Listen to your heart’s precise “yes/no” oracle!
You have access to a powerful source of inner guidance. In this post, you will learn how to access that source through the yes/no oracle of your mind.

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Access your inner Yes/No oracle
If you’ve been reading my site for a while, you’ve probably already heard me talk about how your heart is the center of your multidimensional existence. Through your heart, you can access the direct guidance, love, and healing frequencies of your higher angelic realms and your highest divine self.
And just by tuning into your heart center, you can access clear “yes” and “no” answers, almost like an oracle.
When I talk about the heart, I’m talking about the heart center, also known as the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, so it’s not so much the physical heart as it is the energetic heart.
The way to tune into the center of your heart is to first focus your consciousness inward.
Focus your attention on the center of your heart, the center of your chest, and the center of your multidimensional being and begin to imagine a golden white light around you.
Imagine yourself breathing in light into your heart center and opening your heart.
Take a moment and focus on your heart center. As you breathe in light into your heart, imagine it glowing more vividly, and as you breathe out, your heart grows larger.
Next, take your left hand, which is your receiving hand, and place it over your heart.
(Energy is sent from the right and received from the left.)
So to receive divine guidance, place your left hand on the center of your heart and simply ask.
for example:
“Even if it’s rainy and gray outside, is it in my best interest to go hiking this afternoon?”
Place your hands over your chest, ask the question, and simply focus on your heart center.
Of course, this is just a sample question, but feel free to ask whatever you like. Asking people if they are most interested in moving to a new city, changing their relationships, eating certain foods or behaving in certain ways. can.
Place your left hand on your chest and ask the question.
Now, back to my example question. “Is it in my best interest to go hiking today, even if it’s rainy and gray?”
When I ask this question and listen…my heart clearly and undoubtedly expands.
On the other hand, when you ask, “Is it in my best and greatest interest to order pizza for dinner?” you feel your heart contracting, as if the quality of your heart’s energy is decreasing.
When the answer is “yes,” your heart becomes brighter and you feel a sense of warmth, spaciousness, and elation.
And when the answer is no, your heart contracts, the energy goes down just a little bit, and the quality of the heart energy that you’re regulating goes down a little bit or decreases a little bit.
By paying attention to your heart center’s responses, you can access your most powerful yes/no oracle when you ask yes/no questions.
This is much more powerful than using the Magic 8 Ball or a random Yes/No oracle generator online.
You have access to direct guidance from the divine and higher spiritual realms. Available anytime. Available anytime.
So place your hand over your heart, tune into the light of your heart, breathe, and bring your awareness into your heart center.
Expand your heart and fill it with light. Really relax yourself and let go of the outcome, let go of wanting to know the answer to the question or wanting the answer to swing in a certain direction.
Before you begin, it also helps to ground your energy in the present moment.
Feel your energy flow as you ground into the center of the Earth, into the core of Mother Earth, feel your oneness with the Earth and all things, and let the light flow upward, along your spine, and into you. flows into the heart of. We come into the direct presence of God.
Expand your consciousness, breathe, relax, and lift your spirits.
Feel your connection to all things, then focus on your heart center and ask questions.
Listen, feel, and tune into your heart’s guidance, believing in your ability to access clear guidance in this way.
And the more you act on and practice the guidance you receive, the more you are actually present, paying attention, raising your vibration through that presence, and attuning to the guidance of your heart, the more you will be able to say yes/no. Not only will you receive the answer, but you will be able to receive the answer. Although your heart expands and contracts, this guidance is always available to you, so you can begin to receive deeper, deeper, more meaningful messages and guidance from the divine and angelic realms through your heart center. Masu.
All you have to do is change your perspective, shift inward, open your heart, lift your mind, and always focus on the guidance available to you, the most powerful oracle you have access to, your heart center.
Enjoy the benefits of listening and following this clear guidance. Because listening to the guidance you receive and acting on it will open up incredible blessings and opportunities in your life.
Now take a moment to focus within yourself and imagine the light around you. And know that your imagination is like a portal to the inner realm of intuition. Imagination guides you to the door, then intuition kicks in and allows you to take the step, most on the highest path of materially embodying your full light and true divine nature. It brings helpful guidance.
Listen to your heart’s guidance. Please tell me how it goes. I’ll talk to you soon.
With light and love,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –