What is the Council of Light?
As a clear channel of light, I continue to appear in the present moment…to connect with the guidance of the highest divine love that will be of most use to me right now. And through this willingness to manifest and to continue on my personal path of ascension, the Adepts who speak, spread the light, and guide each of us on the journey of ascension are also exalted. and has continued to expand.
If you have been following my channeled messages for a while now, you are no doubt aware of my connections not only to the Archangels…but also to the Council of Light.
The Council of Light is a group of ascended light beings who serve and oversee the ascension process…
But there is more to this story, and I have asked the Council of Light to answer the question in more detail.
“Who is the Council of Light?”
The channeled guidance I received is as follows:
Council of Light Channeling

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Hello from the Council of Light. We are very excited to connect with you today and provide you with further explanation and a slightly broader snapshot to answer your questions about who we are.
We are truly a Council of Light. A vast array or group of so many Ascended Beings, all deeply and fully committed to the Ascension of Gaia, Mother Earth, Humanity, and you.
We offer to all souls in the process of ascension, through both Ascended Beings and holding the Divine Template for the Awakening of all, the most helpful and specific guidance, instruction, and explanation. To serve all souls through special communication with the Wayshower within humanity to serve.
We share our messages and frequencies of empowerment and the light of truth so that you, too, can remember your highest divine and authentic truth. And with this, we welcome you home in our Lordships and back into your full and complete divine embodiment.
Indeed, we are here to connect with you in love and frequency and assist you in freeing yourself from the grip of illusion and returning to the underlying unity and oneness that is inherent in all things.
Understand that we, the Council of Light, are masters of individuals who are fully attuned to a higher level of expression beyond what their individuality can convey. Each of us, as individuals and unique incarnations of God, has reached the highest truth and therefore the point of choice. The choice made was to maintain a direct connection through service to Earth and humanity rather than continuing the journey away from Earth.
Through this choice in alignment with the highest divine will, we have chosen to assist you in your ascension process and illuminate the path through our union rather than our individuality. Through this, we are able to serve in a deeper capacity and in a higher dimensional way.
Therefore, we are, in fact, individual ascended beings who have integrated our light, intention, power, and focus into a higher consciousness through unity to serve, uplift, and guide all. .
Yes, through unity rather than individuality, we can now more fully and expansively serve your collective beliefs as a diverse humanity. There are many points of differentiation in levels of arousal, and indeed, individual points of origin and resonance also differ. This is where our unity as a vast number of individual Ascended members can truly shine in supreme service. Because we truly as one can meet and greet you in a way that meets you where you are.
Because no matter where you are, no matter what you’re dealing with, no matter what you’re going through, we’ve been there too. We meet you outside of time and space, far from judgment, and where and how we connect with you is truly unique to you. Not only to meet you where it will be most helpful in terms of your personal level of ascension and progression, but also to determine which flavors of our unified expression and divine attributes will be most helpful in your ascension process. You will be able to understand your true existence and gain a deeper resonance even if you are a dot. The divine nature of the present moment.
We, who have ascended as individuals to fully embody our highest Divine Light Beings, are united with love and frequency, healing light and energy, outside of time and space, in this moment. We connect with you as one, support you in the same, and stay connected. By experiencing and embodying your highest divine light, you gain a deeper understanding of your innate connection to the One, first as individuals and then as one.
And when our more archangelic expressions help shine through…this will be broadcast. When it serves a more galactic flavor of teaching, manifestation and guidance…or when it serves a more earth-based dimension of experience in conjunction with the better known Earth Ascended Masters – this is It could be our focus. And perspective. Where we meet will depend on what will best serve you.
And yes, our unity and oneness, our group consciousness, is fully blossomed into individual individuals, including, as you can see, archangels, seraphs, galaxies, and so many Ascended Masters from within and outside of Earth. It is composed of the highest mastery and divinity of its members. region. Both from within and outside of your current density and dimension.
We understand that this method is multi-dimensional in nature and therefore difficult to grasp, so we would like to clarify.
We are here with you in this moment, united as one in infinity. Through this oneness, we meet you outside of time and space in ways, configurations, and adjustments that best serve you. Through this, we will meet you at your point of power to support you in entering a new vibrational level of light in the eternally present now…for you to experience profound embodiment, if you wish. Shift to a new, higher timeline of possibilities. Shift into a new higher timeline of possibilities for you to embody your higher divine self and live as a fully awakened being of light in physical form with the highest levels of divine light. You came to Earth to achieve authenticity.
This is for you to ascend as an individual and unite with all the Ascended Masters beyond Earth to maintain Oneness through Love.
Know that we serve you according to the One True Divine Will and in the highest good of all…the One True Infinite Transcendent Creative Source God…that you Everything is vaster and more loving than we can currently understand. But this too will become more familiar as you ascend and return to your unique personal expression of the highest divinity. For your mastery as an individual is required as a prerequisite for your mastery of love in unity.
And this is fundamental, whatever unique flavor, shape or form our teachings and services may take. We serve by sowing seeds of light, joy, peace, harmony, and love.
We serve to assist humanity and Earth in uniting the awakened Christ Light, fully activated individual crystalline Ascended, along the Ascension timeline.
We are honored to help you on your ascension journey, but your ultimate ascension, the shining light of Christ and becoming a fully awakened divine being, is your chance and your birth. It is your right to be chosen at that moment to embody, vibrate, and eternally ascend to greater levels of crystalline love and light.
As Divine Beings, we humbly honor, bless, and bow to the infinite Divine Being within you.
Guided Meditation and Angel Activation with the Council of Light
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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com