How to recognize and protect mental attacks
I’ve been asked a few questions about this recently and just wanted to relieve the confusion and relieve the fear. If you know how to maintain love and joy in your field, psychic attacks are no big deal and it won’t affect you.

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What is a psychic attack?
Psychic attacks come in several forms. I think that a psychic attack is whenever it flows negative energy in your direction. This could be a low vibrational non-physical presence that likes to interfere with physical areas. They feed your energy, so they try to scare you.
Psychic attacks from other people
Another form of mental attack is when people throw negative energy in your direction. This can be conscious – from FRIENEMY or family members who are threatened by you. You stand in your full light and power, so they intentionally try to defeat you vibrately. You may just share bad news, drain you up in some way, or hold the intention of something negative in your experience.
The third form of psychic attack is unconscious. This is when someone is not controlling their conscious mind and they are casting negativity in your direction without even realizing it. Maybe they’re just being triggered and they say, “I hate that person. I hope they travel and fall and break their backs” or other bad things. They are throwing negative energy at you.
Low frequency ping
Another way (this is a common method to use when low Astral entities) is to hit the vibration frequency low. Essentially they say, “Do you have a door?” This way they can latch into your energy and emit your light. They make you p and remind you of past frequency, so you experience that frequency as a memory.
You remember something bad that happened to you. You have been abandoned that frequency, when you were abandoned, when your grandma died, when your cat ran away, or when other bad things happened to you. Its frequency is related to its past challenging feelings.
This is what I want you to know about psychic attacks
Whatever the mental attack you may encounter, you can easily protect yourself from being affected by it. All you need to do is maintain love, light and joy in your aura. I call this “preserve the field.” When you hold the field, you are in a positive vibration state and your aura literally behaves like a shield.
Love, light, joy is infinitely more powerful than the negativity that anyone can throw in your direction. When you are in love, your heart is open, your heart is clear, your aura is unharmed, you will not be affected. If your family or so-called friends throw negative or malicious about your life, you are not affected by it.
When you are affected by negativity
When you are affected by a mental attack, your vibrations will drop. If you are watching the news and are worried, worried, or afraid of what is going on, your vibrations will drop. This gives you an entrance for that low vibrational energy to adhere to it.
This is the trick. Release it into the light and return to love and joy. If you could do that, you won. You are not affected and your vibrations do not drop even further. You can return to love, joy, divine neutrality, and being. However, if you are spiraled and involved in past energy, diving into that past memory and living there will puncture your aura. You are negatively affected by negativity.
You can always ask for help
The good thing is that if you notice that the vibration is always dropping, you can always ask the Angels to help you change. “Archangel Michael, purify my field, entities, negativity from lower vibrations. Cut out the records that are being ejected and emit everything into light. The fields of my love, light, joy Help me recover. According to God’s will, I seek this for the best and best benefits. Thank you. And yes.”
Use a light to protect yourself
Another simple technique is to visualize the surrounding waterfalls of light. Cleanse you from head to toe, rinse the density, revealing your inner light, sparkle, joy and positivity. As the existence pings you with frequency again and that same emotion emerges, you know what’s going on. We recommend that you specifically ask Michael or Guardian Guardian guardian angels to clean up your home or lower astral entities and spaces of existence.
Check out my house cleansing prayers for an easy way to do this.
You can imagine a Bomb of Light – Bomb of Light – disappearing in your home and melting the lower vibrations into love. Light bursts restore peace, light and clarity. This is why choosing love is so important at every moment. If you feel negative emotions, if you feel fear or pain has been caused, love the part of your fear. I love how your hurt parts are showing.
He wears a psychic cloak
Psychic Cloak is a type of mental protection that not only protects your shield, but also hides your light energy from lower or negative or dark forces. Use it whenever you are in a crowded or busy place when you want to protect your energy and prevent unnecessary attention from negativity in any form. What Harry Potter is wearing. You are wearing a cloak so that some people may not see you. Be careful when using it while driving! Practice extra defensive driving as others won’t see you and you may find yourself cutting you off.
You are vibrating from that level of awareness. Or, if someone cuts you off while walking around, don’t be upset. Know that this can be a side effect of wearing a psychic cloak.
If you feel that there is negative energy that you just don’t want to deal with or interact with, use a psychic cloak. For example, imagine going out for dinner, stepping into a restaurant and feeling really heavy energy. Rather than wanting to stay and cleaning up the energy of the building, you can cover yourself. You can even wrap the person you are with to create a barrier of light that protects you.
The great thing about a cloak is that it allows your vibrations to shine brighter and brighter within it. You can glow the light of the most radiant, radioactive heart, magnify and increase vibration. It helps you connect with the angels without attacking unwanted energy.
Because here: when you make your light bright and bright, you can – in some cases – attract lower vibrating entities or energy. The spirit bound by the earth may actually think you are the light. And instead of entering the light, they can attach to your energy rather than crossing.
Sometimes, ankle buildings, lower frequencies may try to ruin you! Don’t scare or worry about it. That’s really not a big deal. It’s a bit troublesome. This is why we surround ourselves with light to protect us from these kinds of things.
The clear sign that you have taken lower energy is your mood. If it falls or you just feel suddenly at the centre, call the angels. “Angels, I purify my energy.” Imagine the waterfall of light flowing around you. A psychic shower is a great way to cleanse your energy. Imagine when water flows around you it is completely and completely purifying you. All negativity is released, dissolved and converted to light.
How to wear a psychic cloak
Simply ask. Intention.
For the first time, I would recommend asking the Angels to help you make it. In “Angel Solutions,” check out my Psychic Cloak Protective Meditation Meditation with Archangel Michael or if you want more detailed details.
“Archangel Michael, cover my energy with a rainbow and golden light.”
It’s like a rainbow and golden light clothing around you, protecting your energy from any negativity, any entities, and all low vibrational frequencies. This cape permeates feelings of love, light, goodness, joy and gratitude, but negativity is dispersed and emits into light upon contact.
Within this cloak you can open your heart with confidence and boldness knowing you are safe and protected. You can stand brighter and brighter, standing in your authentic truth, your light, and your heartfelt integrity. Know that you are fully protected and ready to head towards crowded and negative situations. With the help of an angel, it is covered with the rainbow and the golden light of God.
Try this. The next time you enter a busy crowd, you will usually take on negative energy from others, work with the psychic cloak to stay positive, keeping you shining because the light is beautiful, vibrant and necessary in the world.
Respond with love
When you shine a light on the present moment, you wear the most powerful psychic protective shield. You are wearing the armor of love and light. Not only is it not affected by the lower vibrations of others, but when you truly stand in your light and shine brightly, the code cannot be attached to you.
A psychic attack is like a little fly landing on your ankle. You may notice that it is there, you may want to slap it and clear it, but it is not going to ruin your day. It does not change the vibration state.
That’s how a spiritual attack appears when you’re in love, light, joy. You can notice negative energies streaming in your direction and easily repel them with love, light, and joy. If you want it, clear it and release it. Or simply ignore it and say, “Oh, it’s okay. It’s funny. I’m not affected by the little flies around. I can let it go and stay in a state of love and joy.”
Learn more about psychic protection technology
If you still feel worried about mental aggression…or if you feel like you are affected by negativity, learn more about mental protection here:
Psychic protection has become easier
Psychic Protection Course with Archangel Michael
Stop the Psychic Vampire with Archangel Michael
We’re here to make a difference
Hold the fields of love, light and joy and stand in your authentic truth. Every time you do, you do such a powerful light job. It makes a huge difference in what you are showing up in your life and your ability to stay in high vibrations. We are here to make a difference in this world, so keep on sparkling, creating, and shaking.
We are here to help the planet and humanity move to higher vibrational locations. One of the most effective, effective and powerful things we can do is to shine our full light and come back to the present moment. Returning to love, being, balance, and trialism (if you’re not watching the “God’s Neutral” video, trialism acts at the greatest concern of the whole collective consciousness).
Go back and get a perspective. Observe, brighten your mind, shine brightly, know that when you do so, there will be so many blessings as a result. Psychic attacks are not something to be feared. In fact, it’s kind of a goal. Just fall in love and release your fear into the light.
With love and blessings,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –