“Been there, done that” So what exactly is déjà vu?
Have you ever experienced déjà vu? Wondering what it means or why it happens? Keep reading to find out!
Déjà vu is a common extrasensory experience that occurs to many people.
Just yesterday I was buying some bowls at a local thrift store when I suddenly had a flash of déjà vu where I suddenly looked and realized — “I’ve been here before.” .
In this case, I had dreamed of that exact moment before…I was seeing it through my own eyes and was already living that moment through the precognitive dream.
For me, this was a signpost, an indication that I was on the right path. I recently made a big change in my life and thought this was a great validation of my new direction.
Another recent déjà vu experience happened while traveling in Bali a while back…
It was a full moon night and I was staying in a beautiful villa overlooking the jungle.
As I walked through the grounds, an archway leading to the gardens and rice fields caught my eye.
As I was walking up the stairs towards the arch, I suddenly had a flash of intuition.
I’ve been here before.
I remembered climbing those stairs under the light of a full moon, but only my memory was from a long time ago, in a past life experience.
déjà vu
The expression déjà vu comes from French and means “already seen.”
It is accurate to describe it as experiencing the past in the present. When that happens, it can best be described as eerie or strangely familiar. Logic tells you that the situation you’re in is happening for the first time, but another sense tells you that you’ve been there before, said so, or seen something. I’ll tell you something.
Déjà vu occurs to both adults and children. In fact, over 70% of people report experiencing déjà vu at some point in their lives. Déjà vu can be triggered through any of our senses, such as taste, smell, sound, or touch. Perhaps it’s a particular voice, a familiar sight, or a particular sound that triggers a memory or déjà vu experience in you.
Other examples of déjà vu
- I’m meeting someone for the first time, but I know I’ve met them before.
- I feel like I’ve said the exact same words before when I’m talking to someone.
- When I hear a song, I remember people and places I don’t know but feel nostalgic about.
- When you experience a situation and suddenly realize, you have already experienced it.
- Visiting a place for the first time and remembering that you have been there before.
When déjà vu occurs, memories of previous experiences of what is happening in the present moment are evoked.

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So what does déjà vu mean?
Déjà vu is a miraculous and beautiful glimpse into the depths of the soul, indicating a past life, or precognitive experience.
When that happens, it’s a signal to pay attention! Does your déjà vu evoke memories of a past life, remind you of a prophetic dream, signify a shift in your timeline, or convey a direct message from your highest divine self?
Déjà vu is a sign that something important is happening and you should pay attention to the present moment.
Perhaps you are being given an opportunity to learn an important lesson, experience some form of completion, or move into greater alignment with the Supreme Light.
Of course, you need to be conscious enough to notice!
Great emotional healing can occur when you begin to pay attention to déjà vu as a message from your divine self. Your subconscious mind is communicating messages to your conscious mind in the form of these “already seen” moments and memories. It’s easy to dismiss them as coincidences. But if we do that, we miss its spiritual significance.
The next time you experience déjà vu, stop and consider that the synchronicity of such moments is rare and therefore special. It’s a sense of familiarity that lets you know you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
Think of déjà vu as a signpost that you are on the right spiritual path.
What is its purpose?
Déjà vu acts as a marker between your past life or premonition and your current life. Markers are reminders for different things.
- You are currently repeating actions from your previous life.
- There are past life experiences and aspects of the soul that you can heal and integrate now.
- you have experience of what is happening in this moment
- You are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people
- you just experienced a timeline change
- You have the support of your spirit team and angels, as well as the wisdom and knowledge you need to exist on Earth now.
It is your responsibility to interpret the message in a moment of déjà vu. Is it a sign of change coming in your life? Validation of your direction?
Remember, your soul has planned this recurring moment just for you. God supports you and wants you to decipher the message.
Simply being aware of your past memories opens a window to your higher self.
Each experience of déjà vu is an opportunity to increase your understanding and connection to higher consciousness. Simply put, it means your soul is connected to your physical self on a deeper level. Often when you look at it this way, déjà vu helps you see life more clearly. It can guide your decisions, heal emotional wounds, and even unblock patterns.
We learn from history. Would you like to learn from the history of your previous life? This mystical sign came to you from your angels, ancestors and guides. They chose it to guide and support you right now in this life.
What to do if you have never experienced deja vu?
Even if you have never experienced devavu, it is not the first time in your life. All beings have already experienced multiple lives here on Earth and in the spirit world. If you have never experienced déjà vu, it means your angels or guides did not arrange this kind of reminder or landmark during this particular journey (at least not yet).
Use this as motivation to look in other areas where your signs are coming from.
Rest assured, no one exists here alone. You have a team dedicated to your soul journey. They’re talking to you in a different way. Other markers now make more sense for you. In fact, if you stop and think about it now, you’ll realize where the marker came from. Other coincidences, synchronicities, epiphanies, life-changing events, and emotional moments.
eliminate boundaries
Your body may have boundaries, but your mind has no boundaries. Your spirit experiences so many things at so many different levels at the same time. The mind can’t always grasp this, which creates that eerie feeling. Let’s try deja vu. Let it be your window into this boundless space that is your Source.
With love and blessings,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com