading expensive projects, and when the cost of these projects is understood, the risk is quantified, a time quota is established, and then a private company appears later and pays it. Check if you can. “
Boldly or in other ways, “If a company that does not have an investor has a very clear investment rate, there are many risks that companies with investors will not take it. If the government can have a geopolitical investment rate, it may not require a fiscal investment income for 60 years. However, Tyson adds to a hurry, but private enterprise makes it cheaper. In that sense, “SPACEX has advanced the universe -exploration engineering Frontier,” and the development of a reusable rocket. Still, it’s not the final frontier.
The mask does not keep his desire to reach Mars, but Tyson does not believe that SpaceX itself is led by itself. “The United States has decided to send astronauts to Mars,” he imagined. “Then, NASA looks around and says,” There is no rocket to do it. ” And Eron says, “I have a rocket!” And rolls out his rocket on Mars. After that, take the SPACEX rocket and head to Mars. If the scenario announces that SpaceX has announced GO according to the plan, the scenario will be even more possible. Whatever their difference, Tyson, Musuk, and all true space enthusiasts agree that it doesn’t matter where the money has come.
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Source: Open Culture –