Healing global energy and adjusting to light balance light
I want to be clear if the idea that the earth has a strong healing characteristics is new to you. The earth really has everything we need to return to happiness, vitality, and vitality. Indeed, the earth itself provides a strong healing frequency when supporting us when we return to balance.
We understand that the earth is rising with us because we live in the ascension, which is ascended by vibration and adjusts to the higher spirit light. As a verification of this, the vibration of the earth is more scientifically higher than ever.
The Earth is a powerful alliance to return to ascension travel and balance and support you in accordance with healing. One of the best ways to balance your energy, clean your heart, refresh your spirit, and update your light is to go out in nature and the light of the healing of the earth. To adjust.

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Please heal yourself and match the earth
Of course, even if you are inside, you can do this inside, even if you are connected to the earth. However, there is extra power to go outside and enter the sun. Even if it is covered with clouds, sunlight is shining. The energy of the earth around is very powerful.
Find a comfortable place that is not disturbed and forgive your consciousness focus. Focus on your heart, just breathing and exists completely. Feel the light of your skin, the light of the sun reaching you, and the light of the earth under your feet, according to the sound of the earth around you. However, please breathe.
By the way, you feel that your consciousness is flowing into the pillars of light, and it feels like the global’s nucleus, like the roots of the earth and the pillars of crystallinity, to the nucleus of the earth to the nucleus. Masu. See that it has reached the nucleus light of the earth. This is Gaia’s light, the mother of the mother. I feel a sense of unity with the earth according to this light.
Please clarify yourself
This light flows up the feet and integrates all the chakras into one light along the foot, along the spine. See that it is upward in the light of the above god. Pour this light around you, fill your aura and spirit, and introduce you completely at this moment.
Take breathing and completely clarify yourself to the earth and God. Open your heart, focus on shining light in your heart, and just exhale. Feel your sense of unity with the energy around you. Know that this very united is healing your existence.
It will be displayed in this way: Clarify your incomplete, clarify that you are all and that you are not all, your struggle, your victory, your anxiety, you anxiety, through your open heart. Improve the victory, and you will reveal yourself exactly as this moment. The earth can meet you with her light, balance your energy, flows throughout the earth, and relocates you with the light of the god flowing through everything.
Take time as long as you breathe and experience the magnitude of the earth around you. If you have a hard time focusing, look at the tree according to one tree. Really existed, bring all your perceptions, and concentrate on the small elements of the earth.
Know that the focus of the focus, complete and complete, “exists in a moment,” will open you to receive the incredible healing energy of the Mother Earth’s Gaia.
Earth’s energy flowing through your chakra
Another method to adjust the healing light of the earth is integrated as one, including the flowing energy of the earth through your chakra through the pillars of light. To do this, it can help you stand and sit on the ground flat on the ground. Once again, close your eyes and notice the existence of the light of the earth around you. The earth is God and it is all.
Feel your unity with this. Rest and release suspicions, fear, fear, and suspicion. I’m worried about the future, and I’m worried about the future, and I’m now entering the current moment. This is a place where you can experience the unity with Gaia, the mother of the mother, and the many existence on the earth.
Feel the light of the earth with the ground of your energy at the core. Feel your unity and shed light. But now, let’s flush it from your acceptance feet.
Visualize the energy soup
When energy flows around, you will receive your left hand and send it out from the right. The same is true for your feet. Thus, the energy goes up along the left foot through the left foot, flows into the root chakra, descends the right foot, and flows to the nucleus of Gaia. After that, the light goes back to your left foot, rises to the sacrum chakra, and flows to the right foot, right foot, and the right foot to Gaia’s nucleus.
Continue this loop, the flow of energy flows up and down, flows up and down, flows energy into each chakra, and then flows into the nucleus of the earth. This will derive you at the moment, purify your entire existence, balance the current moment, clarify, and completely align your real light.
If you try this, you will actually balance the energy according to the light of the earth, complete the integration at that moment, inspire, guidance, and to open you with a larger level of love and possibilities. Notice the powerful effect you give. 。
Are you ready?
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With love, light, gratitude,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com