A real angel…? yes!
I was recently prompted to search for “Real Angels” on Google and was surprised by what came up. Most of the results displayed have a tabloid-like feel, with headlines like “Woman Encounters Real Angel Falling from Sky,” accompanied by photos of winged humanoid beings. Ta.
This does not accurately paint a clear picture of real angels, who are essentially spiritual beings of light.
So what is the truth about angels?
The truth about real angels
Real angels are beings of light
Angels are beings of light that actually exist in the higher dimensions of light and spirit. The purpose of the angels is to serve, be a resource, and be an ally to humanity as we journey through our physical lives here.
Angels are becoming more and more known as they are also assisting us in our current ascension process. In the ascension process, we have a wonderful opportunity to remember more of who we really are and bring our true divine nature as beings of light into physical form.
Angels serve to help you in your life according to God’s grace. They respect your free will and your ability to learn your own lessons and make your own life decisions. Because of this, they are unlikely to intervene without your permission.
Therefore, if you want to truly experience angels for yourself and call in the help and support of genuine light beings in your reality, you need to ask for and essentially give permission.
How to ask angels for help
You can invite angelic help into your life just by asking.
Focus inward and ask with clear and genuine intent:
“Angel, help me!”
“Angels, please connect with me in my life and help me know that you are real. Make your presence known. And guide me, help me, and help me find my best. Please come forward and help me step into light and authenticity and my true soul purpose and fulfillment in this life.”
Of course, you can ask for anything you wish. But the truth is, when you ask from a place of integrity, and when you ask for something that truly aligns with the highest good of all…that’s when your angels most effectively and powerfully guide you. Please know that this is a place where you can help.
Know that your angels will always come forward when you ask for help.
It’s really amazing. They are literally always there, always available to help, guide and support you.
To receive angelic guidance, all you have to do is ask questions and tune within with your focus.
Because most of the time, the way your angels move forward is through frequency, love, light, and clear, bright, pure, amazing energy that you can feel and perceive if you are sensitive.
However, be aware that if you are used to focusing only on the physical world around you, you may miss angelic energies and think they don’t actually exist.
Therefore, the key to attuning to the actual presence of angels is to attune your spiritual senses to the subtle realms. The best way for me to do this, and the one I always recommend, is meditation.
Meditation is something that really helped me and is what directly led to my undeniable first encounter with an angel.
connect with angels
Breathe, focus your attention on your inner heart center, quiet your mind, and imagine light all around you. Feel the clear, bright, crystallized energy of God’s love and blessings around you, and imagine it breathing light into every cell and into every area of your body from every direction.
Breathe, relax, open your heart and know that this simple process will bring you into a state of resonance where you can feel and perceive your angelic guidance.
When your angels step forward to connect with you, they usually do so through whichever of your primary spiritual subtle senses is strongest for you.
If you have good eyesight, you may see a glowing ball of light. If your emotions come more naturally to you, you may feel waves of angelic light, energy, and presence. You may just know that an angel has come forward, or you may even slightly feel it.
my angelic encounter
One day I was hiking in the Sandia Mountains of New Mexico. I stopped in the shade to rest and sat there under a pinon pine tree. I just sat in the shade, relaxed, and did everything I could to quiet my mind and tune into love.
Suddenly, it was as if a door to the angelic realm opened before me, and Archangel Michael and my own team of angels stepped forward.
It was like I was being bathed in incredible light and energy, just like an angel. The entire physical world around me seemed to melt away…suddenly everything was pure light, pure frequency, and pure love.
I felt so loved that I literally felt like I was lifting off the ground. It was surprising and amazing, but deep down I knew that what I was experiencing was angelic energy.
I felt so comforted, blessed, and at peace…and I received messages from many different angles. You may have heard me speak before, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m okay and that I’m actually going to go. That I am working with the angels in my life. I could hardly believe it at the time, but the experience was so vivid, so real, so strong that I believed it…and felt grateful. Honestly, I don’t know how long I sat there soaking in the incredible energy. Because for me it felt like time stood still, or like I was outside the realm of time in a way… But at some point, I came back to consciousness… and I found myself in a pine tree. I was sitting downstairs.
When I looked around, everything around me seemed to become lighter.
That day I really connected with the angels and in doing so my energy was purified.
I am telling my story because I am not unique in my ability to experience the angelic realm. So know that you too can connect with angels.
And when you intentionally try to connect with your angels, that very process is one of the best ways to cleanse your energy and raise your vibration in a completely safe, loving, beautiful and incredible way. is.

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Are angels religious?
Here are some common questions I receive from people who are just beginning to learn about angels.
“Is it okay to connect with angels because of religion?” Or does it have to do with XYZ religion? ”
So, the question is… We talked about how angels are spiritual beings of light who live outside the physical realm.
And what about religion? Religion is a creation of humans seeking to understand the spiritual realm. And almost every religion refers to angels, mentions spirits, talks about angels…
Of course, the scriptures are full of angelic stories and verses that talk about angels…
However, the angels themselves are not actually religious. And the truth is, everyone has angels, religious or not.
I think the important thing to keep in mind is that your angels are working and connecting with you in a way that is right for you. Therefore, if you have a very specific belief system, your angels will work with you within that belief system. But it can also help you peel back the limiting belief systems that keep your perspective limited when a wider world of experience awaits.
So basically, the angels can work with you where you are, but with your permission (if you ask and that’s your intention), they can expand your horizons. You can also help spread it out.
This is very powerful, especially now that we are in a great cycle of ascension, expansion, and transformation.
Ask and call out to the angels for help. And know that it is through your heart center that you connect.
So, if you have a lot of past pain and hurt in your heart, as you begin to connect with the angels, they may come to the surface and become clear. This is the cleansing energy of the angels at work!
In fact, the first time I channeled angels (a next vibrational level experience) it was so incredibly beautiful and I was overwhelmed by the depth of their love.
I shed tears from my eyes as the pure light and pure love of angelic energy touched my heart and purified it with the power of spiritual tears. So if you are trying to connect with an angel and notice a rising movement, cry yourself, release yourself, let yourself go. Because the lighter and brighter you are, the more vibrationally attuned you will be to the angelic realm.
Angels are always with you…Angels are always sending out energies of love, guidance, and healing. But just like any radio station that’s always on, you won’t know it’s transmitting music until you dial the right frequency…you won’t even know it’s there. That’s why many people don’t realize that angels are real…it’s not because they don’t have an angel, but rather they’re just not attuned to that particular angel’s vibrational bandwidth and frequency. .
But know that wherever you are in your range of seeing and perceiving angels, you can cultivate a connection with them, and it is a very empowering and beautiful thing to do so.
It is truly life-changing that when you ask the angels to be with you, you have an undeniable, vivid, real-life experience of non-physical existence. So ask your angels to connect with you. Next, focus inward and listen and tune into the angelic light and energy.
Also, please know that every message I channel, every meditation I publish on this site, is all designed to help you establish a direct connection with the angelic realms. .
So you too can have a real, vivid and powerful experience for yourself. Because I feel that gone are the days when hearing about someone’s incredible spiritual experiences was enough.
Now is the time to experience a direct connection with the spirit realm, the divine realm, the angels, and your highest divine self…all that you are, your beauty, your authenticity, your light, and your It brings power into physical things. It is to create it as a divine being, a being of light with a physical body.
Yes, angels are real, and yes, they are waiting for you to tune in.
Why not ask the angels to connect with you?
listen. open. lift. Listen and tune in. receive.
With love, light and gratitude,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com