During the Nazi occupation in France, Albert Camis was actively involved in French resistance. His concept of “rebellion” against absurdity was mainly developed during this period. Camus calls for the better nature of humanity who have woke up are still related to today’s confusion.
“We live in a tragic era. The truth, but too many people confuse tragedy with despair. The tragedy should be a great kick. We are that misery. It is useless to make it completely destroyed by Nietzsche. It is enough.
Old morals have won face lift. “Awakening” is almost illegal except pronoun. The 2020s is the new 1960s. It’s time -in one or more methods. El Chapo was able to leave prison by claiming that he was a riot on January 6. Liz Cheney has become a substitute for him. The extreme is born extremely. Delicious places change places. The misery moves.
There are few predictions of modern writers, which exceeds that of OCTAVIA E. Butler, a foresight science fiction writer who died 10 years ago. Her long -standing work has foresee many aspects of today’s life, from big pharmaceutical to trumpism. She has a non -party charm and is becoming more popular than ever. Butler’s artisticness gives a new resonance to an old idea of ​​”intersection”. Perhaps because she didn’t give her a name. Her personal life brought her work -IMBUES Our Life, readers, will say that she has explored races, gender, class, sexuality, disability, and the future interconnection.
Like other resurrected titles such as George Owell 1984 And Albert Camus PestOctavian Butler Parable of talent We have gained new readers who have been fascinated by the natural siege of American society and the struggle for power.
Her novel, written in 1998 and set in 2032, is about the rise of authoritarian and priesthood under Andrew Steel Jarrett, a fictional Senator Texas. Jarret is run on the “Make America Great Again” platform [author’s words],, “I want to take the country in the magical era in which everyone believes in the same god, worships him in the same way, relies on the same religious rituals in space, and understands that it is stepping on different people.
A young black woman named Lauren Oramina has losing her family in 2032 and establishing a earth seed, a new religious community in Northern California. Her colony persecuted the exiles after the election of President Jarrett, a super -conservative leader who promises to make the United States again. After that, Lauren’s daughter Asha Vele, who has been faced with violent repression, is working to led her mother’s magazine and pursue a wider vision for Lauren’s future. The story is “many people who are not enlightened in war or peaceful diseases, and are not exempt from the remnants of the righteousness.”
For Butler, everyday life was a preaching. Her art was a rebuttal: “The emotional precautions are just a report.” Her writing style is recorded in a personal diary and evolves the conversation as it is initially recorded as a young girl. 。 Her fiction reflects the relationship between her own exploration and the shortcomings that can hind her as a person and a writer. Her blackness, gender, sexuality, learning disabilities, and religions were immediately affirmed, erased, and revealed as both. It is essential and irrelevant.
It’s as if the Butler knew about Nietzsche Amor Fati-I find freedom in the love of fate and the need for a struggle, but by living and talking about the story, I do not think like it is now. Her art was a way of life. The most terrible event is not explained at all. They are mainly stated as facts, not Epiphani, but what happened. “It’s best not to say anything when your anger has suffocated you.” Butler does not write down and giving a speech, but like “My friend was raped yesterday.” It is more likely to say that. As Joe Friday said in the television series, “Just a fact, wife” Dragnet。 And often drolls as the example. Atrocities do not require an exclamation mark! -Anamore requires God’s signature rather than the sunset.
Butler has shown how to overcome pain and fatigue and know how to talk with the best social conscience. After Camus, she does not confuse tragedy with despair. The novelist and her story indicate that hope can start as a small thing. As in the mind of a young girl, it was written down in a diary, and it might change the world until it grown to a very large one. That idea talks to a wide circle of readers. Not because it’s convenient, it’s true.
Note and reading
Octavia E. Butler- “It’s best not to say anything when your anger is suffocating you.” (2011), 275. – Parable of talent (1998, 2024).
Albert Camis -“With the depth of winter, I finally learned that there is an invincible summer in me.” -The other quotes are also from from. Lyrical and critical essay CAMUS (author), Philip Thody, Ellen Conroy Kennedy (translator) -1970.
About Octavia Butler -Batler was not interested in writing a “hero”. She was interested in finding a way for an imperfect person to learn to secure the future beyond what they saw. “The future is announced” New York timeS (November 22, 2022).
> “She was extraordinary, terrible and lovable, and if I knew what I mean, it was more surprising than my life.” Ursla Le GinEmail to friends (2018).
Note: Look again at the butler photo. By the age of 15, she had already been six feet tall, contributed to her different feelings, and was bullied during the school year. As an adult, she was “terrible”, an impressive entity with a wide shoulder, deeper and resonance.
> Octavia E. Butler (Illustration) – Gerry Canavan (2016). Canavan is an assistant professor at Marquette UNIVERSITY. 20th and 21st century literature, science fiction, manga books, fiction of JRR TOLKIEN.
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