The Pentagon will begin to forcefully drain members of transgender services within 60 days, unless individuals are able to continue serving with a special waiver.
On Wednesday, February 26th, the Pentagon issued a policy memo outlining how the Pentagon complies with President Trump’s executive order to ban transgender individuals from openly serving the US military.
Trump’s executive order argues that allowing trans people to serve the military threatens military preparation and undermines unit unit cohesion.
That’s contradictory 2016 Rand Corporation Studycommissioned by the Pentagon, it turns out that it allowed transgender members to openly serve.
February 26th Notethe Secretary of Defense’s office states that individuals diagnosed with gender discomfort or exhibited symptoms are “incompatible with the high-mentality and physical standards required for military service.”
A service member diagnosed with gender discomfort or attempted or requested a transition via hormonal therapy or surgery will be disqualified from military service and will be discharged within two months.
All discharges will be honored except in rare cases where personal service records are worthy of lower designations.
Some transgender individuals may be considered for retention on a case-by-case basis if they can demonstrate that there is a “persuasive government interest” in maintaining them directly supporting “combat capabilities.”
To qualify for such exemptions, members of the trans service must have been consistent in the gender assigned at birth for 36 consecutive months. Their gender discomfort does not prevent them from completing their mission. They also have to prove that they never tried to transition, and continue to adhere to dress and grooming standards that match their assigned sex at birth.

Going forward, the Department of Defense will only recognize two genders (male and female) that are established at birth based on biological characteristics.
Service members must adhere to all personal grooming and uniform standards that match their gender, use only individual changes, toilets and shower facilities designated for that sex, and use pronouns that match the sex assigned at birth.
The memo also amends some of Trump’s executive orders that prohibit pentagonal funds from being used to cover treatment for gender discomfort, such as hormones and surgical interventions.
Opponents of the ban argue that even a small number of people who have obtained the exemptions are preventing transgender individuals from living and identifying their transgender work.
“The policies that prevent trans people from serving as trans people are simple and simple, whether completely prohibited or not, through the requirements to serve their own birth sex,” said Gil Cisneros (D-Calif), a member of the House Armed Services Committee. hill.
“All trans people live in the sex they were born, as everyone has, at one point, but the point of gender transition is to live in another sex. That’s why someone makes someone’s transgender. “To request services in birth sex, you need to suppress the transgender individual being transgender. It reflects the goals of unreliable conversion therapy practice.”
District of Columbia US District Judge Anna Reyes previously denounced the Trump administration for the ban during a hearing on whether to block the ban indefinitely.

Reyes suggested that Rhetoric Trump and other Republicans are using it to justify allowing transgender individuals to serve.
“We are dealing with the president of the United States and calling out groups of people who served our country. hill.
“This is the policy of the US president, affecting thousands of people, Cult Blanche, without any support given to anyone,” Reyes continued, referring to the government’s claims on alleged harm in transgender inclusion. “What about other than showing Animus?”
Sparta Prideadvocacy group for transgender service members defended the qualifications of individual transgender persons to serve the military, noting that many have been doing it safely and openly over the past decade.
“There is no policy that erases the history, combat, or contributions to military excellence of transgender Americans,” the organization said in a statement. “Transgender service members have a unique fighting spirit and continue to defend the Constitution and American values, regardless of what lies ahead.”
Several plaintiffs in the lawsuit challenging Trump’s executive order have accused the Pentagon of attempting to drive transgender individuals out of the military.
“I was in the military for the rest of my life. I was born on a military base,” he said in a statement that he would sign Dan Danridge, a student flight officer for the US Navy and plaintiff in one case. “Every day, I lace up my boots like everyone else. I pass the same tests as everyone else. Being transgender has nothing to do with my service. What’s important is that I can complete tasks that are important to our mission.”

“I spent more than half of my life in the Army, including fighting in Afghanistan,” another plaintiff, US Army Sergeant Kate Cole, said in a statement. “Deleting qualified trans soldiers like me means the Exodus of experienced personnel filling important positions and not easily exchanged, putting the burden left on fellow soldiers. It’s wrong – and it destabilizing our army.”
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Source: Metro Weekly –