“Heart Breath” Expand the Glow of the Heart Center
Heart-focused breathing is a powerful way to quickly awaken the heart center, increase vibrations, increase glow, and access heart intelligence. Breathing with consciousness towards the heart center naturally attracts more light to the heart center, causing the area of the heart to increase vibration and the heart light spreads around you.
The concept of breathing focused on the heart was prevalent by Heart Mathematics Institute. Hartmus has been researching for years how our heart rhythm patterns directly reflect our internal state.
In other words… Many people discover that heart breathing transforms stress, boosts mood, improves health, increases energy levels and makes you a quick, consistent state with incredible benefits!
Heart Mathematics share”Quick Coherence Techniques“It is essentially composed of breathing in your mind with consciousness to cultivate a positive, energetic state of being and optimism.
The heart breathing practice I share with you today is my own version and I have adapted slightly from Heartmath’s quick coherence technique based on my inner guidance.
Coherence techniques can also be used to enter beautiful, mystical states of perception. The Heart Center is also a powerful center for manifestation and access to higher spiritual realms.
Cardiac breathing techniques you can learn empower you with quick consistency, paraphrasing processes. Synchronizes with all the consistent energy of the present.
Heart-focused breathing can bring light to all your cells, and healing and blessings to the body. Breathing your heart with consciousness will allow the incredible light of love and the awakened heart center light to flow far beyond you.
The heart-focused breathing process I’m trying to share with you is great that it’s done outside and is closely related to nature, but you can do it anywhere.
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Start breathing in the heart
First, find a comfortable standing position or a sitting position with a straight and upright spine. You don’t want to lean or lie down in any direction to get the best results with this technique.
Find a place where you can still be in the centre and balanced.
Start by making a call The Light of God Surround you and lift you up. You can also call in front of a team of guides, angels and ascended masters. These guides can help you increase the glow of your heart center, adjust it to a vibrant heart light, and help you to expand this heart vibration much more. Ask them to help you benefit all beings, increase vitality and increase your vibrations.
If you call light around you, you The existence of an angel…Now, your heart center, Energetic Heart Areathe middle of the chest (not the actual organ of the heart).
Inhale into the realm of the mind, then relax deeply and exhale and let go.
Breathe light into your heart from all directions

Heart-focused breathing techniques
- In the process, I use your hands and breathe It’s all at the heart of your heart.
- As you breathe in… move your hands as if you were pulling the air around you into your mind.
- As you breathe in, make sure your breath supports you and return your attention to a place of being and God’s neutrality.
- Focus simultaneously on the breathing and the heart center.
- Make sure you are fully present at this moment.
- Exhale and let go of tension, frustration, or lower vibrations.
- Enter completely at this moment and adjust the light and love of the higher realms around you.
- Breathe light from above and below at the same time.
- Use your hands to really feel the flow of energy.
- Breathing and breathing makes the heart light even more vibrant.
- Exhale and enlarge the light in your heart.
- Suck light, love and peace from both the right and left side of the center of your heart.
- Exhale and spread the light in your heart.
- Now inhale from both front and behind you.
- As you inhale, inhale the light and exhale, spreading the light throughout your presence.
- Then breathe diagonally, increasing the glow of the heart, exhaling and expanding.
- It inhales the light and makes your light shine even more vividly.
- Inhale the light, exhale gratitude, breathe love, exhale, exhale light, inhale the light, let the light shine beyond you.
- If necessary, do everything in circles.
- Don’t forget to go back and forth, left and right, top to bottom, diagonally.
- You can also turn in a circle.
Let your heart shine with the light of golden crystals
Continue breathing and concentrate roughly in the center of your heart. Imagine your heart center begins to glow brighter and brighter with every inhalation.
You will truly feel the light, feel your heart become more vibrant, and let the light expand around you as you exhale.
At first, we recommend using your hands to guide the flow of energy and supporting your feelings and awareness. But once you’ve over this process… then inhale and fill the light as you exhale, allowing the light to flow through every cell. It ripples far beyond you, so allow the light to fill your aura and light body.
As you breathe, let the center of your heart shine with crystalline divine consciousness. As you exhale, bring this sacred light of awakening into every cell, filling you with light, spreading the light far beyond you.
Try this. As you breathe, spread your mind with a bright golden light, then spread it all around.
Many people who usually struggle with meditation have a powerful experience with this simple mind-focused breathing technique.
There’s even Heart Rate Monitoring Device It is called Emwave Pro It helps bring your mind, mind and emotions to consistency and synchronization.
Emwave Pro, of course, doesn’t have to enter a state of mental conspiracy. I’ve never actually tried it…and you can clearly feel and experience the transition to consistency when it happens.
But if you’re struggling with the process, Emwave Pro might help!
Are you more prepared?
Next, click here to learn more about illuminating your heart with light!
Or get guided angel meditation to awaken your mind here!
With love and gratitude,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com