Saturn Transits in Your Chart

Saturn In the birth chart transits, SaturnProblems may arise with your health. These two charts are examples of problems that can occur. If you have health problems, make sure to consult your doctor. Remember, Saturn is telling you to be conservative in everything you do. Overworking your body will result in unwanted downtime due to injuries. You must be in good physical condition to do any kind of exercise. Doing too much, too soon can cause problems. Too much sex also brings other problems. Staying up late and burning the candle at both ends brings other results. These in themselves can cause other problems in other parts of your life. Injured knee: Your spouse is angry because you made plans for the two of you to go dancing. Eating too much sugar: You start gaining weight and you are angry. The list goes on and on. Listen to Saturn and he will take care of you.

Saturn Transit from 1st to 6th House in Astrology

Possible Heath Problems of Saturn Transits

Saturn Transit from 7th to 12th House in Astrology

Transit of SaturnTransit of Saturn

These are the problems that can arise when Saturn transits your birth chart. The list is long, but it depends on the overall astrological chart and the aspects it makes to Saturn in that chart. Many of Saturn’s problems are the result of “lack” or “excess” with regards to your life. For example: 3rd House – Too much unrestrained exercise can cause leg muscle pain, torn ligaments, and knee joint damage. On the other hand, a lack of exercise and too much lifting can strain your knees and muscles. Love Saturn!