Preparation for my normal meal Welcome to the post on Monday (many of you love these, so we will continue this as long as I have the time and ability I will continue to share. Above all, it is a meal I helped me very much! In the past week, we had guests in our house, and almost everything was made and ready. It was very good to easily invite dinner!
(Note: I will visit my parents this weekend and leave the town, so I will skip preparation for meals on Monday, but I may share photos of Valentine’s dinner that helps my parents. !
Tips: Do I need help to reduce grocery bills? Check out my post with six strategies shared last week.

What I ate
More healthier lease bars -The recipe will come immediately. These are wonderful !!
Homemade tortillas -The recipe will come immediately. These are very delicious and fresh!
Homemade “unclear” -I didn’t take off the crust, so they were just freezer PB & J. But I call them in a grumpy. Cyrus asked me if he could make some of these for lunch and snacks. Jesse was also excited about making them!
Brown beef minced meat -Cirasu uses it for your own meals this week (he loves cooking and makes multiple lunches at school.
Seasoned grilled chicken -I made this for a quick protein. I love snacking it and adding it to the vegetable location for lunch and snacks.
Odds and end soup -I planned to make three Bean Chili Chowder, but there was no material we thought. So, basically, I took the canned tomatoes, cans of cans, cans of galvanzo bean cans and edges, and added soup, vegetables and chicken. We call it a kind of soup and add tortilla chips and fine cheese.
Meatball -It’s been a long time since I ate meatballs. This is a frequent recipe. So I made these this week! (I interrupted the barbecue topping for the recipe, fyi.)
Chicken Tetrazzini -I made such a big pot.

I tried a new recipe for a healthy lease bar. These were very good! (I will post a recipe here next week. Please look forward to it!)

Jessie ate one of them and ate one of them, saying, “These are much better than actual leasing!”

I also made some homemade tortillas to eat in the taco bowl.

If you have never tried homemade tortillas, they are much better than bought at the store (my recipe will come soon!). I often do it if I find a good sale because it is much faster to buy what I bought at the store. But sometimes it’s fun to make them from zero.

(If you are wondering, the meatballs have not been burned here yet! I wanted to get all photos while there was still a natural lighting!)
This week’s menu
Sunday -Furely apple & orange juice, scrambled eggs
Monday -Tacos bowl and homemade tortillas (This is located in last week’s menu, holding the remaining items twice, so I hit this meal this week!)
Tuesday -Tortilla chips, cheese, apple slices, odds and end soup with carrots
Wednesday -Meatball, certain kind of potatoes, steamed vegetables, fruits
Thursday -Cicknetetradini, fruit (I leave the town.)
Friday -Dinner (I leave the town.)
Saturday -Reopards (I leave the town.)

Source: Money Saving Mom® –