Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Aquarius: Sweet Relief + A Mary Oliver poem
When I was talking about Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius in a session…
Pluto Sextile Jupiter in the Natal Chart
The sextile aspect of Pluto and Jupiter in your birth chart shapes…
Saturn Sextile Mars in the Natal Chart
With Saturn and Mars in sextile in your birth chart, you are…
Mercury Sextile Jupiter in the Natal Chart
The sextile between Mercury and Jupiter in your birth chart gives you…
S2 Ep 5 – Generosity with Sun sextile Jupiter; frustration with Mars square Saturn –
The bright Sun and Jupiter sextile brings confidence, opportunity, and vitality --…
Thoughts on the Sun in Leo + the New Moon and a Golden Sextile from the Sun to Jupiter
One of the thoughts I have been pondering about Leo Suns since…