Which is more effective: tropical solar return or stellar solar return?
The biggest problem with astrology is that astrologers who claim that tropical is correct and sidereal are correct are misunderstanding the truth. Neither type of astrologer understands that one is earth-based and the other is astral-based. You can’t mix apples and oranges when it comes to tropical and sidereal astrology. That’s the answer. These are two completely different systems, both of which work with their own methodologies. There are other systems, but they are not covered here.
Now, let’s get to the bottom of this issue regarding calculating natal return or solar return. Both types of charts must be interpreted according to their original earth or star-based system.
Tropical astrology is interpreted based on the relationship of the Earth and the Sun along the ecliptic. Twice a year, when the sun passes through the equator, it is at 0 degrees of declination. The northern crossing point is called the vernal equinox. The south intersection is called the autumnal equinox. One is “0 degrees Aries” and the other is “0 degrees Libra.” When the northern or southern declination is at its maximum, it is called the summer and winter solstices. One is “0 degrees Cancer” and the other is “0 degrees Capricorn.” I hope this helps you understand why tropical systems are earth-oriented. The tropics also follow annual seasonal changes in both hemispheres.
Sidereal astrology is based on the stars and begins at “0 degrees Aries” in the celestial constellation Aries. The two star systems, Tropical and Stellar, are about a month apart at this point in history due to the precession of the equinoxes.
In summary, both systems work when applied in earth-based or star-based orientation. When interpreting solar return charts, it is important not to confuse one system with another. The tropics are interpreted by the movement of the Earth and the sun starting at 0 degrees declination. The fixed stars are interpreted as constellations starting with the constellation “0 degrees Aries”. I hope this helps. love my astrology
I am personally a tropical astrologer, trained by some of the greatest astrologers of the 20th century.
Thank you for your help: Alphee Lavoie, Sophia Mason, L. Edward Johndro, Georgia Stathis, Rick Levine, Demetra George, Eileen Nauman, Kris Riske, Rex Bills, Mary Shea, Richard Nelson, Steven Forest, Jan Spiller, Robert Hand. , Neil Michelsen, Liz Green, Michael Lutin, Brenda Brush, Michael Mankasie, Steve Cozzi, Lois Rodden. There are many others I have met or heard speak at astrology conferences such as NCGR, ISAR, AFA, Rosicrucians, etc.
Source: Lunar Returns – lunar-returns.com