The first solar eclipse season of 2025 begins this month. During solar eclipse season, expect things to “wobble” with a bit of uncertainty. Solar eclipses generally bring rest and confusion to our typical patterns.
This full moon in 23 Virgo begins a new period of shapeshifts and releases that lasts for almost two years! You may start to feel this eclipse that stirs up topics linked to the Virgo part of your chart. Listen to this episode to learn more!
If you’re interested in the stages of the moon and how a fixed star affects your chart, I like to like Kelly’s “Chart Interpretation C” course, which covers these topics and more. That’s happening now. Click here for more information!
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Hello, I’m back to another episode of Kelly’s Astrology Podcast.
Today’s show will be talking about the Virgo lunar eclipse. It will appear on March 14th or 15th depending on where you are.
Overall, March is a key month, with two solar eclipses, signs of Neptune’s change, Venus retrogradeness, and mercury reflux. This month may bring delays, adjustments, reversals and reassessment along with nudges to big, bright new dreams.
Of the two solar eclipses in March, the lunar eclipse is more powerful and its total lunar eclipse, so the solar eclipse on the 29th is a partial solar eclipse. It’s still a solar eclipse, so don’t misunderstand me. However, more unstable or chaotic eclipse quality can occur under the full moon eclipse in Virgo.
Details of the lunar eclipse soon.
If you’re interested in improving your chart interpretation skills and want to learn how things like the lunar stages and fixed stars affect your charts and personality, you’ll love my chart interpretation c course happening now. You will also learn about the sect and how it affects your side. There are two live Q’s, which is happening on March 19th.
This is one of the popular chart interpretation courses I teach. Share the show note link below
This is a review from past student Emimi.
This course really exceeded my expectations. The extra layers of lunar phase and fixed stars added a lot of nuance to my astrological interpretation. Throughout this course I gained a much clearer understanding of planetary states and what it actually means. Kelly’s teaching style is very systematic and clear. She has the skills to explain very deep concepts and techniques without overwhelming you. I loved the selection of metrics and the interactive aspects of the homework and discussion forum.
Students receive a lot of support so they can ask questions and get personal feedback on their homework. You can jump in and start learning today. Let’s meet Q and the 19th!
Let’s go back to this Virgo as the message is shared.
When you dive in, first hide some Eclipse Essentials.
The Eclipse season runs twice a year for about 5 weeks. During solar eclipse season, new or full moons become solar eclipses. The current solar eclipse season is from around March 1st to April 5th.
Therefore, the full moon in Virgo is a solar eclipse, and the new moon on March 29th will also be a solar eclipse.
Eclipses can always have destructive or unstable qualities, as they represent a break in a pattern of normal things. The Eclipse season could be a time when normal rhythms and routines are off.
By not doing as much as usual, it can also help to give you a little more flexibility or bounty, change your schedule, or give you permission to take a break from a regular ritual.
With some of these basics covered, let’s get into this lunar eclipse in Virgo.
Eclipse is located in 23 Virgos, and will be on March 14th in Canada and the US and March 15th in the UK, Europe and Australia.
This is the first Virgo solar eclipse in this sequence. This can give you a clue to the fact that this solar eclipse represents the beginning of the process of shape shifting and release that continues to run until February 2027.
The first solar eclipse in the new sequence can be a hit hard as at least nine years have passed since Virgo had all sorts of solar eclipses. You may find this eclipse really sparks the topic of Virgo home on your personal charts.
Southernord solar eclipse
This solar eclipse is a South Node eclipse, meaning that the South Node theme will become stronger.
South Node is about being released, letting go, and clearing out. The ending is more important than the beginning, as the quality is degraded or degraded.
South nodes are also very subjective and emotional, and not rational at all. Therefore, it is possible to be more sensitive or reactive/responsive. It’s like having strong feelings about something but not knowing why or what is causing them.
Now, the full moon is in 23 Virgos, and the South node is in 27 Virgos, the combination of which activates the solar eclipse, and, given the quality of energy, that is, the trends of Virgos, it is to learn new ways to assess shifts, liberation, old patterns, anxious thoughts, anxious thoughts, or data.
Since this eclipse is in Virgo, you may fall into an old trap of overly analytical or overly thought. If so, try to bring your consciousness back to your body.
This type of Sonannodal solar eclipse can reduce physical and mental vitality. If possible, plan a quiet day on the day of the eclipse that is less liable or obligated. It may be important to rest and treat your body gently. It’s not an energy that encourages major tasks, so it’s ideal to minimize tasks.
Aries Eclipse Ruler’s Mercury
Take a closer look at the solar eclipse chart and get in touch with Mercury, the ruler of the solar eclipse in Virgo.
Mercury is nine oysters under the solar eclipse, and will go backwards on the 15th.
So the eclipse ruler is at a station that is about to go backwards. Medieval astrology described retrograde planets as sick people in bed.
Therefore, this solar eclipse already reduces physical health, as the moon is a solar eclipse near the South Node. Now there is this symbolism of the ruler of the retrograde solar eclipse mercury. It is definitely a harbinger to look at your health and perhaps do what you can to boost your immunity, or to build your health and vitality.
Go backwards
As the eclipse ruler is about to go backwards, there is also the symbolism here as it separates from the future and temporarily reconnects with the past. Before you can move forward, you may need to deal with unfinished business, physical things, or your heartfelt messiness, your heartfelt messiness.
This eclipse definitely feels like an orange or red light as it is with the South Node and the ruler is going backwards. Pause, look back, review, clear and organize. Before accepting new challenges, you need to sort and release something.
This Southern Node lunar eclipse in Virgo is powerful and can help you resolve or release what’s getting in your way. To do this, you may need to look into your thoughts, shift your perspective, and clean up old ideas and mental baggage.
It may make clear where things are inefficient, or where your habits were expelled rather than cooperative. Don’t be embarrassed to throw away anything that has stopped working under this eclipse. This portends a powerful universe for ending, reduction and tidying up.
The solar eclipse itself is very low energy, so it does minimal energy and focuses on clearing, past arrangements and unfinished ones two weeks after the Virgo solar eclipse.
In the comments below, let me know what is released for you under this solar eclipse.
Thank you for participating! I’ll take the time to listen and look forward to catching you next time.
Anyway, goodbye
Source: Kelly Surtees Astrology –