Learn the origins of your star seeds and meet the “star family” of your galaxy
All humanity has an ancestral connection to the stars. The man destined to remember this is what we call a starseed.
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Meet your galaxy family

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Do you feel like there’s a galaxy between the guide and the angel team?
If you feel that your team has Galaxy, Arkurian, Syrian, or Preadas, this is exactly what I’m talking about when I say Star Family.
You don’t need to remember exactly where the galaxy originates or where the galaxy guides came from. You may have a deep inner sense that your roots, your true origins, are on the stars.
As a starseed or ascending human, there is an advantage to connecting with our galaxy family, the light of Christ and the consciousness of Crystal Christ. Walking the Ascension Path makes it increasingly important to connect with the star brothers and sisters who have already climbed the fifth, seventh, nineth and eleventh dimensions of existence. These beings are ready and willing to raise and raise your vibrations.
Our unprecedented opportunity
Our planet families are often more advanced, but this does not mean that we are inferior. In fact, the reason why there is so much attention and energy on planet Earth at this point is that in this physical life, humanity has an unprecedented opportunity to fully embody 100% divine consciousness. Because.
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The opportunity you have is to become a godly human in the physical world. It brings high light not only to the higher dimensions, but in fact, to a new awakened Earth. This is the golden age. This is a new paradigm. This is something we are moving in and it is an opportunity exclusively for humans.
In this lifetime, you can reach a higher vibration in the body than any other being. Being human is a beautiful opportunity, but there is still great help, guidance and love from the stars.
How do you connect with the Star Family?
Interestingly, your connection to your galactic family begins in the exact same way as your connection to an angel, ascended master, or your higher self. This is possible by opening the heart, going inward, raising vibrations, expanding consciousness, and in a vibration match with the existence of a higher-dimensional star.
There are several ways that teams can connect when promoted to this state. Dreams are a common way to connect. Telepathy is another common method. There is a bright ship connection – your team will embody as a real light ship to link with you.
The fear is the thing that blocks you the most
Lower levels of emotions, doubt and anxiety block your ability to connect. Your star family often looks very different. If they are light, if they are the consciousness of Christ, then they will respect your free will. Like an angel, you have to call them and ask them to make a connection.
It is essential to let go of fear. They don’t want to scare you. If they reach out to make a connection and you respond with fear and fear, they will retreat and not reach out as they will limit your growth and limit your potential . Your star family wants to help you raise fear to rise and create connections. It has a negative impact on that process.
Eliminate fear, purify energy, clear lower vibrational energy and past life experiences. Complete emotional cleansing. Cleansing and releasing lower levels will allow you to tune at a higher level. This includes tuning into your angels and your star family.
Identifying Light Cheat Sheet
Before connecting to the existence of light, “Are you of light? Are you cooperating with the consciousness of Christ?” If so, they will say yes. Congratulations! You have met a guide who can serve and support you. All beings need to answer this question genuinely and honestly. They cannot lie, and if they do not, they cannot say that they are the consciousness of Christ.
If not, they might shrug and leave or say, “Oh, no, you got me.” It is when you release them and call the family of your planet, your Christ consciousness. There are thousands of different galaxies in all kinds of different shapes, sizes, colors and dimensions. Open your heart and ask them to make a connection.
How to connect
To open your heart and connect with your galaxy family with a clear mind and focused pure intention, “I now seek my galaxy family. I am the consciousness of light and Christ. Please connect with the galaxy team of benevolent guides along the line. According to God’s will, I would now like to connect with those who can be most useful to me on my path of ascension. Come And connect with me now. Meditation, signs, dreams, and in the most useful ways, please connect with me directly. Please connect with me now.”
This is a powerful call when you are outside before or at night, looking up at the stars.
Galaxy types
Syrian is an incredible alchemist and can help you turn your body into a golden God-enlightened human being. There is an Arcturian. They are an incredible group with immeasurable healing and liquidation capabilities.
Our brothers and sisters, Pleiadas. They have been rising recently and are now returning from the future (or higher dimensions) to guide our paths. There are also Lylans and Andromedans. Be open to who appears and who moves forward. Always, “Are you the light? Are you the consciousness of Christ?”
Of the thousands of different galaxies, there are many who have risen to the full, who fully embody the consciousness of Christ, and who can serve and guide your ascension. If the idea of connecting with your star family is illuminating you, invite them.
This is not necessary. You can work with the elevated masters who have risen on Earth. But if it resonates with you, you have the option as a star seed to work with the galaxy. It’s fun, empowering and exciting. If it’s talking to your heart, call your galaxy family and guide you on what’s possible to them.
There is much more for us when we work together during these powerful ascensions.

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com