Bet+ and HARTBEATA global entertainment company established by Kevin Hart RilkebBET +’s first original adult animation series. Created from the heart of actors, stand -up comedians, and executive producers Kevin Heart,, Rilkeb It is set to be released for the first time in the spring of 2025. Wanda Cyxes and Deon call Starring with the heart. internal…
The 30 -minute series set in North Philadelphia in 1993, inspired by Kevin Heart’s childhood and comedy, is a humorous, satire and destructive that has been a real problem experienced in a comedy without a heart. I am taking an approach.
Adult anime series Rilkeb Continue to the 12 -year -old Kevin Heart. Kevin Heart is constantly clashing with his wild imagination and unwavering optimism. At the same time, his nonsense mother Nancy (Wanda CyxesWhile a war of one woman to put KEV on track, juggling as an ER nurse juggling-Con uncle Richard Jr. (Deon call) Advice of suspicious life. Through this, Lil Kefn navigates his humor, hustle, and his heart’s navigation with his heart, surrounded by unforgettable characters to promote him in Comedy Superstarm.
Source: Talking With Tami –