Message from My Most Divine Multidimensional Being
As each of us continues on this path of bringing more and more of our highest divine light and true authenticity into the physical…I bring this new channeled message to my highest divine Inspired to share with your dimensional self…how to shine the creative light of your multidimensional being.
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Reconnect with multidimensional consciousness
Know that indeed you have reached a tipping point, collectively and individually. This is the point of no return on the path to embodying your highest truth.
In other words, you can no longer go back to being a limited version of yourself. We can no longer remain confined to one of society’s few acceptable boxes. No, you realized, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that you should be doing more.
Presented before you is a doorway of love that will lead you to new frontiers beyond the ordinary… it is real, vibrant, and true.
And yes, at this moment, you are exactly where you are between the words, on the coastline between the earth and the ocean…perhaps you have one foot fixed on each, or alternatively you find yourself You may feel like you’re uprooted and not truly anchored in either. In any case, yes, this is exactly where you should be.
Because it is necessary to temporarily become an outsider to the world so that the chains of illusion can be broken. Then you can free yourself from the chains of limiting structures and illusions that bind your world together, yet truly cut you off from possibilities…
New frontiers and opportunities open up to you as you let go of the known…and step into the infinite.
It is a path that brings one’s consciousness back to Source, back to highest light and pure creative expression. Because this allows you to anchor your higher connection, higher authenticity, and vibrant truth in the physical. Rather than bringing new light to old frames and constraints, we create a whole new life.
A life in harmony, a life inspired… a life outside the box… an authentic life, a life of one’s true self, unchained and alive in the energy of the new earth emerging from the old that is right here. live with
Are you open to new things? Newness, after all, is the truth of your existence as a physical being… At any given moment, you are completely new, but you still have a learned fear of change and a desire to be fresh, new, and out of the norm. There is a fear of things. And much of what happened in the past will be copied and pasted into your present and future. Your patterns and habits, even if not ideal, bring old cycles and paradigms to new frontiers. After waking up completely free, there is a restrictive pattern where we immediately rebuild the box of confinement around us in order to feel safe.
But this security is stifling and severely limits the range and possibilities for you to be physically here, to act, to experience, and to have fun.
If you are conscious, you don’t need to do that.
Because it’s possible to energetically break away from programming without changing things. This is possible by choosing to truly embrace the unknown and the new. Waves of pure divine light, inspiration and creativity reach you and not only inspire you, but also allow you to be firmly anchored in the physical through your actions, expressions and motivations. Masu.
The key is a willingness to plunge into unknown frontiers within and be free to explore endless new horizons waiting to be experienced.
In this inner experience, you are free to expand through the light of your heart and directly witness and experience that you are much more than your physical body. And indeed, who you are as a physical being is only a small part of your vast, multidimensional truth.
Understand that your full fractalization of Light was necessary for your physical incarnation as a truly infinite Divine Being. What this means is that your full divine self is not just incarnated as a physical version of the human being you are most connected to right now.
Indeed, you too have a higher self and a lower self…expressions of your divine self manifest in physical, astral, and many alternative and parallel densities and dimensions. Recognizing your multidimensionality is recognizing your alternate timelines and experiences. An experience of your astral nature, angelic expressions, and, very simply, alternate timeline expressions of your highest divine self in physical and non-physical forms.
humans are multidimensional beings
By expanding our awareness of this multidimensionality, we can heal and solve problems across dimensions. You can heal and integrate challenges, failures, frustrations, and limitations as well as transdimensional victories, skills, abilities, wisdom, and power. Access your own expanded truth through your heart center.
Your access point to your multidimensional existence.
Through it, you can return to full consciousness as a unified divine being in physical form, in this current expression and in all fractalizations of self.
Understand that this process is happening whether you are consciously aware of it or not. In fact, this is God’s song for the present, for it is a theme of creation, returning to center, integrating duality, and returning consciousness to the Higher Light and the Greater One.
Yes, greater awareness is possible for you now…but in order to reveal your full access and reclaim all the keys to your kingdom as a multidimensional divine being, the limitations of your past must be , it requires both letting go and boldly embracing limited outlooks and beliefs. Something new and unknown.
multidimensional consciousness
A willingness to jump into the unknown is key. Because new levels of your divinity are almost unknown to you, and to fully experience Christ consciousness, unity, and love, you must let go of the known and step boldly into the new. Because you need to step in.
As you allow fresh, new energy to flow through your experiences, you will experience higher levels of creativity, inspiration, and a new and enhanced perspective on how you can actually best influence positive change in your own life and on a global level. Know that much of your access to will be freed up. .
Influencing positive change at the level of your wise soul self is why you chose to be on Earth in your current form to tip the scales. To participate in the ascension of Earth and humanity…to be part of liberating humanity from the collective chains of illusion, deprivation, fear, and living the experience of being low vibrational, trapped, and enslaved.
Therefore, it is better to start by making way for new ones.
Create space for the unknown and the surprising in your life by circulating your energy. What patterns do you follow closely? Perhaps these are things you can change.
For example, trying something new, clearing out the old, testing new possibilities, challenging your assumptions, traveling, exploring, writing, and being at the point where you really take a leap of consciousness. Know this and dream big. This will bring about a big change in your life. Life can unfold.
Approach life with new eyes, the wise and open eyes of your inner child, willing to see the beauty, possibilities, and opportunities that are open before you to live fearlessly and in joy and love. Please be present.
At this point, you are likely partially or completely disconnected from what you truly crave and desire on a soul level, and this is due to massive social conditioning. This is due to forgetting who you are, and breaking free from the norm is essential to rediscovering who you are. Because the very definition of normal means following the status quo. Remember…you are meant to live freely. You are here to break free from conformity to live your awakened, authentic, high vibrational truth.
And ignite the spark of rebellion within you…not rebellion in the sense of breaking the law or causing havoc…but not always adapting to your surroundings, but rather doing something new. Be rebellious in your willingness to experiment and listen to your inner whispers. Let the creativity shine in your heart.
Focus on the box of works that are accepted by society. Break the mold by considering acceptable careers, occupations, and hobbies. Taking your creativity truly outside the norm won’t be easy at first, but know that that’s where your best potential awaits. Your true divine embodiment is far from what is currently considered normal or acceptable…it is a miracle.
The process of restoring your freedom and true divine sovereignty is not easy. And in line with this, let’s say you need some experimentation…you let go of strong, long-held beliefs about who you are…and would rather free yourself from play, Create and explore.
This is a process.
This is your ascension process.
Know that you are supported as you explore life.
Color outside the lines, explore off the trail, and dance to your inner rhythm.
Start small and keep dreaming big.
But know that waves of creative inspiration are flowing through you from Source…and when you surrender to these creative waves…explore new possibilities and let go of the solidity and stiffness of the past. When we let go of the bonds of conformity…
You can begin to develop a sense of your inner freedom…the glorious, bold, true shining divine light within you as a multidimensional being within your current expression.
And with this, by freeing yourself from limitations, you are creating, expressing, and embodying the infinity of the highest divine light in ways that transcend even imagining from your current perspective, at this moment inside space-time. can open up possibilities. .
Keep an open mind, as this remains your most accessible key to ascension.
Ready for more?
Check out the first message from my highest divine self here!
or the recent activation of your Supreme Divine Light Being here on the Council of Light

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