how to break the curse
Have you ever thought, “Am I cursed?”
In this post I am sharing with you The exact way to break spells and curses Someone put it on you. We’ll cover this too how to break the curse About family, love, or the curse of bad luck.
the curse is real
yes… curse exists,got it “Cursed” This sounds very scary and very negative. Although it is a harmful energy, if you understand what a curse actually is and know how to break a curse, encountering a curse will not be such a big problem.
i have your back here.
In this article, I will teach you my favorite methods on exactly how to break a curse on yourself, your family, or someone else right here and now.
This is something that can be changed and done instantly.
What exactly is a curse?
The curse is real, but it may not be what you think. Curses are not necessarily associated with witchcraft, nor are spell curses necessarily sent intentionally.
That may be so, but it’s important to understand that A curse is essentially just a distorted energy pattern It is created when someone has negative intentions towards another person.
So, if someone wants you to failOr you wish for something bad, negative event, or lower vibration to happen in your life. this is a curse And a kind of psychic attack!
If you are unsure how to curse someone If not…you might honestly think so. I accidentally did that Already if you harbor any malicious or negative intentions towards others.
Cursing is a zero-sum game!
I want to warn you.…to curse others do not have Actions that are beneficial to you or someone else and the distorted energy sent by cursing someone Always touch the sender’s life In the same way.
Understanding what curses really are may reveal that curses actually occur in the world more than you think.
Curses are not only created when someone consciously curses another person or intentionally attempts to harm another person.
These are types of curses where someone intentionally sends a curse or causes a curse. black magic And sadly, there are all sorts of black magic methods and processes for sending distorted energies into others to cause harm. (Please avoid these)
How are curses created?
But really, Curses can be created whenever there is a negative intention towards another person.
And here’s the thing… Even if someone consciously curses you with some kind of black magic ritual, it doesn’t necessarily have to negatively affect you if you know how to protect your energy.
Learning how to remove curses will allow you to cleanse yourself and your energy at the first sign of feeling unwell or unwell.
protect yourself from curses
I mentioned above that curses are essentially just Distorted negative energy patterns.
Looking at this from another perspective, A curse is like a virus with energy. These can negatively affect your energy and cause difficulties and difficulties in your life.
But if your energy field is strong… you can encounter curses without any negative effects.
If your immune system is strong, why can you never get infected even if you come into direct contact with someone who has the influenza virus?
So how can you keep your energy field strong so that you are not affected by the curse?
The problem is: If you are in a state of gratitude, joy, and gratitude…
You are literally vibrating above the level where the curse has a negative effect on you.
When you feel gratefulIn a state of joy, you are fully present, open, focused and aware of the present moment, letting your light shine, embodying your authenticity, and standing in your truth.
Even if someone has negative intentions towards you directly, you will not be negatively affected.
Your joy and existence are like shield It just bounces the lower vibrational energy back at you.
Even if someone consciously curses you, casts a spell, or uses some other type of black magic ritual to curse you, when you are vibrating above that lower vibrational energy… At that time, joy, love, and gratitude serve as the most powerful shields. Literally unaffected.

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But this is a big thing…
If you lower your vibration even for a momentmeaning if it is triggered in some way, such as:
- Negative or disgusting encounters
- You slip up and start focusing on past painful experiences
- Get angry by hitting your toe
- Painful memories from the past begin to repeat in my head…
You shift from the energy of gratitude and joy that is your energy shield.
And then you become more susceptible to the curse.and affects any kind of lower vibrational energy or frequency you come into contact with.
Joy and presence protect you, but if you fall from joy in the present moment, your energy shield can drop and you can become engulfed in the lower distorted frequencies that are the curse.
Curses can remain just outside of your energy
If someone intentionally casts a curse on you… that twisted mass of energy may remain outside your aura, waiting for an opening for it to reach you.
The good news is To break the curse, all you have to do is literally ask the angels for help. It’s like instant access to the most powerful antiviral drug on the planet.
awareness is the key
Awareness is the key here.
If you can’t read your energy To see distortions around your energy, or the remains of black magic...
It’s important to pay attention to how you feel!
If you feel heavy, sad, angry, depressed, irritable, irritable, or clumsy, these are the things you might be thinking about. A clear sign that it’s time to cleanse your energy.
Angel’s prayer to break the curse
Take a deep, relaxing breath and begin to focus your attention within yourself.
Focus your attention on your heart center and as you breathe, imagine the most incredible light all around you.

Say it out loud on purpose.
- I ask to be surrounded by divine light and angels to cleanse my energy on every level.
- I call on Archangel Michael and my team of guides and guardian angels who can best serve you.
- Please help me cleanse my energy and release negative energy patterns, curses, and distorted energies in my field.
- Please release into the light any curses or distorted energies that exist in my energy.
- Now imagine that there is an incredible sphere of angelic energy around you and continue…
Angels please release from my energy everything that no longer serves me and replace it with gratitude, compassion and joy.
Help me to stay focused and present in the present moment and not be influenced by the negative thoughts of others, even when consciously guided in my direction.
Help me to shine in alignment with my highest divine truth.
Now, from beneath your feet, the most vibrant web of golden light is rising through your body and energy, pulling out everything that no longer serves you and releasing it into the light. Just imagine.
Feel this web of light moving up through your ankles, legs, knees, hips, hips, abdomen, chest, elbows, arms, shoulders, neck, head…
Purify with light and completely release distorted energies…
Release fear, anxiety, doubt, and negativity into the light of God.
With the help of Archangel Michael and my guardian angels…
thank you. and it is so
This really works!
Did you feel empowered and transformed after going through the above process? Works instantly.
Remember that by moving forward and focusing on the present in a state of gratitude and joy, you can vibrate above the curse energies that are thrown at you.
If you notice your vibration dropping and feel like you are being influenced by lower vibrational energies or negative intentions, someone else may be directing your direction.please release it!
In addition to the above prayers, the Violet Flame of Transfiguration will be a powerful ally. Burn out all distortions And there is negativity in your energy.
Interestingly, for low-level distortions of energy… Water can be a powerful method of spiritual cleansing A lot too!
Learn how to purify your shower water with energy today!
It is important to know that no matter how helpless your situation may seem… We can help!
Call the angels!
Your angels will help you change in an instant... Cut the cords of distortion, remove all curses from your energy, return to the present moment cleansed and purified, stand in joy and truth, vibrate above lower energies and negativity, and bless. Allow your positive energy signature to flow in your life to serve everyone.
Need more help?
Check out my complete spiritual cleansing session here >>
If this was helpful…please share.
With blessings,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –