Some remember the 1990s in America as the second coming of the 1950s. Whatever the hole poking through its historic framing, it feels strangely plausible in Frank Lloyd Wright’s circular house of the sun. It was not actually built until 1967, but was commissioned by Wright in 1959, last year of the architect’s life, by shipping the big-name Norman Rykes. You might have seen it before it was completed, directed by Wright’s pupil John Ruttenberry, but it would have earned a retro cache over the next few decades. Later, with renovations in the 90s, House owners returned to do thorough updates and modifications of the Rattenbury.
The result is a kind of hybrid 50’s aesthetic. But so are all the homes designed by Wright. The last Wright is the round Sunhouse in Phoenix, Arizona.
in Architectural Digest The above videoWhen it was posted when the house came to the market in 2021, real estate agent Deanna Peters pointed out several features of its circular shape, as well as its curved corridors, custom-built cabinets (of course, Philippine mahogany), its distinctive “compression and release” and “inside out” spitial effects, “compression and release” of the desert car care efcision and of the carded eftiance, and “compression and release” of “inside out” in “inside out” in “inside out” in “inside out”. Money, and in fact, his own invention.
Also, like most homes designed by Wright – he was known to be recognized by himself, so instead of without a proud note, the circular sunhouse seems easier to see than to live in, not to mention maintaining it. “The 3-bedroom home was last sold in 2019, but it had a short period of time on Airbnb (rental for around $1,395 per night).” I wrote it House and garden‘2023 Megan Slack. At the time, it was on the market for about $500,000 more than the owners wanted in 2021, at $8.5 million. It remains unsold at the time of writingits asking price rose to $8,950,000. Of course, the Light’s name brings a certain premium, but so does the trends at the moment. After all, I hear that the 90s are back.
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Based in Seoul Colin marshall Write and broadcasting stationTS about cities, languages, and culture. His projects include the Substack Newsletter Books about cities And the book The Stateless City: Walking through 21st century Los Angeles. Follow him on social networks previously known as Twitter @colinmarshall.
Source: Open Culture –