Creates crystallization water at home and increases vibration
Ascension is one of the most important things we can do as humans.
What is Ascension?
Ascension is the conscious path that raises vibrations, embodies a higher state of consciousness, and expands consciousness.
In other words, ascension is a complete transformation.
To rise is to reorganize with divine love with consciousness at an enlarged level of consciousness.
In Ascension, we are also moving from a more carbon-based presence to a more crystalline presence. Drinking crystal-charged water is also one way to support your body and energy body to make this transition.
Crystal rechargeable water helps promote overall well-being and increase vibrations.
In this blog post, you will learn a very simple way to make crystallized water at home.
There are only three steps, but it’s really easy!
Let’s get started.

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Charge crystal-charged water at home in 3 simple steps!
Step #1: Wed + Sunshine
First, you will need a glass or a jar to hold the water.
Highly recommended Glass Because you’re going to set it up in the sunlight and plastic is known to leach chemicals. Glass helps water retain its highest purity.
Fill the jars and glass with filtered purified water and then place it outdoors to find a place you can set up.
The sunlight is carried Crystal consciousness code, Ascension code and awakening code. When we are out in the sunlight, we are receiving these positive energies.
When you let water out in sunlight, you will receive positive vibrations and energy from the sun as well.
The water does not need to be in direct sunlight. Because even if it is super cloudy, the sunlight still reaches Earth.
Step #2: Charge with crystal
Here, water is charged with crystals.
If you think about water in its most natural form, it is It flows On a rock passing through a stream. Or, it’s deep in the earth, ready to sprout on the surface in spring.
The point is that essentially, water is surrounded by the sacred geometric shapes of Mother Earth.
Still, we humans run water through pipes and do it through sanitary and filtration systems. By the time the water came out of the faucet, its molecular structure had changed from its sacred geometric shape.
You can look into it Works by Dr. Masaru Emoto For more information about the crystal structure of water, see: His water crystal photos are truly beautiful.
It uses sunlight, crystalline properties, and intentions to increase the vibration of the water to its sacred geometry.
This will cause the vibration to rise when you drink this water.
Add a crystal
It is important to purify and charge the crystal itself before using crystals to charge the water! Learn more about how to purify and recharge healing crystals here.
Here are some great crystals to use to recharge the water:
*These are specifically intended to be placed around water, but they are intended to be placed around water, as many stones are dissolved except for heavy metals or in the case of selenite!
- Selenite
- shungite
- Kia Night
- Clear Quartz
- Rose Quartz
- Turquoise
- Herkimer Diamond
- Red Jasper
- Citrine
If you don’t have these specific crystals, don’t worry – The beauty of this process is the ability to use convenient crystals.
That being said, what do each of these crystals I have listed do?
Selenite It is closely connected to the angel’s realm, has high vibrations, low vibrations, light negativity and returns to love.
shungite It is known to purify water – it dispels negativity and provides strong protection.
Kia Night It is a highly vibrational stone that will enhance your mental abilities. It is a protective, ascendant stone, helping you connect with your angels and opening up your God’s communication channels.
Clear Quartz It is a stone that oscillates crystal energy. This crystalline energy is brought to the bloodstream and all cells, increasing vibrations and bringing happiness to the body.
Rose Quartz
Citrine It has a wealth of stones and golden ascension energy.
Turquoise is the bridge between the world that helps you access your higher spiritual self and the divine vibrations of love.
Herkimer Diamond An incredible light-bringer to help you match your most vibrant light and sparkle with your most vibrant light.
Red Jasper It’s a great grounding stone. It is also a sacred ritual stone, tuning it into something sacred and spiritual at every moment.
Step #3: Adding Intent
Once you have placed the crystals around the water jar, it’s time to add your intentions.
First, imagine a crystal surrounded by water and light in a bottle or glass.
Next, in this message, ask the angels to cleanse lower vibrations from these crystals and water.
Inject this water from the crystalline properties of light and divine existence. The water helps to absorb the sunlight, restores its God’s blueprint and its highest vibration state, and when I drink it, my vibrations will rise.
Then leave the jug in direct sunlight for 4-6 hours. You can exclude them longer if necessary.
If you don’t have much time, setting water for 20 minutes can help increase that vibration.
Bonus Tip: Crystal Water Tea
I’ll add some Herbal tea Inside your crystallized water is a fun and tasty way to boost your vibrations.
For example, I like to make crystalline lemon balm tea, which is set for about 12 hours with the crystals listed above around it.
Once done, you can pour the tea in the fridge and let it cool and then pour the glass at any time.
I am very sensitive to energy and when I drink this tea I feel this instant energy recharge, recovery throughout my body.
Plus, the tea is delicious! When I charge with crystals, the water actually feels smoother to me.
Thank you for reading!
That’s how you make crystallized water and crystallized tea.
Try this and then comment below and let me know how it works for you.
thank you. See you again!
With love, light, and gratitude,

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