I don’t update here as much as I used to. Mr. Bat, I am now on my second baby and he is over 14 months old. There have been many good and bad things in life. But overall we are working on it. I’m writing this article because I know there are people just like me right now…many of my mom friends have gone back to work.
Because the 12 months are over.
I know there is an option to be 18 with a lower salary, but financially…no. Anyway, here are some tips on what I do…so you don’t go crazy while trying to find your next step up in life.
Take your baby outside as much as possible.
Changing your space can do wonders for how you feel. I try to take the baby and myself out, even if it’s just a short trip to the dollar store. It makes us feel like we had a purpose…even if it’s just for that day.
Ask for help when you need it.
I learned to be honest when times are tough. I am fortunate to have at least 8 hours of dedicated support to complete several tasks at least once a week. But there are times when I need help, like picking up my daughter from school. Seeking support from my partner and family has made a huge difference in managing my mental health. Because I can’t do everything.
Be kind to yourself.
This is always the hardest one for me. Especially since I’m raising a little girl. It reminds me that I am doing the best I can. It’s okay to have days when you’re not at your best. You don’t have to be a perfect mother every day.
Thank you for reading this article. We wish you all good health.
Source: My Spiced Life: Beauty + Lifestyle Blog – www.spicedbeauty.com