Have you been playing with the magic of life recently?
Or do you feel like you’re swimming upstream?
One of the biggest differences in which streams match is mental surrender.
Honestly, I think it’s one of the most useful perspectives that can be nurtured right now.
Much of the pain people face comes from holding on to what things turn out, rather than accepting how they hold on.
But when you try to control an external event in reality…
And when you look back and let go of what you want your reality to manifest as clearly as the way you planned…
You create an opening for the spirit and co-create blessings with you now!
And spiritual blessings?
They are often far better than you planned!
This certainly was the case for me.
The plan I saw for myself when I returned to college was to get a good paying job, get married and buy a small house in the city where I grew up.
I had never seen the possibility of encountering my love and traveling the world together.
I didn’t even know the name of the small community I now live in nature.
I never thought I had a passion for spiritual research, creativity, writing, channeling, and deep connection with nature…it would spark within me…
I also never imagined it not a job that was truly rewarding and enjoyable, spiritual work that would allow me to pay my bills, but also to be at the central stage of my life.
I wasn’t planning this…
But I surrendered.
Over and over again.
Suspension conditioning, past failures, and expectations of what my life should look like.
I stopped trying to understand everything in advance (most of the time)…
And I focused on practicing openness, permission, and surrender to the highest possible God, and what God had kept for me.
I have stopped working to plan the perfect life for myself, show abundance and achieve success…
And I have shifted my focus to serving others…
My intention was to give my life to God.
And like a real magic… life began to unfold like magic.
Eckhart Tolle says, “Sudding is saying yes to life. And then, see how life suddenly starts working for you, not against you. ”
This was certainly my experience…
And now so many people are shaken up, presented with a huge plot, stirred up into chaos…
I just wanted to remind you of this power…
We recommend that you be in sync with God’s God, and at a moment of time with the magical flow of your life.
Suspend trying to force certain consequences you cannot actually control…
And trust that there is a sacred power in life that guides you…
Succession is not about giving up.
That’s about recommendations. It’s not about forcing your low ego mind desires…
It is a commitment to practicing openness, positivity, adaptability, and permission.
I will allow your vibrant truth to shine…
And God allows you to co-create with and through you.
The best place to start is to clean your mind with golden light…
Learn to practice doing this here! >>
Three steps to spiritual surrender
Identify where you need to surrender
Succession is not about withdrawing from life, nor is it about surrendering your powers and taking action to change and improve your current situation.
It’s about letting things go in the middle of your control. Accepting the current situation and harmony of the present. To do this, it is essential to identify where your life-changing powers and abilities are and what comes out of your control.
The famous prayer of silence sums this well: “Give me the tranquility to accept things that cannot be changed. The courage to change what I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.”
When you can’t change something, accept what it is, entrust the consequences to God, trust that some hidden blessings and silver lining will appear.
Let go.
Once you notice that you are mentally or emotionally attached to a particular outcome, release the outcome to God.
This can take many forms. Maybe you need to grieve for the loss of something you wanted, or something lost. The key is to acknowledge and face how you feel. Don’t hold back or fill your emotions deeply. Feel what will really happen for you, greet it with love and then let it go.
Letting go is also linked to changes in the low vibrational patterns that hinder you. Are you still doing something habitually or are you holding an addiction that you know you’re not serving you? Ask the Angels directly to support you in releasing lower vibrational thoughts, patterns and habits.
3. Reconnect with your inner truth
You have an inner well of peace, love, and existence. Here you are in sync with God and lead to your innermost part of you, open to the highest divine possibility of your life.
By taking advantage of this inner space of truth and being, you will not only be able to stay at the center in the face of uncertainty, but you will also be able to open yourself to inspiration and intuition, leading to the highest divine potential, synchronization and harmony for you.
Stay positive, be patient, embody your perfect divine light and higher presence, open your heart and cooperate with the most loving and most vibratory reality.
Let your light shine and let us know that you are so loved, blessed and supported.
Dive deeper into the surrender process and continue reading how surrender works.
Cooperate with the power of spiritual surrender
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As you go along the path of awakening and the conscious path of ascension, there may be a time when your old parts and vibrations will become lower and begin to fall.
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For example, there may be something to do with your life, and there are times you enjoyed.
A big part of surrender is to release these lower levels and promise to embody your true divinity, your crystalline light, and your light.
You can release them into angels, into light, and into God, and advance your higher self.
This is possible by opening your mind and filling your mind, ascension column, and light body with light. You can then embody that light, embody the existence of God, and embody your higher self.
Are you stuck? Here is the intention to help you surrender
You may notice that there is an area where you are stuck.
If this happens to you, I would recommend calling Archangel Michael to clean your energy with the vacuum of God’s light.
To do this, you can simply ask.
“Archangel Michael, clean your energy completely and completely from lower vibrations, whether it’s negativity, mind, ego, fear, or lower levels of emotions.
I ask this for the best and best good according to God’s will.
And that’s right. ”
Next, open your mind and align it with the surrounding light. Once your mind, body and mind are cleaned, you can also adjust it to an upward pull.
When a lower level is drawn out of your presence and released into the light, you can set this intention:
“I release the results. I entrust the results to God’s will. I ask you to intervene, intervene, to my high self, my angels, and my realm, to show the best and best good for my life, mankind, and solely.”
When doing this, trust your higher self to intervene. Trust that you are supported, blessed and guided.
Psychological surrender doesn’t mean you’re giving up
I want to clear the common myth about surrender. It may be blocking you from using this technique completely. Succession is not about giving up.
Succession is not about throwing a towel, waving a white flag, and then stopping you from taking action towards your intentions, but about completely stagnating your spiritual path.
Succession is doing everything possible and handing over the consequences to God.
It is to free your attachments to the struggle, obstacles, or challenges you are experiencing in your Ascension Pass.
Remember, there will be challenges to help you grow and show areas where there is no internal harmony.
This is done so that they can heal their internal regions and harmonize the outer mirror with the outer lifespan.
For example, there may be a challenging relationship in your life. Your family may not understand your spiritual growth and awakening. This is causing great stress and anxiety in your life.
Leave the consequences to your angels, to your higher self, and to the will of God.
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If necessary, it can help to provide a little distance and space in your relationship, especially when it comes to families.
Pay attention to the space, self-love and self-love that you need to stand in your own strength.
Then, for example, you can be around your family without falling into lower levels of fear and anxiety.
But if you discover that fear, judgment, negativity, or any of these low levels of mind and emotions are appearing for you, know that it is within your powers, pause your thoughts and pause your emotions in the middle.
Choose to do this!
After that, you can look inside and ask yourself:
Why does this feeling rise?
Why do I feel that this caused me so much?
What areas of internal incongruence do you reveal to me?
What are the fundamental lessons my higher self is trying to learn now?
These questions will support you in letting go of lower vibrational emotions, reactions, and thought patterns.
And you can entrust the outcome to God’s will.
Literally, ask your higher self, God, and your angels to intervene. Ask them to take over the course of life and reveal the most merciful outcomes.
But remember: surrender does not mean giving up.
Your actions are still needed!
Manifestation requires large-scale action
If you are trying to reveal something, yes, leave the consequences to God. But don’t forget that actions are a big part of the manifestation process!
You must take proactive steps to make your dreams a reality.
Listen to your internal guidance, listen to your intuition, trust yourself, and remember – remember that the Creator will step into your power as part of the Ascension Pass.
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With love and gratitude,
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