How do you maintain high vibration?
The recently gained questions include vibration. Specifically, a method of maintaining high -level vibration.
To be honest, this is the simplest answer to the question: Keep raising it to maintain high vibration. Integrate lessons, meditate, exercise every day, eat healthy meals, and release fear and lower levels of energy to raise vibration to new levels. Please support you by consistently increasing vibration. This is a way to start living with a larger level of harmony, joy and bliss. This is how to maintain your vibration!
See the details of how to increase the vibration here.
I will talk a lot about raising our vibration, and if you have joined me in the meditation of an angel with a guide, you have an incredible love, light, and the source of God I have experienced a pure connection. This is integrated energy. The amazing Christ’s light consciousness and ascended state.
But then you have to come back from meditation and go to work. You need to deal with your colleagues and family or juggle 10 at once. Recently, I am paying attention to the fact that many of you really feel this drop -off and are wondering how to maintain that high level of consciousness at all moments.
I want to point out that what you are experiencing is completely normal. We live in a physical area and have many issues. It is dual, has a mixed OTIC energy, and has the energy of others. For tens of thousands of years, the earth is in this direction, and you and I are here to fix the light.
And we are doing that. I am changing this paradigm.
It is up to us how we respond to heavy energy or negative energy now. This is the key. If you feel heavy energy and you start to judge yourself, you will not control your egomind spiral. You say, “I’m not progressing. I’m moving backwards.”
Next, this is what you have created. However, if you pause and realize that “I feel some heavy energy,” you don’t have to reflect who you are. Please do it normally.
“Well, I’m experiencing density.” Then you can move. You can consciously release the past energy in you. Maybe you are a transway and you are experiencing this low vibration energy from collective consciousness. You have a perception that “I feel something other than my real love, light, and joy.” If you know this, you can release it.
Instead of latching you, you can allow it to pass through you.
Maintain high vibration
The major part of retaining a higher level of vibration you are adjusting is accompanied by recognition, shifting when the old pattern, belief, or density begins, and is happy to shift. Masu.
Be aware that this does not reflect your real condition when you feel a lower energy appears and you feel it will reduce your vibration. Be aware and know what you need to do to shift.
For me, salted baths and walks in nature are amazing. I know other people who like running and sitting in a steam room. What do you need to do? Do you play music and dance around your living room? Maybe you want to clean your house? Do you take a shower?
Do what you need to shift energy. Simply recognize that it is not a reflection of your vibration. Be careful of the information you have taken. Are you scrolling the Facebook timeline? It is a certain way to lower the vibration. Charge and reset in nature.
What were you eating? Are you eating high vibration? Do you eat live fruits and vegetables filled with the energy of vitality, or are you eating heavy processed foods and meat filled with pain in the energy of pain, which is more susceptible to negation by lowering your fields. ?
Does other people latch you in energy with chords? Are you exhausting your energy to make you feel tired, exhausted, and frustrated? The Archangel Michael will notice the ability to return to love by cutting the code that emits you.
You can’t stay the same
So it’s here. There is a defect because the idea of ”maintaining vibration” cannot be the same. In this world where we live, we are not standing still. The change is constant. You may have heard of the phrase that you are dying if you are not growing. This may sound harsh, but it’s true in a vibration sense. If the vibration is not actively raised, the vibration is decreasing.
The current moment is an opportunity to choose love, illuminate your existence, and lift it to a new level of light. This includes the moment when you feel you are being challenged. If you feel overwhelmed by negative, recognize that your job will change at that moment.
Return to the consistent state of love
The great way to balance your energy and perceptions in the love of balancing your mind, body, and spirit and harmonizes is consistent.
Close your eyes. Take a breath. Please match the light of your heart. Ask your angel to help. “Angels, please help you open your heart.” Let’s expand your heart light. If you have a hard time opening your heart, think about where or people you love.
Think about the word “love”. What does love evoke to you?
Take love, exhale love, and expand your heart. Brighten the ascension column and integrate all seven chakras of physical being (and more than 7 more chakras). L illuminate all of your chakras with this ascension pillar and extend your aura around you.
Make yourself shine with a new level of light. If you have a hard time shining, call the team. “Fill the higher self, guide, angel, Christ, my aura with light and fill my energy with light.”
Imagine that there is a dial that represents the level of your light, and there is a dial that keeps the dial. In this way, you will be brighter, more radioactive, and shine with more love. And don’t forget to continue to increase the vibration.
Implement a high vibration diet
What you put in your body will affect your vibration directly!
See what high vibration diets are and the details of how to match them here!
Please do your inner job
All your thoughts, beliefs, choices, and actions play a role in signing your personal energy. This affects the height you are vibrating.
- Take the time to meditate and control the ego’s heart.
- Be careful of what you put in your body
- Work for beliefs and purify restricted beliefs
- Cleanose negative thinking patterns
- I will affirm and work
It’s okay to spend a day off
Do your inner work to evolve, grow, and continue to return to what you know completely of God’s spiritual being. Stand on your real light and truth, and if you have a day off, make it OK. If you feel energy, it’s okay. Do not show it that you have no failure or value.
Rather, what is it: a temporary experience of lower vibration. If you can display it objectively like this, you will regain your power. Therefore, there is no need to lower it by vibration.
Rather, you can recognize that “I have experienced negative emotions, and this is not me.” The truth of who you are is lively. It is God. If you are experiencing lower negation, suspicion, or resistance, recognize that it is not you and do what you need to shift.
Shift the energy for a moment to return to this focus of love, growth and vibration.
The journey to increase vibration will continue
Even if you are already vibrating at an incredible high rate, I want you to know … more. We live in an incredible possibility to reorganize at a higher area, love and light level. Even ascension masters continue to evolve, grow, and continue to vibrate. They are continuously promoted, stepping into the new level of light, taking on new responsibilities, and taking over the service method. You and I are so
Through this process, you will be compassion for yourself. Remember that you are an infinite spiritual being and in a physical form of God. You are surrounded by all kinds of negative, dense energy, challenging experience and people. Are you okay.
You are here to help New Age and the new paradigm of love, peace, and more harmony on the earth. But even if you’re completely promoted, you will experience the task. You can choose how to respond to the task. You will learn the lessons when you take it personally, respond with love, and do what you need to shift.
Please insist on your power
Instead of being overwhelmed by the challenge, not being affected by emotions and negative, then claiming your power. You actually raise your vibration. If you are suspicious, take action. If you feel heavy with low energy, it will move. Go to hiking, exercise, push down, and fly around the living room. Do what you need to shift.
You are very supported by the entire light area, angels, ascended masters, and your personal team. They all encourage you at every moment. So, if you feel lonely, ask for signs of their existence. If you get lost, ask for guidance. If you can’t change your energy, call the Archangel Michael.
Ask the Archangel, Michael, to cut all the chords of attachment to discharge your energy. I ask him to clean your fear, negative, and density energy … and he will do so!
You can also call your guardian to help your life balance and harmony, archangel Rafael, or Uriel Archangel to illuminate your life with true flames.
Remember that light, love, and joy are infinitely powerful than darkness, fear, or negative.
Greet the positive positive and negative, say hello with love, and greet the darkness with light. If you do this, you will shine more brightly, you will increase your vibration and step into the more wonderful real truth of the existence of God, the real physical form.
Become a Way shower for humanity
The vibration is raised and the new level of richness, clearness, certainty, and narcissism can be opened according to the complete light and religious ITY. This is not only a sense of fulfillment, joy, love, and harmony of life, but this is a way to step into your role as a way of humanity. This is a method of stepping into your role, leading positive changes and returning to a greater love, light, and balance on the earth.
If you’re still feeling sick or moody, focus on you, shake your energy, and ask, “How can I serve others?”
There are many people in the world who need help now. I get out of the doubt, take action, know that love is guided, and you are all doing well.
You are beautiful. You are the light of God. Return to that knowledge and return to its energy. Fill the light of the torus with light and inflate. And beautiful brothers and sisters should shine your light in the light. It is necessary in the world. We can guide this positive change as a light family, as a team, as a team, and as a team.
This is really you, so keep shining your light. You are real and vibrant and spiritual. The more you shine, love, and choose joy, the more fun, fulfilling, and rewarding you will be rewarded.
Please shine one step at a time!

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Are you ready? Get support to increase vibration as follows
Heart breathing
High vibration
Essential oil
High vibration healing
Please fill yourself with sunlight
Continuous meditation and support!
Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –