When is the concept a movie? In a literal sense, it does not mean “when you have a director, cast, and production budget”, but it is an abstract and mysterious level.
Anyone can come up with the pitch of the movie: What happens if a shark attacks people in the resort town? What happens if a child can see a dead person? However, there are quality that film creators cannot be summoned to actually pop the concept to the screen. Characters, visuals and ideas are working to transport viewers somewhere else.
This question happened to me while watching I love meIt resembles a cute concept in search of a movie. It is imaginable and boring, and science fiction romance is deployed for billions of years, but it feels in mystery, like a short short distance of 20 minutes to fill 92 minutes of runtime.
The strange creatures of couples’ film production duosham and Andy Zuchero, I love me Continue Angel town (1998), AI artificial intelligence (2001), and she (2013) In a long tradition of films on the existence of non -human beings who become humans and strive to love humans (or at least forged it well).
The high concept story is set in an apocalypse future around 2600, humanity has been extinct for a long time, and a buoy driven by AI is moving around in water near New York City.
A pleasant character garbled scene reminiscent of the interaction of pixar’s playful robot WALL-EBoy is paying attention to satellites around the earth. They flirt with a fragmented simulation of human speech. “What is stored in me is the exciting information of 1.2,000 petabettes about the creatures that once lived on this planet!” Steven Yeun’s satellite is cheerfully and artificially artificial. I mention it in the tone.

Kristen Stewart called out, enthusiastic about all kinds of contact, and is eager to look like an excitement human being returned to the bit and voice BOB (I … I … “). Dirty projector’s reputation for David Long Stress Pianoscore gives these visuals an elegant background.
Buy begins to absorb the digital debris of human civilization provided by satellites: keratin myome, random YouTube clip, especially Deja (Stewart) and Liam (Yeun) Instagram feeds for an unbearable influencer couple instagram. I posted it. Millions of videos to followers.
You may be wondering: Why are Digital Detritus seem like in the 2020s for hundreds of years in the future? But don’t worry about it I love me There are several satire ideas to reach the nature of influencer culture performance.
Sadly, many of the visual style of the movie are compromised by these constant YouTube or Instagram simulation. It may be proven that satire in the algorithm era is interesting for future generations, but in today’s world, who wants to see a movie that looks like an Instagram page?
Gradually, the two are in a human -like shape. Buu has been allocated to the image and voice of Deja for many years, and the satellite has taken the form of Liam, the husband of Deja. (Apparently, a certain penetration can change the shape of buoys and satellites.) In virtual reality -like deja and Liam apartments, characters are kissing, how to eat spicy Kessadiya, humans. Learn slowly how to do it.

Are they running the artificial personas created to maximize digital engagement wirelessly? Certainly, aren’t they all? That’s an interesting noodle. However, this movie isted it by changing the character into a virtual avatar like Sims with this middle stretching as a whole. Most of the movies are similar to Stewart and Yong, but not. actually STEWART and YEUN are still -the mysterious waste of these wonderful actors.
One billion years have passed. Eventually, the lovers who call themselves “I” and “Iam” are played by meat and blood stewart and YEUN. -Sapring buoy is finally laid). However, by this point, the thin concept of the movie is boring.
There is a hallucination speedrun through the (?) Winic (?) Winners and the birth of the baby (again, the influencer of these Instagram is modeled). Among the two characters, there are many philosophical causes about the meaning of falling in love and building life together. And there are infinite cuts between the central drama, the post -implanted sea view, the desolate planet, or what to do.
However, the whole is dark and empty, and if you mix the overactive visual style of the movie -live -action, animation, and the virtual reality of the metaberas style, you will be more concerned than success. Stewart and Young do their best to bring their charisma to materials. However, instead of the character revived, they seem to be drifting in the thinking experiment.
I love you (★★ ☆☆☆) It is rated as R and is currently playing at theaters nationwide. visit www.fandango.com。

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