What is a Crystal Grid?
The crystal grid is The light body of the earth awakened. In other words, it is the higher vibrations, multidimensional ascension grid of Gaia, Sophia, and Mother Earth.
It is a five-dimensional (and higher) grid of consciousness, light, and energy that flows consistently throughout the planet.
Crystalline grids function by fixing light, divine consciousness and cosmic intelligence within a multidimensional earth plane. It’s pure Universe consciousness It receives crystals and ascending vibrational wave energy directly from the source of God and directly from the center of the galaxy.
The crystal grid then works by pinning the sacred codes of light and awakening. It receives vastness, communicates directly with the infinite sea of spiritual fire, intelligence, and light, crystallizes all-encompassing light, and this divine and cosmic intelligence into energy. Etheric energy on the planet.
High-dimensional light body
Huge light and ascension energy are preserved in the crystallized structure of the crystal grid. A high-dimensional intelligent structure that includes the whole planetary consciousness and the geomagnetic grid.
Crystal Grids are intelligent…and it works by monitoring the ascension processes of humanity and the Earth, and physically we are ready to receive them soon, with a new code of awakening and a higher level Release the frequency.
Through this, the Crystal Grid is a source of continuous support and ascending energy as both humanity and the earth continue to ascend, integrated and open to new levels of life in joy, peace and light.
How does a crystal grid work as an ascension grid?
Before we dig deeper into how crystal grids behave as ascension grids, let’s take a look at what crystallin energy is indeed.
What is crystal energy?
Crystalline energy is the consistent energy of God and the awakened life force of the Earth. It is the multidimensional energy of cosmic intelligence, divine consciousness, and infinite light.
For more information about crystal energy, click here.
Crystalline energy is now released from within the Earth, from the center of the galaxy, and from the higher spiritual realms. These crystallized energies create a holographic matrix throughout the planet. This is a crystal grid.
When grid crystals weave crystallized energy throughout space, the awakened Earth’s crystallization energy is increased, supercharged, and there are specific crystal node points or powerpoints across the planet that are more easily accessed and felt .
Crystalline grids receive and disperse divine light in an equally balanced way, with concentrations of energy built and stored at these “crystal nodes” points. You can also understand the crystal node points A sacred place, And the veil of illusion between the physical and spiritual realms is thin, making it a place where God’s love and presence is more appealing, more easily felt and experienced.

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Download Ascension Light
However, wherever you are physically on Earth, you can link to the grid to download Ascension Light, Ascension Frequency, and Awakening codes.
Next, these light cords and awakening energies are grounded to their current location, their bodies, and through the human mind net and collective consciousness.
Connecting with a crystal grid is a powerful ray, but that is something that anyone can do.
We will provide you with this simple tutorial to guide your connection to the crystal grid. Being outside in nature is helpful. The same goes for crystals. Crystalline grids are inherently crystalline. It’s a high-dimensional crystal light, so having crystals with you can also help you make connections.
But all you really need is your sincere attention, a willingness to focus on the present moment, calm your mind and enter the mind. It is in your heart that you make connections.
Anchor light
At this point, close your eyes and take a deep, relaxed breath and transfer your consciousness to the present moment.
Focus your consciousness on your mind and expand the presence of your mind around you.
Breathe light into the center of your heart, and exhale and inflate the center of your heart.
Adjust the light to flow along the spine.
Feel the ascensional row of light that combines all seven chakras as one. This pillar of light flows all the way to the core of Mother Earth. Feel your consciousness flowing down with it. The anchor at this moment and the light of the core of Mother Earth.
Feel your sense of unity with Gaia’s light. You are connected to God and it all. You are part of it. Feel your oneness in everything. Visualizes the crystal light of the Earth’s nucleus, passing from the bottom of the foot, up along the spine, through all chakras, and integrating them with one light.
Continue from above your head. It exists directly in the source along with light. Feel your oneness with the sauce and expand your conscious consciousness.
Connect to the crystal grid
Now, speak out loud or repeat in your mind:
“At this point, I’m currently connected to the Ascension Light Crystal Grid.”
When linking with a crystal grid, imagine your energy flowing upwards like a spiral of light. You may want to draw an infinite symbol with your right hand to guide energy and promote connections.
To support linking with crystal grids, you can ask the gatekeeper of the best intentions and integrity.
Also, crystal grids are conscious and help to promote connections with them when asked.
Feel the vibration lift. Through your open mind and heart, you feel a lighter, brighter, more peaceful, as you link with the infinite light of the crystal grid.
Just take a quick breath and get exposed to this incredible light and energy.
This is God’s light, ascension, perfection, and the infinite light that flows around you. Once you’re ready, put your intentions. “I’m now downloading my highest quality DNA, ascension codes and frequencies, divine light and activation, to help me and all humanity. It’s the most profit of most people It helps me. I now call the download from the crystal grid that is most useful.
Receive them in your heart through the chakras of your crown. Feel your heart explode with light. Stay in this light until you feel you have received this download. Feel the ground of your energy once more and flow into the Earth’s crystalline nucleus with crystalline pillars.
The light returns to your heart, sparkling the code of awakening, the key of ascension you have received. Let it shine from your heart and face all humanity who wants to open up and accept it. List the code of awakening and the key to ascending to the human heart grid.
When you give this light to the earth and humanity, you will receive ten times the blessings.
And that’s right.

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com