Monkeys in the Bodhi Tree: Crazy Whisdam and the Smart Photography Road
Jason Brett Sel (
Unleash the radical transformation powers at the heart of the world’s great tradition of wisdom in order to travel beyond the familiar
As far as I can remember, I have been fascinated by sanity issues. Its existence, its absence, and perhaps more importantly its integrity. Who is the smartest individual, who is the craziest, and how do you know the difference? At the same time, my sensibility has always been shocked by the obvious insanity that constitutes a “normal” society and the contradictions that frequently appear between our words and our actions. The extent to which we accept theirs. Krishnamurti famously said, “A proper adaptation to a society of deep illness is not a measure of health.” So, in such a crazy world, is it really wise to judge our sanity against that standard and the very practices and practices that are very crazy in themselves? And if that’s the case, perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised to find that those who took their sanity the most seriously often labelled “crazy.” The father of the desert, Anthony the Great, was too familiar when he said about 1800 years ago. , you are not like us.” Perhaps the time has come.
For decades, I have sought examples of sanity that have left their mark in history. I studied and learned from them. I followed their methods and tried to put into practice what they preached. Whether it’s because of my own personality habits or just their habits, I have always been particularly fascinated by the wise filming and crazy sages among them. The best sanity that is completely free from ignorance and suffering – ends both sanity and madness, not the sane of traditional success measured by university degrees, stable, well-paid jobs, paid mortgages, and nice cars Safe, all questions and doubts are the same.
When studying these iconic characters, it seems that Bonham of the Summer of Mind, developed by modern people, is another rang on the ladder of cognitive possibilities, and on top of it, others lie. In this article, we will soon begin to see the logic and reasons why modern people are highly respected. Certainly, just as infants live in a forward, positive, pre-world world, the wise Fool and Crazy Wisdom Master of all eras and traditions permeate the logical and rational cognitive realm, all of them They are standing behind them scratching their heads and thinking they are angry.
When Diogenes strolled around the city of Athens in a lantern lit up in search of “honest man”, it was just madness, or when he lived in a memorable way with examples Was it intentionally emphasized the moral decline of the When Ramakrishna scandalized his companion Brahmin by refusing and worshiping his wife as the mother of God, rather than the Kli statue of the temple, was it a brief lapse of his spiritual abilities? Or did he claim ubiquitousness? The God Principles for Women? Zen Master Gutei simply cut his attendant’s fingers as punishment for imitating him, and there was no consequence other than pain or trauma, but indeed, considering it was a criminal act. Sho. But in doing so, the attendant achieved the ultimate realization. He was a sacrificed far more than mere fingers. Did Gutey know that this was the outcome? Or was he just lucky? How did he know?
Bodhi tree monkey It dives deep into these themes and tries to bring some degree of clarity to the universal phenomenon that has come to be known as “crazywisdom.” It’s a very modern new science, but Crazy Wisdom is as old as humanity. Does it nurture the madness in the tradition of wisdom in all its world, from the enigmatic Mahasidudah of ancient India to the eccentric Taoist poet Monks of China, to the uncompromising su wisdom of Buddhist Tantricus? A complete surrender to God, presented by heretics and fools for Christ. Wherever there was logic and reason, there was something that transcended logic and reason. Wherever traditional actions have been, there is something beyond its restraint and limits, and in doing so defines new standards and modes of existence. They are counter-cultural icons that define new aspects of culture itself over time.
But as the transcendent statements of true crazy Wisdom experts are sometimes mistaken for a hinged heartless rambling, the murmurs often fail to recognize the irrationality from the trans rational – He has been promoted to a state of wisdom by people. Crazy from a crazy perspective. This makes the world of madness, sacred madness, sacred fools, and masters of Rascal, like scams and charlatans, like divine balls and spiritual beginner minefields. Too often, passing by for the surprise of insanity is nothing more than a narcissism dressed to mental altruism, perversion is justified as a manifestation of liberated peace or undeceased pathology as a manifestation of transpersonality. was justified as something.
As a fool who is striving to raise his wisdom to the level of his madness, Bodhi tree monkey My attempt to help set the record straight. Rather than wasting valuable ink and paper in blaming Faker and Fony, I instead went with the authentic way of shooting and the real crazy Wisdom Master’s ageless archetype, namely the monkey monkey I tried to shine a light of consciousness. tree. To do this, I approached the subject from two broad perspectives: theory and practical. Divided into two parts, Part I deals with theory and tries to answer questions like: Where did you come from? How is it embodied and expressed? Who are the biggest celebrities and explorers? Does anyone need to worry about it anyway? Part II aims to deal with this practice and demonstrate crazy whis in action. To this end, I have gathered 151 educational stories from around the world to explain the methods of great masters and masters. Not only can it provide practical insights, it can also be used as a meditative tool to lighten and induce epiphany, like Zen corn.
Insanity is not insanity in itself, in the sense of irrational behavior, impulsivity, or violation. Instead, it is the deep kind of wisdom that emerges from stepping beyond the traditional boundaries of rational thinking and social etiquette. It is the realm of people who transcend independent sense of self, and we dare to reject the norms of society that maintain this delusion of self. It is to live with fearless clarity, to look at the world as it is, accept the obvious contradictions, and remain based on deeper truths that transcend all of this. Sanity is to understand that in its best form, we may not necessarily think of it at all. Instead, it may be the ability to see through the madness of the world and find peace in the midst of it.
So, knowledge knows that tomatoes are fruit, and wisdom knows that they don’t put it in fruit salad, but Crazy Whisdam knows how to add tomatoes anyway, and by doing so Increases the overall flavor and nutritional value of the dish.
It unleashes the radical and transformative powers at the heart of the world’s great wisdom tradition.
Of the many paths above the mountain, the Crazy Wysdam trails, presenting dramatic and terrifying climbs to people who are very leaning, although one of the fewest. Well, at first, the true spiritual landscape of wise filming is exposed, revealing its features and major landmarks.
Written in two parts roughly based on Crazy Wisdom’s theory and practice, Bobhi’s monkeys are this universal phenomenon, ranging from its origins and development to the lives of the greatest experts and famous people. First, we look at it comprehensively.
In addition to the theoretical foundations set out in Part I, Part II aims to deal with its practice and demonstrate the wonders of insanity. To this end, 151 educational stories from around the world were meticulously gathered together and again to explain the methods of great masters and skilled people. Not only can it provide practical insights, but it can also be used as a meditative tool to light up the light, like Zen koans. And it sparks an inspiration.
From the mysterious Mahasidda of ancient India to the eccentric Chinese Taoist poet Monk, from the uncompromising insights of Buddhist Tantrica to the unconventional wisdom of su? The complete surrender to God, presented by the heretics and fools for Christ, this book takes you to a place where the boundaries of logic and reason are disbanded and enlightenment adventurously await Masu.
Monkeys in the Bodhi Tree: Crazy Whisdam and the Smart Photography Road Jason Brett Sel is available from Or from where the book is sold.
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Source: Spiritual Media Blog –