Venus in Aquarius December 28th to January 27th.
Venus enters Aquarius on December 28th, a fairly uneventful transit apart from a conjunction with Saturn on January 19th and a sneaky 8th house aspect of Mars on January 3rd. For Taurus rising, it is a 10th house transit that supports career, and for Libra rising, it is a 5th house transit of the ascendant lord that supports romance and the arts.
Aquarius is the second most difficult sign to stand out in your chart, as it is ruled by Saturn, the shakti of suffering, and obsessive Rahu, the sign of desire. Rahu, the dispositor, will be in Pisces till May 2025.
Venus in Aquarius is sure to bring innovation to your ideas and make them overflow! If you were born with unaffected Venus in Aquarius, you are friendly, charming, fun-loving, logical, love to learn, popular, and get along well with others. is. Aquarius is a group sign, so Venus in Aquarius promotes social and political groups and activities. Since this is a humanitarian beacon, it defends liberals and continues to highlight the immigration crisis, potentially leading to conflict. Biotechnology is supported in Satavisha (Aquarius 6.40-20.00).
Aquarius is a vata or air sign, so the earthy solidity of Capricorn is removed. The good news is that Venus will be exalted in Pisces from January 27th to May 31st. This will be a sweet time for love and relationships in general, but this year it will get complicated from April 1st to 3rd when Venus conjuncts Rahu, Neptune, and Saturn. It will go backwards for a while, causing re-evaluation and drama in the relationship.
If Libra rises and passes through Aquarius, this is It is a move in the home and can bring deep love with children, a new romance, or a deep spiritual initiation and success in the theater. When Aries rises, you will benefit from income, and when Scorpio rises, there may be more expenses related to the house and car, as well as more quarrels at home. Pisces rising may have passionate sexual experiences, while Cancer rising may have major problems with deep karmic issues from the past. Aquarius Rising may feel a little lighter after a visit from a close friend and a deeper connection, and their desire for new, unconventional clothing may increase. Geminis may have deep spiritual experiences or go on luxurious trips to foreign countries. Virgos should be careful of diseases related to the reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder and pancreas. Again, all of this is very dependent on the larger cycle you are running, so consult a professional astrologer. The transit is always secondary to the dasha, and if you are in your Venus phase or have your major natal planet in Aquarius, this transit will affect you the most.
Venus and Saturn conjunct: 21.54 degrees Aquarius January 19th
Venus moves towards conjunction with Saturn on January 19th, and while these two planets are friends, Saturn will receive more benefits, and with Capricorn and Aquarius rising, it will enjoy more energy, Saturn’s heavy responsibilities and hard labor will be reduced. Venus-ruled signs like Libra and Taurus can feel heaviness, depression, emotional dryness, and detachment, which they need meditation and a good massage to overcome.
Mars makes an 8th house aspect to Venus on January 3rd, so passion/anger/relationship control issues continue. It’s not a good time to control or force your spouse in any way. Don’t use guilt or jealousy to control your partner. Otherwise it may explode in your face. This transit can bring infatuation with a new partner in your life, especially if you are an Aquarius or Leo rising, but it may be a fantasy, based on unconscious impulses that have no basis in reality. may be.
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Source: ASTRO BLOG Archives – Applied Vedic Astrology –