Where the focus becomes the flow of energy
“The energy to be careful flows …”
Have you ever heard of this proverb? That’s really true. Your energy will flow according to your attention.
This applies to many levels.

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The fist is from your consciousness.
Recognize and open your heart
For example, let’s say you want to open your heart.
Opening your heart is an important step on the wake -up path. Your heart is the center of your multi -dimensional self, and when it is open, you will be able to adjust it to your higher vibration experience. Your open heart is also an access point in the area of the angel.
But even if you often have a desire to open your heart, your attention remains in your heart.
When approaching from the level of heart to open my heart, I am thinking about the following ideas. How can I open my heart? Do you know how to open your heart? …
Despite your thinking of opening your heart, all your attention is in your spiritual body and your heart. Your energy is focused on your heart, so your energy will stay in your heart.
Alternatively, release the need to know everything, just choose to experience, pay attention to your heart from the level of your heart, and focus on the glowing light in your heart.
By paying attention to your heart, your energy flows into the center of your heart and open your heart. You can continue to focus on your heart, give you the brightness of light, and you can have a very deep activation and awakening experience.
Your heart is the entrance to the high -dimensional area, and it is a doorway where you can experience your angel.
Energy flowing towards a place where you are in trouble by paying attention
The following example is the blessing of love and light to use your attention, so you use your energy, and to create events, places, and what you want to create.
Reading the empowerment materials, listening to the channeling meditation, and playing your energy through the attention of what you want to see more in the world has a very realistic and deep effect.
On the other hand, looking at the news and being involved in some of the scary things that are happening around the world will not bring positive profits in your life …
Did you see the news?
Perhaps you want to turn it off and focus on more positive and constructive things.
But let’s say you somehow ask about the tragic events that are happening in the world. If you focus on how terrible you are, how sad you are, and in energy, you are in your life, if you focus on that low vibration, this is your life Brings low vibration energy. Since then, you have also contributed to the world’s events and low energy to the region.
Alternatively, you have the choice to flow positive energy. Pay attention to events and parts of the world that are experiencing the challenge and open your mind. Ask your angel, “Help us to play positive light and energy for this event.” The energy of love, the energy of “everything is going well”, is neutral for the event.
Focusing on places of love to places that require energy balance, and returning to neutral, you can help vibrate energy around the event.
You will create your reality
Finally, where you concentrate your consciousness will play an important role in what you create and appear in your life.
If you focus on what you are worried about, you don’t want and don’t like, you will actually bring out more of this energy to your experience. This is why it is very important to concentrate on your best intentions.
Focus on what you are creating in your life positively and continue to be optimistic. Inject intentions energy through consciousness.
Many teachings about the charm laws have the huge part of the puzzle, that is, your energy. Now it is not only your thoughts, but also emotions, beliefs, attitudes, and actions that create your life experience.
It’s a good start just to think about something, but what is it to be revealed in your life, believe it is, and take measures as if it was already created. I really feel.
If you want to be a financially rich and successful entrepreneur, start acting like that. Entrepreneurs do not just sit and wait to win the lottery. They are building business and actively taking measures to bring value to the world. Believe you can do it, think positively about it, feel as if you have already created it, and take action. This will flow your attention toward what you want, then your energy will continue, and you will be porcelain in your life.
Please consciously concentrate your attention from the current moment
The key to controlling energy is to choose to concentrate completely at the moment.
This is sometimes called a mindfulness. When you are at that moment, it is very important to be there at that moment, as you can choose to actively flowing energy toward what you want through your attention.
One of this is to regain the energy that you have flown towards your past and known future. “I need to go to a grocery store today, and I need to check my email after Janet comes.”
All of them will take care of themselves. Instead of paying attention to what happens anyway, you will open your heart and accept your energy to programming.
Your power is at the moment, so re -enhancing that pattern is focused on the comprehensive intentions of what you really want. 。 Identify your best intentions. “I am magnetizing the richness. I am making world peace. I am waving the love and existence of God, acting as a sacred pillar of creation, and positive energy to the world.”
You probably don’t need to worry about all of this energy for what you wear for work tomorrow or dedicated all the energy. At that moment, take care of itself. At this moment, keep your best and consciously your best intentions, keeping and open. Your energy will continue and will magnetize what you want in your life.
Remember … A place where you can be careful, energy flows.
Give your strength, help, and choose to focus on what you really want to appear.
With love and light

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com