Breathing meditation
Breathing is something we often take for granted.
After all, breathing is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do before we die.
Breathing is so easy and automatic that you don’t have to think about it to breathe.
But just because your unconscious mind can control your breathing doesn’t mean you should always allow it.
Being aware of your breath and breathing mindfully can provide many benefits.
Be aware of your breathing.
Is it shallow or forced? Deep or relaxed?
Slow your breathing, breathing deeply into your abdomen, and subtly modify your breath to flow more easily and deeply, increasing your awareness of the present moment.
When you feel like life is moving too fast and you’re caught up in chaos, take a step back and breathe. Taking deep, mindful breaths can help you slow down, calm down, and respond with conscious love.
When you’re feeling unmotivated or unfocused, just be present and breathe for a few minutes. This will help clear your mind and allow you to focus on what’s really important, rather than getting bogged down in the clutter.
Breathing mindfully fills your body with oxygen, raising your vibration and supporting you on your spiritual path.
Do you get nervous before social situations, meetings, phone calls or interviews?
Take a few minutes to breathe consciously – focus completely on your breath, inhale love and light, and let go of all stress, tension and nervousness.
Can’t sleep?
A simple breathing meditation is one of the best ways to let go of the mental noise that’s keeping you from falling asleep. Focus on your breath. Become consciously aware of when you breathe in and when you breathe out.
This complete focus on your breathing will quiet and calm your mind, helping you to fall asleep.
Be present and aware in the present moment.
All of your actions happen in the present moment, and it is in this present moment that you can hear your angels, tap into your supernatural powers and abilities, make meaningful connections with others, and experience the magic of life.
Getting lost in distracting thoughts can take you away from the magic of life, but focusing on your breath clears your mind and helps you focus on the present moment.
Daily breathing meditation
Breathing mindfully is simple, powerful, and completely free. Take a break several times throughout your day to just be present and breathe.
Breathe in and become aware that you are breathing in.
As you breathe out, become aware that you are breathing out.
Pause…and repeat.
When you do this, you will not only find that you can accomplish more in a day, but that it will be much easier to hold on to joy and love.
Breathing mindfully and focusing on your breath repeatedly can leave you feeling energized, rejuvenated and expanded.
Breathe and enjoy the moment…this moment is your life!
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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –