4 easy holiday crafts

I’m not an artist, so when my kids recently asked me to draw a dog (it’s a dog!), I couldn’t figure out its shape. In the end, it looked more like a car. but! Here are four holiday crafts for clumsy parents that are so simple it seems impossible to go wrong.

4 easy holiday crafts

my friend Erin Chan her children helped her make cutout portrait Use a grandparent’s name instead of a gift tag. How sweet is that? “The characters really look like my mom and dad,” she told me. “That confuses me.”

4 easy holiday crafts

Martha Stewart Living Special this photo Photo ornaments that look like cookie cutters — I couldn’t find the original instructions, but they’re pretty self-explanatory, right? I like that the photos are black and white.

4 easy holiday crafts

Jody Levine — A genius craftsman (remember her week-long costume?) — is mini gingerbread house Serve with graham cracker wraps filled with pretzels, cereal, gummy candy, or whatever else you have in your pantry.

4 easy holiday crafts

Finally, I was appalled by these gorgeous bow tied around a candle. It’s fun to do with older children who know how to tie shoelaces, i.e. tie ribbons 😉

What are your thoughts? Do you do any crafts with kids or adults during the holidays?

PS 3 wrapping paper alternatives and 10 great holiday rituals.

(Click here for photos of candles) heather taylor/Instagram)