The world has been defined by so much cruelty and suffering over the past three years that I would be remiss to not count my blessings for being alive and well. Every December, I make it a habit to take a few days off during the holidays to quietly reflect and reflect. I do this because I appreciate how far I have come as an individual traveling this earth. It often involves taking stock of what has been learned in the past, accepting the present, and preparing for the future. This puts a lot of things into perspective. This is not your typical post about setting goals, achieving them, and making new resolutions for the coming year. I’m looking to build on everything 2023 has taught me about building the life and business of my dreams.
Life is a two-way street. You should give as much as you expect to receive.
Kevin Kelly talked about the idea that you only need 1,000 true fans. Keep this in mind for when you start building the life and business of your dreams. Therefore, once you find a mate, cherish them and never let them go. Build a community and develop the discernment to tell the real from the fake. Talk to people one-on-one often. Listen to them with empathy and honesty. Personally, I want to invest in both personal and business relationships and allow both people to grow. Back to Kelly. Here’s what he said…
“You don’t need millions of dollars to be a successful creator. You don’t need millions of dollars, you don’t need millions of customers, you don’t need millions of customers, you don’t need millions of fans. You don’t need millions of dollars, you don’t need millions of customers, you don’t need millions of fans. , you need thousands of true fans to make a living as a photographer, musician, designer, writer, animator, app creator, entrepreneur, or inventor.
A true fan is defined as one who will buy anything you make. These die-hard fans will drive 320 miles to see you sing. They will buy hardcover, paperback, and audio versions of your book. They will buy your next figure without anyone seeing it. They will pay for the best DVD version of your free YouTube channel. They come to your chef’s table once a month.
If you have about 1,000 of these true fans (also known as superfans), you can make a living “if you’re happy making a living, but you can’t build wealth.”
First world problems and “toxic positivity” are a matter of your perspective
Without getting too psychological or philosophical, I’ll try to explain why I conclude that “toxic positivity” is a myth. One of the natural goals of human existence is to be truly happy and fulfilled. As an optimist, I believe it’s normal to want positive emotions instead of negative ones. We know what it’s like to feel both, but the humanity within us usually wants more to make us happy than pure sadness. If it is human nature to seek happiness, why should we blindly think that feeling happiness is bad or that we have to sin in order to feel happy?
Suffice it to say that negative and pessimistic thoughts are extremely harmful. In my opinion, balance is key and therefore it is entirely possible to be happy while remaining aware and sensitive to the fact that there is a lot of pain in the world: inequality, death, loss. I continued to struggle with this concept in the sense that I didn’t really agree with the term toxic positivity. What exactly is happiness? There are international and cultural differences in meaning. The truth is, you don’t need to be materially wealthy to be happy. If you want proof, just look at all the people living outside of the Western world who don’t have much but experience a rich and very fulfilling life through a sense of community and sharing. This shows that energy flows where you direct your attention.
This year, I learned to be extremely optimistic in all aspects of life, to see obstacles as a means of moving forward, to acknowledge that I am blessed even in the midst of hardship, and lastly, that if I do all of these things, I will be able to I decided to stop thinking about what would happen. become harmful.
Follow through on your vision on a lifelong journey to fulfill God’s mission
Writing has always been a big part of my personal life. I’ve been writing ever since I was old enough to hold a pen. Learning cursive as a child led him to write short stories about school holidays, a well-conceived essay that won a contest and ultimately led him to pursue a career in the industry. communication. I started blogging intermittently in 2011 in Canada. However, the platform was officially launched in March 2017. And around this time last year, I decided to “stand on the shoulders of giants” rather than start my own business. At that time, I applied to participate. LiftOff Incubator for Black Entrepreneurs. After going through an interview process, I was finally accepted into the program and started working on it in January 2023. Since then, I’ve made great strides, including starting a retail store and a consulting arm.
When I look back on my life, I realize that I have followed a certain trajectory. Everything that happens to me and has happened to me is always connected to my ultimate purpose: storytelling. However, this has taken many different shapes and forms throughout the ages, including the years. Even in the moments when I may have doubted myself, the vision and mission never changed. My confidence and work ethic have grown tremendously over the past year, and I’m excited to see what the future holds. This entire experience has improved my ability to serve more people, and this is just the beginning. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has been involved in my 2023.
For more tips on building the life and business of your dreams, subscribe to my newsletter and join me on the journey.
See you in the new year!
Source: Jamila Kyari Co. –