Have you ever had your name called, but when you turned around you couldn’t see who was calling? This is a relatively common phenomenon and does not mean you are going crazy.
There is There are many reasons to hear your name called… Keep reading to find out why this is happening!
Or… Watch my video here to see what this means.
What it means when your name is called but no one is there
scientific reason
Hearing your name called when no one is around is so common that it’s actually been scientifically studied. From a psychological point of view, there is no direct correlation between this and further mental health problems. So what does that mean from a scientific perspective?
Psychologically, hearing your name called when no one is around is a type of fear. auditory memory It is activated and reproduced in the brain.
Auditory memory is a brain process that takes in the information you hear (sounds, voices, voices) and stores that information until you recall it again. People who can listen to a song and figure out how to play it on the guitar even if they don’t know the chords have a good auditory memory. Animals such as parrots know how to say “hello”. And with their strong auditory memory, they imitate a variety of sounds and noises.
Your auditory memory may play back the sound of someone saying hello or calling your name so clearly that for a moment you think they’re there.
This powerful level of auditory memory is most commonly experienced when falling asleep or just after waking up in the morning. This state between waking reality and the dream world is called the hypnotic state, where the conscious and subconscious minds meet and are in contact.
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metaphysical perspective
There are scientific explanations for hearing your own name in the form of auditory memory, but there are also explanations such as: metaphysical connection In the same way.
Let’s take a closer look at this, starting with why we ask for your name.
Your name is a big part of your identity
So, first and foremost, your name is a symbol of your identity. It is a symbol of who you are within this physical realm.
When someone calls your name, you can’t help but look to see who is there. This is why spiritual beings call you by your name.
That’s because it is get your attention.
Therefore, if you hear your name being called, the most common metaphysical reason is that a spiritual being such as a spiritual loved one, guide, angel, or even your higher self is calling you. It’s about wanting attention.
When you hear your name, it may be a spiritual being trying to send you a message. Guidance and validation That they are here with you.
When something like this happens, know that you have the ability to: change one’s consciousness within oneself.
To go deeper. To find space between your thoughts and just be and breathe.
Rather than trying to make something happen, be open and receptive to what else you can attune to from the realm of spirit.
From a metaphysical point of view, When I hear your name, you step into the realm of the spiritual in nature It is an energy center that allows you to hear spiritual voices and receive messages of guidance through clairaudience, through the throat chakra.
Learn more about how to open Clairaudience here
Entrance for receiving information
when I hear your name teeth of Entrance to receive guidancethis is your first warning, like when your phone rings, letting you know there’s someone on the other end who wants to talk to you.
When you hear your name, stay in a quiet, relaxing space, and focus within yourself, you can listen more.
This receptive state often occurs when falling asleep or waking up in the morning. Again, this is a hypnotic state, and when you are in that state, your ego mind becomes much quieter and more receptive to messages from Spirit flowing into you that would normally be filtered out. It will be. Part of the work of your ego mind is to focus your attention on the physical plane, but when your ego is half asleep, higher spiritual realms have a way of flowing into you.
So, if you hear your name while you’re lying in bed…before you sit in bed and look around, before you stand up, take a moment to realize that hypnotic state, almost asleep but still asleep. Return to the state and truly relax.As I raise my awareness, close my eyes and scan the energy around the room, I notice that there are different qualities of energy in the space.
Maybe you’ll notice an incredible light. Pay attention to that. It is common for angels to appear in your mind’s eye. As you begin to search, a higher spiritual being will alert you to the presence. Their energy is characterized by light, high frequencies, a gentle presence, and incredible love.
If you are attuned to the presence of something in your space but it feels negative, heavy, strange, or honestly, it freaks you out or scares you, call on Archangel Michael. Surround yourself with light, protect you and release all negativity. Brings beings, attachments, or earthbound energies into the light.
When you ask Archangel Michael’s help in this, or you can ask your guardian angel, Yeshua, or whoever you feel comfortable with… then your space will be purified and filled with love, light, Feel their presence entering you as you become filled with peace.
Discernment is important, but honestly, when your energy is clear and relaxed, full of warmth and love, the beings you resonate with and attune to are your personal angels, spiritual your loved ones, and your higher self. When these beings reach out to you by calling your name, they not only remind you that they are with you, but also call for your attention and extend more guidance to you.
Think about it this way… If you’re walking down the street and a friend notices you and calls your name, the conversation doesn’t end there. Calling your name is only used to get your attention. It is an introduction or gateway to a deeper conversation.
Therefore, after hearing your name, to go deeper, the next step is to clear your mind, open your heart, and tune into your central core of light.
Connect with your central pillar of light, relax your mind, and open your heart. Just observe and practice. More guidance, inspiration, insight, and messages from Spirit are flowing in to greet you. Because when a spirit is calling your name, it is a sign that there is something more. And hearing your name means you have the ability to hear and receive deeper guidance.
Get guidance: in-house experience
The remaining guidance you receive from Spirit may come in a more internal sense. So don’t get attached to hearing angel voices in the same outward way you heard your name called. You may hear your name from outside, but it may go into your mind to receive the rest of the message.
Whether or not you receive a deeper message available to you at that moment, hearing your name is a connection to something beyond physical reality, something you actually hear in a higher realm of spirit. Know what it means to have the ability.
Even if hearing your name was just an auditory memory response, that physiological response occurs to you in exactly the same way that your guides and angels use to communicate with you. Therefore, you can take it as a sign that you truly have the ability to hear Spirit’s messages. It is enough to open and develop this subtle psychic sense.
The way to strengthen and open communication with Spirit is through willingness. Keep warmth and presence in your heart.
When you hear your own name, it’s natural to start focusing all your attention outside of yourself instead of inside to hear what else is out there. However, this outward focus is counterproductive when it comes to receiving guidance from Spirit and makes it difficult to receive the remaining messages.
That is why it is so important to relax… clear your mind… open your heart and allow guidance to enter.
With love and bright blessings,
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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com