They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but lemons are no bad idea either! This wonderful little citrus fruit contains a number of properties that can help you deal with our common enemy: bloating. So today we’re going to give you a quick rundown of why lemon water is so effective against bloating.
As women, we easily get bloated. We get bloated during our period. We get bloated even after our period ends.
Stress makes me bloated. After I eat and even after I don’t eat! It’s an unfair part of women’s lives and we have to do our best to survive. How? Lemon water.
It’s a powerful combination that helps clear your mind. First, the water itself helps you. The water helps flush you out. Think of it like Drano for your body. We pour products like Drano into our bathroom and kitchen pipes to fix clogs.
Well, drinking plenty of water helps flush out whatever’s causing the problem — whatever’s causing the bloating in the first place. So, while it may sound counterproductive, the next time the bloating returns, remember that water is your friend.
But what about lemons? Jody GrebelMS, RDN explains,
“Lemon water is a diuretic, which can actually help with fluid retention in the body, reducing bloating.”
Interesting! Lemons also contain vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and enzymes, which makes them great for anti-aging, digestion and improving gut health.
Does lemon water help relieve bloating? Here’s why you should drink a glass!
trend The magazine also delved into the lemon research, reporting:
“It improves digestion. It also helps relieve indigestion, heartburn, and bloating. In addition, lemons stimulate the production of bile and gastric juices. Therefore, gas generation can be prevented..
[Lemon water also] It improves intestinal transit and hydrates the colon, so it can help relieve constipation, especially when consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Plus, lemons are rich in dietary fiber.”
Bloating is often caused by gas production, so if you can stop or prevent bloating, you’ll save yourself time bloating. Next time you find yourself feeling like a cute little balloon, have a glass of lemon water. Your body will thank you.
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Source: 1966 Magazine –