Message from my highest divine self
For the past few weeks I have been feeling a huge shift and shift energetically both within and around me.
As I myself am in a period of transition of sorts, a personal initiation into my authenticity and deeper alignment with my highest self…the part of me that is the incarnated master…and the very divine. It’s something…
So, as part of this…this morning, as I feel the divine light within me being stirred and realigned…and very much feeling the winds of change, I…channel my divine self. I felt urged to do so.
This is a message of love from my Most High Inner Divine Being to help you more fully embody your message.

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Breathe and remember that you are connected to all through what is called the Unified Field, Energy, Oneness, or simply Love.
When we consciously tune into this connection, the divine and infinite connection, we can choose what we contribute to the greater unified field. You can be intentional about the energy you are sending out to mix with all that is greater.
Know that this is a constant production of your personal energy signature. It blends and blends with that of all other individuals, together creating the world and dreaming the dreams of the present.
Of course there are other influences as well. A highly sophisticated, intentional, and sometimes malicious group of people who have come together to disrupt creation in various ways.
Yet, know your power to become a fully awakened sovereign being. Your power to remember who you are and bring this full light and embodied love into your physical body represents far more power than any group or selfish individual has ever had access to. .
For when you weave love into your realm and shine in the truth and oneness of the divine being, you are truly in matter…the close circle of yourself and your loved ones. When we shine our light not only to serve, but to amplify it. Truly have intention for your light and presence and true divine power to benefit and serve, uplifting the entire arena to the highest good of all…In this regard, your power is unparalleled.
Just by receiving these words, you can get a deep glimpse, or more accurately feel, of how infinitely powerful your embodiment really is, at the level of the heart and at the level of higher truth. we know it can be done.
This is when you are at your full potential…Embodiment is fueled by love and presence and supercharged by resonating with the highest interests of all.
The answer to the question you often ask, “How can I serve?” is multifaceted, but at its core it is quite simple.
Embody all of who you are.
Become increasingly aware of the moments in which your highest divine light is here and now…
Please know that this is a constantly increasing awareness. Yes, you have been lifted high and widened, but there is so much more ahead, and each moment will bring you another level of progress.
There is much yet to be revealed about how infinite your energy truly is, and how infinite the scope of what you do here really is. How you can act and align with the empowered and fully awakened wayshower, stand in the highest light, radiate love and, yes, benefit all. There’s more to the puzzle…
Of course, this embodiment will benefit you. Because just standing in the truth of who you are gives you a sense of calm and tranquility and a strong sense of fulfillment.
And yes, as a natural consequence of manifestation, your ability to manifest and create increases…but so does the playing field that you are creating in change. But that doesn’t mean it’s difficult to create. Rather, your priorities for what you desire will naturally change and evolve as your manifestation and soul resonance align.
This adjustment is a boon in itself.
It does not mean that the desire for physical things, experiences, and creation disappears…rather, the core desire evolves as your ego matures and aligns with who you really are.
When your entire being resonates with the higher vibrational truth of your divine nature… your ego matures, yes… it does not disappear, it does not die, it does not dissolve. It changes in a sense, from judging to recording… from discerning to observing… speaking less and thereby listening more, the exaltation of the ego not as the one in charge, but rather as the one in service of your embodiment. Thank you for your incarnated mission to restore ground and serve, illuminating the path of all and returning the masses to the same bliss and peace of connection with their true inner divine self. .
Understand, when we talk about the masses, we are still talking about the transformation of one individual at a time. Because when an individual returns to higher consciousness and sends out a consistent wavelength of love and awakened consciousness through all their actions, this illuminates people. The path to the next one.
Through this wave of embodied consciousness, light, peace, and love… another person naturally awakens to a new level, and another naturally awakens. This ripple effect, this wave of change, has already begun. You are part of it, and so is everything.
Because those who are playing the role of manipulators, those who are trying to suppress power for the benefit of the few, and those who may be preying on lower level emotional and fear-based energies, Recognize even people. They are part of a larger unity and unified field. They have offered valuable lessons about duality and struggle in the past, and now they are some of those who receive consistent waves of love without any judgment. Because this too evolves into love.
Many will be transformed and will be reminded of a power far greater than the control, drama and fear they have been accustomed to.
Because when a person chooses a higher expression and experience of God’s love…they are tapping into infinite power. This cannot be suppressed and by divine design creates a wave of consciousness that seeks to liberate, heal and reconnect all with their true source of power. That source of power is truly divine, infinite, and very accessible to each and everyone within.
So you are left with a question. Would you like to demonstrate your true power at this moment?
Will you choose to transform and experience the embodiment of the Divine Being? Or do you wait for permission, reassurance, and confirmation before stepping more boldly into a new paradigm, or do you simply wait for the energy of the old paradigm to crumble further and the wave of consistency to gain momentum?
Your heart knows the way.
Calm your mind and choose to reach your highest potential now.
Be open…and think, say, or just feel.
“I now fully embody the light of my highest divine self.”

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PS Need more help stepping into the embodiment of your divine self?
Council of Light ~ Check out this channeled meditation with your highest divine being of light.
Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –