When my mother came recently …
.. She and Anton whipped a delicious dinner: Ina Garten’s Parmesanchikin。 Basically, apply flour, eggs, bread crumbs, and parmesan cheese on chicken breasts. Next, fry them and cover them with lemon -like salad green.
The chicken was delicious, and it was so easy to make it again a few nights after returning to Michigan. (Here, mashed potatoes and green beans are added, but if you want to keep it simple, chicken and salad are enough.)
A few days later, Anton, Toby and I made rice and beans, and made more toppings: red peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, rotari chicken, crushed tacos shells, cheddar cheese, sour cream, hot sauce 。 We loaded everything in a bowl and ate it on the sofa. “Mom, you should lightly hit your back for this dinner,” said Toby. As a whole, entertain the crowd!
I was always a bad cook and made me squeeze myself -and it’s true that I’m not wonderful -but I can Please do something certainly. Here are five things in our rotation:
Coconut chicken and rice (excluding chicken soup, it resembles curry and looks like a soup)
Chicken palm meat ball
Pasta with broccoli pest
Migas Tacos
Bonus: Everything -For example, frozen pizza, roti sulch chicken, or tomato sauce and spaghetti -Caesar salad (my boy) This wolf)
So I want to ask: What are the five recipes you have in your Arsenal? Does it work always? Even what you really know? Please share it below …
PS Bad Cook, a great mother. And the nine family meals we love to die.
Source: Cup of Jo – cupofjo.com