Today, it is rarely noticeable to have Greek Buddhist acquaintances. Despite being born in Asia, its religion, or philosophy, lifestyle, or whatever you want to call it – now there are supporters all over the world. Modern Buddhists do not need to make a painstaking journey to conduct even more challenging research courses under recognized masters. Furthermore, the form of Buddhism they practice is not always recognized by amateurs. What’s even more surprising is that transplantation and hybridization to other cultures that have led to so many Buddhist lineages took place in the ancient world.
For example, consider “Greco-Buddism” explained in Religion of the breakfast video abovethe story includes a variety of universally known and relatively vague charming characters. The most famous of all of them is Alexander the Great as a host Andrew Henry “conquered a huge empire that stretched from Greece in Central Asia to the Indus River, and herelented the population along the way.”
However, “cultural exchange was not just one way.” It is evident from the fact that still new Buddhist religions also spread in opposite directions, and are illustrated by texts and works of art clearly shaped by both civilized flows.
Other major players in Greco-Buddism include philosophers Ellis’ Piruhotraveled with Alexander and received the idea of ​​stopping judgment from the “gymnasium” in India. AshokaEmperor of the Indian subcontinent in the 3rd century BC, a recognized Buddhist who abandoned violence for compassion. and King Menander“the most famous Greeks who converted to Buddhism” appears as characters in early Buddhist texts. It may still be difficult to say exactly who believed what during that period, but broadly speaking, it is not difficult to identify as Stoicism the resonance between Buddhist principles and such a widely known school of ancient Greek thinking. Both of these belief systems have a considerable amount of currency in Silicon Valley, but we have yet to see what remains to abolish that legacy in the coming millennium to thousands of years.
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Based in Seoul Colin marshall Write and broadcasting stationTS about cities, languages, and culture. His projects include the Substack Newsletter Books about cities And the book The Stateless City: Walking through 21st century Los Angeles. Follow him on social networks previously known as Twitter @colinmarshall.
Source: Open Culture –