Nonsense astrology ruler

nonsense is controlled by mercury. The co-ruler of nonsense is Venus and Pluto. Further research is needed on different types of nonsense.

What is nonsense?

nonsense: Some people refer to nonsense as a form of spoken or written communication. It can also be expressed by another symbol system, which is just a meaningless story. In everyday language, nonsense is often equated with absurdity, and sometimes with insanity. It is often used when talking about nothing and having fun. Many writers have used nonsense in their works, including poets, novelists, and songwriters. Many of them produce entire works made out of nonsense for a variety of reasons, ranging from pure comic repurposing and satire to claims about language and logic. In the fields of philosophy of language and philosophy of science, nonsense is distinguished from meaning because it is sought to find orderly and systematic ways to classify meaning and nonsense. An interesting area of ​​distinguishing between signal and noise is cryptography.
