The true power of enthusiasm
Today I would like to talk from a slightly different perspective…
About the power of enthusiasm!
Enthusiasm, as defined in modern society, refers to feeling intense excitement about something.
And yes, approaching every area of life with excitement is definitely powerful…
Because by channeling positive energy, attention, intense interest, and passion into what you do…
You will greatly increase the factors that will pave the way for the most benevolent results to emerge.
But the ancient origins of the word “enthusiasm” don’t actually mean excitement.
In reality, it’s much deeper.
ancient definition of enthusiasm
“Enthusiasm” comes from the Greek word “enteos,” meaning inner god.
So to be immersed is literally to be filled with God’s light, presence, perspective, and energy.
So what would happen if you approached everything in life with this enthusiasm?
In other words, what if you approached all of your relationships, experiences, projects, challenges, and opportunities with the fullest light of your divine life force energy…
What would happen if you approached everything in life from a place of deep embodiment of your inner divine light…
Literally let the Divine Light, Source, and Infinity shine within you and bring this energy into every encounter.
Earl Nightengale wrote:
“The happiest and most interesting people are those who have discovered the secret to maintaining their enthusiasm: their inner God.
So how to truly align with your most joyful, blissful, vibrant and fulfilling life?
Hold the light of God within you…
Embody your highest divine light…
Approach every moment as your own divine being…
Excitement, love, harmony, bliss…
And enthusiasm!
With love and bright blessings,

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PS “Embodiing the highest light” is one of the key themes we focus on within the Angel Solutions membership…
If you would like access to a group of true heart-centered people walking this path and receive consistent and strong support…
Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –