Dealing public criticism of your spiritual or creative work
Are you wondering how to deal with dislike? When you take your spiritual path, start your real life, shine your light, start out your work, write a blog, create a YouTube video, and a course To create, record podcasts, curate useful resources …
You open yourself to an interesting segment of the population.
I like to dislike them!
There are several different varieties of those who dislike it …
In the nut shells, they are simply those who judge, oppose, or explicitly criticize your work.
Rather than encouraging you to continue or thanking your efforts, they point out what you are doing, and they don’t like them, and they are better I want to share what I think I can do.
Occasionally, people who dislike are those who are not satisfied with the success of others … they are threatened in some way by stepping on your power and shining your light in the world. Your bubble!
I hate it exactly JE. Knocking others and exposing defects. Neither disliked nor strangers on the Internet. They are friends, family, supervisors, colleagues, and neighbors.
Many people are not aware that they are doing it. Or, what they think is a “constructive criticism” is more harmful than actually helping you.
Many people make holes in your plan, shine light in your defects and anxiety, and do not hate or agree with your work …
If you are one of these people, I will keep you secret.
“Be encouraged. There are already many critics in the world.” -Dive Willis
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Why do you draw hatred?
If you are attracting hatred, and those who criticize what you are … you are not alone.
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It’s easy to attract hatred.
However, if you take your opinion, take statistical measures, create a passion, and step into it, you will draw hatred in all directions.
To be honest, there are some good things about this.
If you are criticizing your job (and I believe in me, I do so) … that means you are actually reaching people!
If no one hates your job, it probably means that no one is seeing or noticing it!
“If you don’t have a hatred, you can’t reach the possibility.” –Grant card
How to deal with hatred and critics
Hate is the usual part of being a creator, but their feedback can still be stabbed.
This is why it is essential to have tools to deal with dislike. Whether you are anonymous, work, or social media, these points can help you deal with the negative or difficult feedback you may get.
You can’t take it personally
Life is about choice. There will always be sneaky, ironic, or rude people. You can choose not only who is listening, but also how to respond to listening. Just like their reaction to who you are.
It’s definitely not about you
The basics of hatred are scary. Anyone who dislikes is afraid. It is not easy to take, but it gives enough context to understand that you are, not you. A general example is a colleague who says no to all new ideas you have. Not that they don’t necessarily like your ideas, it’s probably not controlled, uncertain, or passed.
If someone criticizes your job, it’s probably because they don’t take any action and have not created anything. Criticism of others is much easier than actually creating something.
Select not to be involved
Some hatred are those we know. good. Those who know you enough to know your vulnerabilities and don’t care about exploiting them are particularly difficult hatred. When a friend or family gets angry when you press your button, they are touching your own fear. In many cases, the fear is that they may be right, or that others are looking at what you hate.
When this happens, the best reaction is not to be involved, but to make a mental memo after passing anger. By doing this well, you can create a mental buffer around this specific fear. With a buffer, you can provide compassion, rather than inner conversion of other people’s negative feedback.
Recognize negative bias
It is a human nature to give a greater weight to feedback that is more negative than positive. When something goes well for us, we tend to trust the external influence (I happened to be in the right place, so we were in the right place at the right time). When something goes wrong, we tend to trust the internal effects (I shouldn’t try it myself).
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Recognize when this is happening, and honestly evaluate which part you played with good results and which part is bad.
Please consider the source
If someone criticizes you, do they know you? Have you ever met you? Do they know the events ahead of your choice? Do they understand your value system? Do they have all information?
Do they provide feedback constructively? Or are they their premise that you are defective or wrong?
It is important to consider the source and the motive of the source. Construction criticism is needed to grow and learn. No attack or embarrassing criticism is required. Give yourself permission to identify who you have put in. If you don’t know them and they don’t have your best in your heart, don’t give them a space of your heart or heart.
Focus on VIP
You can choose the person surrounding yourself, and who listens to who. Choose to listen to “VIP” …
VIP celebrates your work, not the people who love everything you create, see what you are doing, and emphasize the blessing flaws, encouraging, raising, and blessing. Once you have identified the people of this group, choose to focus on feedback and opinions more than others.
If a random YouTube commentary says your voice is annoying … it reminds you of the groups of people who love you, love you, love you, and love you. please. Ask VIP if you need a constructive advice.
Find the people who sincerely speak. It is a kind of feedback that can help you grow.
Remember that hatred is infectious
Sometimes, if you have an emotional energy shield or a good day that feels like a negative titanium, something will come in. You are angry. People give a comment full of hatred, hit you in the wrong way, and think about it during the rest of the day. Or long. One of this hated comments is infectious and spread throughout your body and life. Do your best to purify the energy as soon as possible.
Remember what you did
When something gets under your skin and you are struggling to let go.
Sit, breathe deeply, and consider many good qualities as much as possible. Create a mentalist for all the past weeks you have helped someone. Or a list of everything you are proud of.
Do something to compete with the anger and fear caused by you. This is a good memory, just because another judge doesn’t mean you have to do the same.
Roll the criticism from you. To illuminate the sage is actually useful, go out for a walk or ride a salted bath … and ask the angels to be reorganized with love and let go.
“I hate Sage later.”
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Finally, don’t forget that the only way for a disliked person to win is when you deliver it to you and stop creation. So, by hitting yourself lightly, show yourself some love and remember that you are doing wonderful things in the world …
The world needs your unique work and light color.
So please turn your backs, focus on love, and shine your light!