How to properly shuffle tarot cards, angel cards, and oracle cards!
Not sure how to properly shuffle your tarot cards, angel cards, or oracle cards?
you are in the right place!
Want to know more about oracle cards in general? Click here>>
Now, back to shuffling the oracle cards, angel cards, and tarot cards.
The truth is, there is no right or wrong way to shuffle cards. However, there is one key that really makes this process work.
So I made a video about it…
below[再生]Click here to see how to shuffle tarot and angel cards. We’ll also share important keys to making almost any method effective. We will also share the top 5 methods of shuffling for you to try. Check them out and find the method that works for you.
If you want to read about these tarot card shuffle methods, scroll down and read on.

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Top 5 Ways to Shuffle Tarot Cards
Well, first and foremost, the most important thing to do before shuffling your angel, oracle, or tarot cards is to focus your energy.
It draws in the light that surrounds you, increasing your energy and raising your vibration. Next, focus your attention on your heart center. Focus within yourself and bring yourself into a high vibrational state. That’s because it’s necessary to truly tune into the direct guidance you receive when reading tarot and oracle cards.
Raising your vibration before you begin will strengthen the entire tarot or oracle card reading process and prepare you for the reading. So take a relaxing deep breath and imagine there is light around you and within you. Then imagine that while you are shuffling tarot cards or oracle cards, you are shuffling light into the cards.
To do this, I like to imagine a sphere of light surrounding the entire deck of cards…this light channeling the incredible angelic energies of light and love while also building up with old energies. It holds the intention of purifying negativity. Once you have done this, start shuffling the cards.
5 ways to shuffle tarot cards, oracle cards, and angel cards!
Top-down shuffle
The first method of shuffling is the so-called top-down method.
Hold the deck vertically in your left hand, take about half of the cards in your right hand, and drop the cards between the cards in your left hand.
With this method, be careful not to damage the edges of the cards as you drop more cards into the deck and shuffle.
Shuffle like casino style or play
The next shuffling method basically shuffles the cards just like playing cards.
Divide the deck into two parts and slowly shuffle them as if you were shuffling a deck of cards, imagining the light shining around the cards. However, keep in mind that you should be a little gentler with your tarot and oracle cards than you would be with your plays. This is because cards are usually a bit fragile and tend to get damaged when bent.
How to shuffle a cutting deck
The third method is to “cut the deck.” To shuffle this way, you basically split the deck into three piles and combine the piles back together. Change the order, put the cards back into one stack, and divide the deck into three piles again.
Continue this process until the curds are nicely mixed.
spread out the cards and shuffle
The “cut the deck” method is especially effective if you have a tabletop in front of you. In that case, you can either use the following method, or fan out the cards like a rainbow, then rearrange the order slightly and fan out the cards again.
One of the nice things about this method is that the cards are displayed in front of you in a rainbow-like spread, you can easily see parts of each card, and you can use the pendulum to select which cards to read. Alternatively, you can use your hand to make certain cards stand out from the rest by scanning your hand over the cards until your hand feels a little tingling, warmth, or some other type of indication. Masu.
How to push shuffle
Finally, the fifth method is also how I shuffle angel cards, oracle cards, and tarot cards – the push method.
To use this shuffle method, hold the deck in your left hand and use your thumb to push about 5 to 7 cards into your right hand. Then push 5-10 more cards onto it, then 5-10 down, then more cards up and down, moving the entire deck to your right hand in this manner. , start pushing the card back into your left hand and press up, down, up, down.
What I like about this method is that it has a way to display the appropriate cards. There is a way to make the cards stick out of the deck a little bit to draw attention to which card to choose.
I started using this method intuitively, but after doing a little research I see it’s called the cowie push/put method.
Shuffle tarot cards and read them backwards
I personally don’t give much importance to reversed cards when reading tarot cards or angel cards…I only see them as a bit of extra emphasis or perhaps a challenge. That being said, many people read reversed cards as having completely different meanings, especially in Tarot.
If you want to maximize the chances that reversed cards will appear in the reading, simply flip about half of the cards 180 degrees mid-shuffle using one of the methods above.
How many times do you shuffle tarot cards?
Whatever method works best for you to shuffle your cards, be sure to shuffle them thoroughly and completely. Once you feel the cards have been shuffled enough, you can select tarot cards for your reading.
If cards pop out of the deck during shuffling, it’s up to you whether to use them as the main card or as additional cards.
Personally, I use the popped card as the main card…note that it has special emphasis.
Reading the tarot cards and angel cards you drew
Once you have drawn the cards for your reading…turn them over and stare at them. This will trigger you to receive direct angelic messages and give you the opportunity to use your intuition to download expanded meaning and guidance. To download God’s love.
When drawing cards, try to open your mental senses and first pay attention to the image shown on the card.
What is the first thing your consciousness is drawn to?
Pay attention to this aspect of the card image and what it is telling you. This starts the guidance flow.
Trust the guidance you receive and know that yes, angel cards are an incredibly powerful way to connect directly with your angels and channel their guidance, messages, and love.
If you need more help with this process, be sure to check out my Angel Intuition course.
The most important thing is to keep an open heart, be yourself, and trust that the cards are surrounded by love and light and that the card you drew is exactly the right message to be displayed. is.
Keep reaching for higher levels of love, higher realms. And it doesn’t really matter how you shuffle this as your core intention is to truly connect to divine guidance and wisdom for healing, inspiration, knowledge and truth.
It’s about finding what works for you, trusting the right cards to appear, downloading God’s love, and allowing angelic messages, love, guidance, healing, insight, and wisdom to flow in. .
Ready for more?
Check out my ultimate guide to angel card readings here
With love, light and gratitude,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –