Absolute essential oil for dreaming!
As far as I remember, I experienced incredibly, bright and mental dreams. And except for some terrible nightmares that grew up … I was always fascinated by my dreams.
Of course, dreams are different for everyone. Some people enjoy dreaming of remembering the wonderful, strange, strange and different world of dream time. Many people learn to control their dreams (called Lucid Dreaming), and this time they connect with guides and angels and do a complete spiritual work. The best!
Many people learn to control their dreams (called Lucid Dreaming), and this time they connect with guides and angels and do a complete spiritual work. The best!
Some people (including myself) often have prophecy dreams, transparent experiences, or telepathic communications that occur in a dream era.
I often dreamed of a magical, trauma -like, past life of the earth and a different world … and my guide, angel, and many real experiences with my family of the galaxy. did.
Click here for more information about psychic dreams.
For others, the dream time is much less rewarding and much mixed OTIC. Many people experience the dream space as a challenging or terrible area.
And, of course, some people don’t remember their dreams at all.

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33 Best essential oil for dreams
No matter where you are in a dream -like spectrum, essential oils are very useful for improving your dream time experience.
Do you generally have a hard time sleeping? Of course, falling asleep is an important part of your dream, so let’s start there!
Essential oil to promote peaceful sleep
Cider Wood
Iran Iran
Stress away (blend)
Peace and calm (blend)

Essential oil to improve dream recall
Dream catcher (blend)
Clarry sage
Cider Wood
Essential oil to reduce nightmare
Thief (blend)
Dream catcher (blend)
Melissa (lemon balm)
Rome Camomile
German chamomile
White Angelica (blend)
Dream Catcher Essential Oil Bend
You may have noticed the “dream catcher blend” in the multiple lists of these lists.
The dream catcher is composed of tangerine, sandalwood, ylang -wing, pepper, bergamot, bergamot, juniper, geranium, geranium, blue -sypress, da ba -sypress, jasmine, rose, rose, blue tonsie, grapefruit, sparmint, lemon, and ocotea. It is a blend of young life.
Perhaps you should write the whole post about blending essential oils … but let’s say that when you mix oil, the characteristics of each oil are not just accumulating each other.
Rather, when blending the characteristics of each different oil, it changes and binds to a new one.
Gary Young is a master of essential oil blends, and this dream catcher blend is really special.
If you want to learn clear dreams, have more spiritual dreams, or just dream more aggressively and clearly, I definitely recommend it!
The dream catcher is really designed to help you have your dreams and positive experiences … and interestingly, it can also help you express your intentions.
How to use essential oils to dream
There are three main ways to use essential oils for dreams. The method is as follows: Local, aromatic, meal.
Local use
The best way to use oil on a local is the best way to use coconut, almonds, or a carrier oil, such as coconuts, almonds, or young living rooms. There is a wonderful carrier oil called V-6, a blend of six kinds of carrier oil.
If you use oil locally to help your dream, you will want to use oil on the inner forearm to check your skin first. If everything is good, rub the oil on the bottom of the foot, the back of the neck, the wrist, or the back of the spine.
Use of fragrance
(I personally love the Young Livings Dew Drop Diffuser attached to the premium starter kit).
Next, turn on the diffuser and put it near the bedside. Then you will soon be heading for a sweet and clear dream.
Another way to improve your dreams by using oil in a fragrance is to rub a little oil under the pillow. I love falling asleep with the sweet scent of lavender. Very nice!
Dietary therapy
Ingestion of essential oils is very controversial and has a legitimate reason. It is harmful to do so because many essential oils have not intended to be taken internally! Also, the essential oils of a specific brand should not be taken internally because they are chemically distilled or have synthetic additives.
However, if you use sufficient high quality oil and appropriate types, you can make a profit by taking it inside.
Young Living has all safe dietary oils in -house, which is called their vitality line.
If you are convinced of it:
A. The type of essential oil you want to take is safe for internal use.
and …
B. The essential oil brands used are pure, safe and can be taken internally.
After that, you can take a few drops of the selected essential oil to a vegetarian gel capsule and take it like a pill.
Alternatively, you can add a few drops to food, tea, or water and get the oil like that.

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If you choose to use essential oils inside, take responsibility!
Where to buy essential oils
For many reasons, such as quality and vibration, I chose to use young living essential oils.
Learn the details or start oil yourself!
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With love, light, gratitude,
Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com