The irony is lacking energy. Today’s madness will remain a serious humor. “My therapist proposed a digital detox, but what kind of implies would you miss?” Patricia Rockwood nails confusion: “We can’t confine George Washington’s head for this. did.”
Master Iresto’s rockwood recently wondered whether the ironic response to everything was already effective or simply activated passability. Good question. It may be a very strange thing that the maiden of power, the millionaires of power looking forward to living on Mars, the billionaires who are looking forward to death, and government officials are intended to dismantle the government. No. At the same time, the President claims to start a trade war to annexize Canada, buy Greenland, and lower prices. Probably, the ultimate irony is a famous scholar who rationalizes this nonsense as the fate of modern decadence (liberal).
There is a guide: recently released research, How to think incredibly: soul, UFOS, time, beliefs, allBy professor of philosophy and religious philosophy, the author Snake gift (University of Chicago University Publishing Bureau, 2024)-Heart humor.
In a recent interview, Patricia Rockwood said, “I don’t know if you are to respond to a very serious and absurd event in real time.”
Return seriously: New kinds of honesty will face the conflict front Instead of ruining it with a happy face. Wallace Stevens wrote in his poem, Chaos’s enthusiast, “violent order is a disability. Big obstacles are order. These two are one.” Stevens may not deal with politics directly, but these lines cause tensions at the core of democracy.
As James Madison claimed in Federalist No. 10, “Democracy is the promise. If there is no discord, it is not necessary.” But he is also a single party or leader. He warned that monopolizing power would be dangerous for democracy. Conflict and division are not defects, but are the essential features of democracy, inconsistent and cannot be settled. In contrast, authoritative governance will paralyze this tension with the promise of completely escaping politics.
Democracy, which is involved in dedicated politics and paradoxically enabling it, is an infinite internal conflict against a common interest in burning a department that the dedicated government uses. It may lead to discussion. In democracy, common interests are always discussed. The tyrannical politics provides a shortcut to silence the discussion.
Democracy teeth Boring, it’s full of meetings that make more questions -I pondered the movements and details and releasing those who think to give me a break. On the left and right, there is a true desire to put all madness aside, reconnect with friends and family, and stop with two beers.
The founder James Madison comes to mind again. He experienced one of the worst of American party. The 1790s are characterized as a “10 -year shouting game”. His most famous debate is that the “potential cause of Fact” is not the situation, but “OWN is being OWN in human nature.” The de facto trend is unique to who we are, and it is full of virtue vision, so democracy cannot survive without it. Sincere Unevenness.
Unlike tyranny, democracy prosperes in unresolved questions and permanent struggles to define common interests. Its vitality is a refusal to resolve, but this quality remains vulnerable to people who exchange freedom to protect the order of order and protect chastity.
Unity requires collaboration, not an agreement. The tyranny requires a contract and forces consent. “The limits of the tyrant are stipulated by the endurance of the suppressing people,” said Frederick Douglas, a slave politician. “The entire history of human freedom progress indicates that all concessions that have been made in the assertion of August have been born from serious struggles.”
During the reconstruction, Douglas advanced the vision of “complex nationality.” He accepted immigrants, especially colored immigrants, and tried to change the US democracy by expanding equal rights and dignity to oppressed people, especially colored people. “Freedom is not a way to move to the crowd.” Sure, democracy demands courage like freedom. It is supported through people who are courageous to the storm and resist the quiet era.
For Douglas, the irony continued to have a true patriotism. Democracy is here only when it is on the way. It is never corrected, it is the ultimate thing, the question will live and make the answer anxious. Douglas saw his most intense struggle as a truth. And deep in his heart, he actually believed that I would overcome it someday.
Given his strategic acquaintance, Frederick Douglas may have been able to perform Patricia Rockwood. Anything few.
Background and memo
Patricia Rockwood novel No one is talking (2022)。 An emotional frame that processes collective trauma and personal losses in digital noise. How is devastation and connections produced by each other?。 -Jia Tolentino.
“Open the portal: Conversation with Patricia Rockwood” -London -based writer and editor Jenna Mahale-Review of Los Angeles book (February 26, 2021).
(“New sincerity” -David Foster Wallace, “”E Unibus Pluram: Television and our fiction “–Essay, Review of modern fictionSummer 1993, 51. Value of single Enthenle. )
How to think incredibly. 。 。 – Jeffrey John Cripal (2024). Humanitative and scientific surveys promote the reality that wonderful things are real, supernatural is very natural, not humorous. -Kripal is holding a J. Newton Razor chair of philosophy and religious philosophy at Rice University. He writes an influential work on the intersection of comparative religions, mystery, religion, paranormal phenomena and popular culture.
“Democracy seems to be revived in the scenes of wild obstacles and turmoil.” Adam Ferguson, Scottish philosophers and historists (1757) quoted by Sheldon Wolin, Unlike democracy (1996), Chapter 2.
James Madison – Federal paper No.10 (1787), basic textbooks in American political philosophy. It is available for free on websites such as Project Gutenberg.
“5 lessons to overcome Madison’s polarization” – Lin Wuzzel, RealClear Public Affairs (March 18, 2021). Uzel is a visiting professor of Washington and Lee University’s politics.
The story of the life of Frederick Douglas, an American slave. It was written by himself:
Electronic version. Frederick Douglas, 1818-1895. -1864 speech “Mission of War”.
> “I say that it supports freedom, but I still want crops without plowing the ground. They want rain without lightning and lightning. They want the sea without many terrible RO sounds. “”
(Frederick Douglas’ life and times – Douglas, reissue 2023)
“Frederick Douglas on multi -ethnic democracy: Universal rights of migration and ideal of” complex nationality ” – Juliet hooker, Public seminar (March 18, 2021). Hooker is a “outstanding Lois family professor” of the University of Brown University.
“Maga Agonis shop” -Victor Davis Hanson, New standard (February 2025). “Athlete, who bent his knees in 2020 and expressed his anger at” systematic “racism, celebrated the score in 2024 by emulating Trump’s signature dance. Hanson is an American classical, military historian, conservative political critic and visit critic. standard。
Tips # 177- Hands of snakes
Source: 2 + 2 = 5 –