Becky Heidesch, “The Career Masterclass for Women: Stay Marketable and Success in a Changing Business World”
Over the past 30 years, I have interviewed and deployed hundreds of experts and executives in dozens of industries. And what I know is that in today’s rapidly changing world, managing your career requires continuous change, adaptation, flexibility and continuous learning. As more change comes, the ability to be qualified, skilled and relevant is essential to your career and livelihood. Long working life is a clear possibility as pensions evaporate, social security is vulnerable, and living costs continue to rise. This means that maintaining employment is more important than ever. You need to know how to manage your career through rapid change, but don’t despair as it is possible to reinvent your career several times in this new world of work.
You can rethink from multiple options, rethink, and climb the ladder on one or more carriers if you can choose your next move. . . If you know what you need to succeed. These constant shifts are agile and versatile, and require you to expand the skill set you gain from stacking skills, learning new tools, and growing as each career moves. I think that climbing the carrier ladder is mountains, and if the climb is successful, you will need the right gear and equipment, which will give you better returns and make climbing easier.
To successfully climb a mountain, you need to understand how to build and manage a career that utilizes sudden qualifications® (skills, tools, education, experience, personal qualities). They are keys to being interviewed, hired, promoted, and properly compensated for future opportunities, and to achieving your goals. Having the right sudden qualification will help you perform your job and be central to survival in any field of work.
Building and managing your career today is very similar to climbing a steep mountain, so I developed a steep acronym. You need the right resources to reach the peak where exciting work, position, or career goals exist. It includes accurate maps, modern skills, tools, and strategies for maneuvering through harsh, unforgiving terrain.
Think of each SteepQualification® as a bucket. Each of these five buckets requires you to fill in your performance well and ultimately build a successful career. Ideally, you want all these buckets to be filled with proper qualifications. Because having a full bucket with the wrong or missing qualifications is just as bad as emptying the bucket, as it’s like drilling holes in that bucket. When you’re looking for a job, this is not ideal. To get to the top of your Career Mountain, you must ensure that you build and adjust your qualifications to the work you want and the career you want, filling and refilling your bucket accordingly.
Today, you may feel safe when considering your qualifications, and you may even think that all your buckets are full. If so, that’s great, but don’t be surprised if you need to empty or refill your bucket to stay competitive. To close the bucket, refill, or know if or when it is necessary to replace it completely, you need to do a normal, objective self-assessment. To do this, you need to consider both the short-term and long-term paths of both the work you are in and your future goals. It is important to always be objective and careful where you stand. This allows you to realistically assess which buckets will require attention now or later.
A key factor in managing a career is knowing which carrier buckets require attention. With your career rise, you will make a change, some are unplanned. Switching of any kind means adding or refilling buckets, or even throwing away some to replace old skills with new ones or upgrading them. A fundamental change, such as deciding to replace your engineering degree with a license to become a financial advisor, means replenishing your education bucket. Other career events may also require bucket attention. Missing promotional opportunities due to poor time management may mean filling or topping your personal trait bucket with a procrastination or time management course.
After climbing some career mountains and achieving some professional goals, your bucket may be overflowing. Even this is temporary, as the ever-changing job market requires regular replenishment.
Regardless of the mountains or mountains you decide to climb, don’t forget to take care of and refer to the map (sudden qualifications) along the way. This is your compass to take advantage of your journey to maximize your opportunities and become your best self. When making an impactful decision, it will become your best career guide. And when you face a storm or a dangerous intersection, remember who you are, your unwavering spirit, your passions, desires, and goals – And I believe in myself more than anything. You have this!
Source: Spiritual Media Blog –