And according to Spate’s popularity metric, a metric that combines Google Search and Tiktok views, the data backs her up. Hair colour was found to be the peak of popularity in September 2023. It’s time we all learned the phrase “cowboy copper.” And chatter about trends has been pretty consistent ever since. However, phrases grown include “copper brown hair” and “copper blonde hair.” This shows that girls are interested in more subtle ways to try out trends before diving in with both feet.
For Kenner, the key to achieving copper hair colour is one of our core doctrines of beauty. Make sure you see a trusted colorist. Copper has so many different tones, so to achieve the best results you need to formulate shades based on your natural colour and complexion. It also helps if your colorist is familiar with your lifestyle. For example, if you’re a triathlete spending time in a chlorinated pool or you’re in a really busy job constantly canceling your color-up keep schedule.
What to expect when you go to copper
For us who don’t have a colorist Dance a few steps behind us Copper may always need to lift heavy objects, but Vassallo says not all hues are highly maintained. “Clients will always advise you to maintain as low maintenance as possible by getting as close to the natural levels of darkness and brightness of your hair as possible and developing red/copper tones that always work individually,” she explains, saying that colorists used to the history of hair coloring can help you work for you. That may mean adding brown to thicken the copper.
Already light hair, god-given or artificial, using coloured sheen, “you can “soak your toes in a copper pool without any major commitment,” says Vassallo. If your hair is already dark, you are seeing a bigger effort. “It requires some lighting, but it’s worth it, and it’s pretty easy to keep up after the initial appointment.” In her salon, she looks like a touch-up of the roots and a luster of the hair every 6-12 weeks, depending on how quickly the hair grows and the amount of roots they are willing to live in between visits.
Warning words
“Red and copper are notoriously fading, so make sure you’re taking part in maintenance,” says Kenner. Home care is important. Kenner and Vassalo suggest washing with a sulfate-free shampoo (ideally wash less than three times a week). Kenner’s favorite is the Roz Foundation shampoo, which uses ingredients derived from coconut to clean your hair. Vassallo loves Christophrobin Color Shield Shampoo. For conditioner, try Christophrobin’s chic copper mask, which gradually colores your hair, “energizes the tone during salon visits,” explains Vassallo.
Use Kenner’s go-to crown events when you want to wash, but have the exact color where you want it. It moisturizes the hair and protects it from heat. She says, “It will help close the cuticle and stay healthy and extend the copper colour life.”
Source: Allure –